The Viper And Her Poison

"Oh, you're here, little brother. Come closer, and I'll show you a magic trick."

Tyler was frozen to the core. It felt like his soul had left his body and floated off to some distant galaxy.

He was speechless, but then he opened his mouth to call for his dear mommy, his usual go-to in times of crisis.


"Ah, ah. Not now."


Before Tyler could finish, Kane delivered a karate chop to his head with the precision of a ninja slicing a cucumber.

Tyler's eyes crossed comically, and he wobbled for a moment like a cartoon character before collapsing in a heap on the couch.

"Now, how can I fuck you up."

Kane chuckled deviously as he looked at Tyler, who had his tongue hanging out like a thirsty dog, one hand down his pants, the other clutching a phone playing a porn video.

Suddenly, a brilliantly devilish idea popped into Kane's mind.

With the stealth of a cat burglar, Kane snatched Tyler's phone and quickly searched for something hilariously devious, his grin widening into a cartoonish evil smile.

He clicked on the first video that popped up and cranked the volume to the max.

After all, he couldn't let his little brother enjoy the video in serene silence, could he?

As the older brother, it was his sacred duty to provide the most unforgettable, and possibly embarrassing, experience for Tyler.

"Mom, I cant hold this any longer."

"b-But son, I'm your mother...We can't..."

Lewd words blared from Tyler's phone, making our heavenly young master smirk.

"Did you call me, honey?"

Victoria's voice came from her room.

Kane swiftly returned the phone to its original place—Tyler's hand—and dashed towards Venessa's room.

He grabbed the doorknob and twisted with all his might.

Click. Click.

It was locked. Feeling the pressure of time, Kane twisted harder until he heard a satisfying pop—the sound of the lock yielding.

He swung open the door just as he heard another door creaking open behind him.

"What is that sound, Tyler? Tyler?! You bastard! Is that porn you are watching? Mother fucker, is that incest?!"

Slap~ Slap~ Slap~

'This is going to be fun.'

Kane giggled and decided to take the long bath he desperately needed. His eyes roamed the room, taking in the chaotic scene.

It was a mess—a nice room, but messy. Shorts, bras, panties, and various other clothes were strewn across the bed.

MMA and gothic posters adorned the walls. A high-end PC and other gaming gear cluttered the desk.

At first glance, one might think this room belonged to a boy rather than a girl. But no, it was definitely a girl's room.

Kane walked over to the bed and picked up a black panty from the pile of clothes, bringing it close to his eyes for inspection.

"What the hell?! There's only string here?"

For someone like our heavenly young master, who came from a world where no woman wore anything like this, it was quite a revelation.

Sure, he knew what it was from Kane's memories, but seeing a pair up close was something else entirely.

He looked at the panty for a long while before bringing it closer to his nose and taking a good, long whiff.

"Ah~ another woman's smell...such a pleasant."

He sniffed again.


A moan escaped his mouth. He was already erect, but now his thing was so hard it could drill through the wall.

"Yes, I'll conquer her too. After all, I like danger."

He smirked and tossed the panty back onto the bed, then started searching for a clean towel.

"Ah, there."

He spotted a clean white towel in the pile of clothes and decided to use it. After all, he really needed something to dry off with.

Then he was off to the bathroom, where he finally found the thing he'd been searching for.

He had hoped to find one in the room but was disappointed when it wasn't there.

But here it was, in all its glory: a full-body mirror.

"Ah, the perfect spot," he muttered with an evil grin.

He placed the towel near the wash basin and struck a pose in front of the mirror, flexing like a bodybuilder who had just won a competition.

He gazed at his reflection and smiled.

"Not bad, not bad, kid. With my tricks, I can definitely amp up the charm."

The 19-year-old looking back at him was undoubtedly handsome.

Well, maybe not as handsome as our heavenly young master, but good enough to make a few hearts flutter.

Undoubtedly, the crimson eyes were the highlight. They perfectly complemented his black hair, high cheekbones, pointed nose, and thick lips.

His muscles were well-toned, just how he liked—not too much, not too little.

He puffed out his chest and tried a few more poses, imagining he was in a cheesy cologne commercial.

"Why, hello there," he said to his reflection, winking and pointing finger guns at himself. "Ready to conquer the world, one danger at a time."

"But still, this body lacks training," he sighed dramatically.

"Well, I'll have to take care of that."

Without further ado, he strutted towards the shower and twisted the nozzle on.

"Ooo, it's hot."

Steamy water rained down on his skin, and he couldn't help but let out a satisfied sigh.

"Ah, that's the spot."

He stood under the shower, feeling like a Greek god under a waterfall, completely in his element.

Nothing could disturb his blissful moment of self-admiration.


Knock~ Knock~

A few minutes later, a young, hot, and busty woman paced impatiently outside the door of the apartment, tapping her foot with growing annoyance. 

After what felt like an eternity, the door finally creaked open after two whole minutes.

Two whole minutes! Unforgivable.

"That bastard! I'll whoop his ass for being late."

The hottie muttered under her breath.

This was Victoria Kane's eldest daughter, the one and only step-sister of Hunter—Venessa "the Viper" Kane.

She was one of the nightmares of the old Hunter Kane and the new plaything of our heavenly young master.