Aliens and Aryans reach new galaxy

When Elion and Ariane regained consciousness, they found themselves stranded in a desolate galaxy, devoid of life and resources. A vast expanse of empty space stretched out before them, with no sign of civilization or sustenance.

The terrain was harsh and unforgiving, with no vegetation, water, or shelter in sight. The air was thin and dry, making every breath a struggle. The silence was deafening, interrupted only by gusts of wind, and Ariane relied on her instincts to survive, gathering pieces and searching for a way out. They crossed the barren landscape, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the silence.

After several days of searching, they stumbled upon an ancient structure hidden beneath the dusty surface. The entrance was sealed, but Elion's skill allowed them to break down the door, revealing a hidden chamber filled with ancient artifacts and strange technology.

Among the remains, they found a mysterious device that emitted a light signal, promising a way out of the desolate galaxy. But as soon as they reached the device, they encountered an unexpected presence, which changed the direction of their journey forever.

But they were not able to find a way out of that galaxy. Then they found an old man in that room, who seemed a bit elusive to them. Then both of them scared him with their energy and asked who are you. Then that old man told them that my name is Sherochumaara, I am Guru Mitra here. Then both of them bowed down and greeted him and said Guruji please forgive us for all this and then told them everything about the valley.

Then their Guru started telling about those 10 warriors, said that to defeat them, you have to be more powerful than them and be together, only then you will be able to defeat them. Then both of them said that Guruji, who is he and you know him as one. Then Guruji takes them to the flashback.

Then they understand everything.

Then Guruji was the youngest and was an expert in many things, he had a school in which he taught everyone how to protect themselves and how to master the five elements and the most favourite among all of them were those 10 who were learning very quickly, Guruji had even taught them how to master the five elements, those 10 were like his sons and daughters.

Then those 10 were going to become the emperors of the galaxy, but then a danger comes, and the name of that danger was the devourer who came to take the old book kept by Guruji in which the secrets of the whole galaxy were written, he attacks the school, Guruji starts protecting his school along with his 10 students who had mastered the five elements, a very fierce fight happens but then the devourer is very powerful and he had an army, then he injures Guruji with a knife and tells those 10 to stop or else I will kill them, they stop then Layra picks him up with her power, then attacks the devourer very lethally on him, still he does not kill them, no one injures them, he captures those 10 with his magic and they go into the darkness like a predator like the devourer, due to which my school collapsed and all of them disappeared, since then we have not seen anyone, Guruji is disappointed

They started speaking, then Guruji said, he also grabbed you, what more would you learn, and then they started moving ahead speaking about aliens and Aryans, and Guruji started learning how to control the five elements.

Eventually, both of them were learning very quickly. Guru ji was also very happy with this.

Then, Guru ji also gave knowledge to both of them about the Panchbhutas and said that when the time comes, he will learn these as well. After many months, when both of them saw the changes in their bodies, they could not understand what had happened to the alien who was a slim and innocent looking boy with a kajtrnak body and his hair which was short had now become thick like a hair. I was looking like a Kshatriya and when Erin interrupted him, he had turned into a burnt ball of fire, his body had become as strong as iron and a new skin was visible on his face, a huge change had come in both of them.

Now there is the super power of Panchbhoota which Guruji tells both of them to learn so that they do not have too much power on different learners. Then both of them learn together, only then it took them one month to learn each Panchbhoota.

Then gradually many months passed and both of them learnt to control fire, water, air and earth. There was only one thing left to control them, which was electricity which they became very powerful when they both controlled it. Then both of them became even more powerful and dangerous.

Then Guruji said that if both of them use Panchbhoota together then they can get out of this galaxy. Then they did the same. Then a new door opened which opened for them to go to Aksganga. They told Guruji, then Guruji said that no, this is my right, I cannot come, it keeps on closing. Then both of them leave, taking blessings of Guruji.

When they went to their Aksganga, it looked different, it was full of blind people, it was the rule of devils.

As soon as they reached the galaxy, they saw that it was a place of power made by those devils and nobody could touch them. Then they saw a ship which was going inside that power place and both of them hid in it and went inside it. Those people had no clue and became carefree. Then both of them went and saw that the whole galaxy was full of devils.

Then both of them planned that they would have to attack with caution as one mistake can harm the galaxy. Even if we are not powerful, we still haven't recognized the power of the devourer and what he can do.

Then both of them sat quietly and planned that they would do this. They were waiting for the right time and that time was a very close Amavasya (new moon day) due to which they become a little weak but not so much that they get killed. Then that day was not very bad when it was about to be new moon day. Till then both of them used to practice daily and whatever they had learnt, they were becoming more powerful.

That day comes, on that day in the galaxy, both of them were going to sacrifice a friend of theirs, as soon as the sacrifice was about to take place, a loud threat was heard.