A Nice Bath

Kane walked into his room with familiarity. After all, he had the previous owner's memories with him.

Not fully at the moment, but enough to get a general idea of how things worked.

The room was nothing fancy compared to his quarters back in the immortal realm.

It was a normal room, but he appreciated the fact that there was a window on the other side, giving him a perfect view of the whole city.

'Well, I can live here. At least until I find a way to get back to my realm.'

A sinister smile formed on his lips as he reminisced about his realm. The immortal realm, the pinnacle of the cultivation world.

'Fairy fucking king, beware. Once I return, I'll tie you up and make you watch as I plow through your wives and daughters.'

The smile turned into a wide grin as he pictured his enemies groveling and begging for mercy.

'I'll rip them apart and bathe in their blood.'


He decided to take a bath first. Without even checking if the room was locked or not, he started to strip.

Back in his world, he had servants to do this for him, but he had to make do with the current circumstances.

'He has a younger sister who has a crush on him, right? Ke ke ke.'

He thought, a sinister idea forming in his mind as he considered Kane's sweet sister.

It was surprising to think she was the offspring of that devil of a woman, Victoria.

Why was it surprising?

Because Victoria, her son, and her elder daughter were complete trash. Trash to the point that the original Kane had tried to kill himself multiple times.

'Well, I'll deal with them soon. First, the sister. That innocent, naive, cute little thing. What a delight.'

This girl was the only one who treated him like a human in this home, and he had always liked her for that.


He opened the bathroom door and frowned.

'I should buy a new luxurious house as fast as possible.'

He thought, grimacing at the state of the bathroom.

The bathroom was... meh. Was that the right word?

Inheriting the original Kane's memories also came with these weird slangs that he didn't know.

Gyatt, meh, skibidi, and other fuckeries he didn't even understand.

"Fuck this. This is an insult to me. An absolute fucking insult."

The bathroom was old and had a weird smell.

The floor was wet and dirty, and the toilet looked like it had time-traveled from a few hundred years ago.

It was a complete shit show. He shook his head in utter disappointment.

A heavenly young master like him, who bathed in gold and was attended to by jade beauties, was supposed to use the best of the best.

But now? He was stuck with this shit.

"This won't do," he muttered, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

Then he quickly recollected something from Kane's memories.

There was one bathroom in the house that was far better and more advanced than any of the others.

The problem was the owner of the room it was in.

It belonged to the eldest daughter of the house, Vanessa "the Viper" Kane. If you didn't catch on from the title, here's a clue: she's an MMA fighter.

Not just any MMA fighter, but the most dangerous up-and-coming fighter with the highest potential to be selected into the pro circuit.

And, of course, a top hot bitch, just like her mother.

'Well, who cares? Besides, she has a fight today...'

She wouldn't be home until much later. And he really needed a shower.

The Heavenly Young Master was a clean freak, after all.

Clean smell and clean pussy—that's his rule.

So, without thinking anymore, he just walked out of his room.

Naked, of course. Not even bothering to grab a towel to cover his massive schlong and the two family jewels.

It was a sight to see—a huge pole swaying around like a windsock, accompanied by two orbs that bobbed comically with each step.


Tyler Kane had come back to the living room just after his mother and the stupid bastard had left.

He then discreetly crawled on the ground like a stealth mission game protagonist, inching his way toward his destination: the couch.

The only nice thing in the house to just laze around on, with its raised handle acting as the perfect headrest, this couch was easily the best spot to lie down and play on his phone.

"Ah, such peacefulness."

He jumped on the couch, sprawled out, and quickly fired up his smartphone.

Opening Y Tube, he typed in "Top 10 coolest MMA knockouts."

The thing was, Tyler had a strange obsession: becoming stronger.

He believed that by consuming these types of videos, he, too, would one day master the rhythm of fighting that stupid Hunter was always babbling about.

"One day, I will smash his stupid pretty face with my bloody knuckles. I'll make my mom proud. Hehehe... And I'll also rizz up that doctor he talks about and parade her in front of him."

Something stirred in his mind when he thought about the doctor. Something small inside his pants also stirred.

"Ah, shit! Well, I'll just watch it for a second and then get back to the MMA fights. I promise."

An ugly smile formed on his face as he quickly closed Y tube and opened his browser.

With the mechanical precision of someone who had done this a million times, he opened incognito mode and typed in, "Step mother stuck in washing machine xxx."

In a way, Tyler Kane was a man of culture, indeed.

Seeing the loading screen, Tyler's excitement grew. 

"Man, I can't wait to see stepson cucking the fool dad again."

Nowadays, he got off to these types of videos.

"Ah, it's open."

He clicked the first site, and in a moment, a homepage containing a million videos of the step mother genre showed up.

"Man, this is life."

He selected the first video that caught his eye and quickly adjusted the volume so no one could hear it.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm. Ahhh~"

The video featured a beautiful young woman with big boobs and a curvy ass who had very accidentally gotten stuck on a washing machine and couldn't pull back, calling for help in the most suggestive way.

'Damn, the guy has the hottest wife. If she was mine, I would fuck her every single day.'

He giggled like a little monkey and slid his hand inside his pants, stroking the little lad that had risen to a staggering 4 inches.

It wasn't that big—he knew it too—but he was someone who believed in personality more than looks.

It was definitely not a coping mechanism at all. He swore on his real father's name.

Just as he started his session, he suddenly heard the clicking sound of a door. It was from the bastard's room.

He quickly craned his head and watched the guy emerge. Since the room was behind the couch, he could only see the guy's neck.

Knowing he was a coward, Tyler reached inside his pants and started to jerk off again, not giving the guy another glance.

He very much forgot about the incident that just happened just minutes ago, after all, why would he think about that incident when something more interesting is happening in his phone.

Step~ Step~

But for some reason, Tyler had this nagging voice in his head telling him to look back.

He didn't want to; he just wanted to focus on the matter at hand. But alas, sometimes our minds are the biggest dicks we ever encounter.

So he did what his mind told him and tilted his head upwards, just as a naked heavenly master walked by.



Tyler was left speechless at the sight before him.

A naked man sauntered by, and between his legs swung something that flapped left and right like a superhero bitten by a radioactive spider.

It was bigger than anything Tyler had ever seen, even in those "educational" videos.

In front of his bastard stepbrother, Tyler once again felt like he'd been squashed into an ant.

Hearing the sudden noise, the heavenly young master casually glanced down at Tyler, who was watching a video.

When he noticed the look of utter shock and horror on Tyler's face, a sinister smile spread across his lips.

"Oh, you're here, little brother. Come closer, and I'll show you a magic trick."