Battle of Alien, Aryan and Maharath Shaitaniyan

When the explosion happens, smoke fills up everywhere, then everyone sees those two and starts shouting the names of those two who were tied up there, then the Devourer and his 10 companions are surprised that how these people came and how such a change happened in them, then a terrible and serious fight starts among them, all 10 start attacking them, both of them defeat them in one go, then those 10 start using Panchbhoota and when those two break the Panchbhoota of those people, then all 10 are shocked that how did this happen, then,

the Devourer says that these people had gone to that master, then a very dangerous fight was going on, no one was on the verge of defeat, everyone was in one force, still there was a lot of fighting, to the extent that both of them gave a kind of injury to all 10, even then those 10 could not heal all their wounds They were attacking the grave, then both of them thought of the master's words that they should attack together instead of separately.

Then both of them attack together, the attack is so terrible that the protective circle of all ten is broken and most of the Layra were injured, finally the brother-in-law had no choice but to retreat and again he disappears taking everyone with him, and again the darkness disappears from over galaxy but the real battle is yet to come because no one is dead, all those people are very happy to see them, and then both of them take photos of their fun and worship them and from now onwards they became the protectors of Akash Ganga and started protecting it from that time onwards.

Many months have passed and no incident has happened.

The galaxy is on the verge of war, and both are fully prepared to fight, then suddenly a strong wind starts blowing with black darkness, what will they do now.

Slowly a storm comes there, and starts destroying everything,

And both of them try to stop it, but they are unable to stop it,

Finally when everything stops on its own, then another devil comes out of that storm, who looks very dangerous and powerful,

Then he looks there, and sees both of them too,

Then he laughs after seeing both of them and goes back from the storm,

Then both of them think who is this?

Then suddenly everything becomes calm there, as if nothing has happened, then by working hard both of them got their galaxy cleaned and slowly people from the galaxy also started coming there.

Everything was going well

And now there were two terrors looming over the galaxy, one was the Devourer and the other was the coming storm,

So they were both very worried about what would happen next,

With the defeat of the Shadow Empire and the destruction of Zarath's dark energy source, the galaxy finally came to peace. Elyan and Arian's bravery had saved countless civilizations from slavery and destruction.

The environment, once devastated by war and darkness, began to flourish once again. Planets healed, oceans shone and forests grew again. The universe itself was breathing a sigh of relief.

A new era of cooperation and prosperity began in the galaxy. Elyan and Arian became great heroes, their names etched in history alongside the greatest champions of the universe.

The population there was also slowly increasing, and the children's laughter continued, everything is fine, yet both of them have a fear, if that fear is there, then another war is going on, even though the shadow of fear is still hovering over the galaxy, everything is fine but not that much

Then both of them go to learn something,

When both of them go to a distant galaxy to learn something new, then they realize that they are forgetting something. Then they go back and create a shield in front of the galaxy and enclose it so that no one, be it a devil or an enemy, can enter. They go to the Dust Galaxy to learn new things.

Then in the galaxy they go, they find all the humans but they look a little strange as if there is an animal in them, everyone looks like that. Then they go to a forest where they see a whole house but there is only an old man and an animal in it who looks like a human and is taking care of everyone. Both of them get a little scared and then they see the animal as their enemy and ask who are you and then the animals think that these people are from the outside world and have come to attack the master. Then the animal shows its real form and attacks them with full force.

And both of them throw it at a distance, then the animal starts fighting with both of them, no one was backing off, the forest was getting damaged a lot, then suddenly that old man comes and stops everyone as if he has made them into statues,

Then he repairs all the damage that had happened,

Then he repairs the people, then everyone asks him who are you, why did you stop us, then that old man says that you both are alien and Erin, right?

They are Bolt, but how do you know and who are you, then that old man starts telling his name and about himself,

He says my name is Sirochimaara and I was a very good friend of your master and this is the animalistic mirror where everyone is taught how to bring out the animal inside them, it is an art, it is called animal soul which lives inside every human and it is brought out to protect oneself and you have also been called here to learn the same,

Then they both start teaching master ji

They both work hard and try to learn, Erin and Aelin both were learning very fast

They both had just one shortcoming that they were not able to awaken the animal inside them, then they saw a little animalistic movement inside Aelin and then they disappeared

Master ji said try a little more and soon your animalistic power will be seen,

Then slowly months will pass and both will again change a lot Tabby one day suddenly dangerous wolves come to that place. There was a group of wolves there. Then both wolves attack them. They both start stopping the wolves. Both of them were getting weak due to the large number of wolves. Suddenly there is a stir inside Elin and he starts turning into King Kong and Erin's condition also starts deteriorating and she turns into a dangerous snake. Both of them grow in such a way that the group of wolves runs away after seeing them. And then the Guru says that these were the souls of both of them which could not come out. Then both of them are present in their real form, then suddenly both of them start thinking what happened, then the Guru tells them that both of you have the powers of great animals, use it for the good of the galaxy and then both of them take the blessings of the Guru and go back to their galaxy and see that the galaxy is safe and everything is fine.

Then one day they get a notice that a very big tournament is going to be held in the galaxy which is being organized by the God of the galaxy, whoever wins his galaxy will be saved and whoever stays, his galaxy will be blasted, now hearing this both of them get shocked and try to go against him but it is of no use, they are forced to take part in that tournament,

Now what will happen, will they be able to save the galaxy again or not and will they be able to win or not, now let's see what happens in the future.

Then the second day was the first day of the tournament and at least 50000 people had come to the tournament.

They both were alone, there was no one with them, even in the group of all the people there were 10 people but only these two were in a group.

And then the biggest god of that tournament comes and the team which remains alive till the end will win and its galaxy will remain safe. And then saying this he starts explaining the rules of that tournament.

And the rule of that tournament is that there will be a big circle and in that circle there is a ground in which one team has to fight with the other team. Until only one team is left, that fight will continue and if anyone runs away then he will be destroyed immediately along with the galaxy.

Then everyone comes to the ground. Even Elin and Erin come and they start thinking that we just have to survive and we don't want to lose to anyone else. And both of them had some plan in their minds.

They had to win the tournament. Then the first match starts. In that match, there are many attacks which are so terrifying that its energy is visible in the whole galaxy. Then suddenly, no one was at the receiving end of the match. Everyone was just attacking each other and Elin and Erin were just watching everyone, no one was paying attention to them. Then suddenly a giant comes to attack them. Then suddenly both of them disappear. Then suddenly, one of them throws that girl out of the ring with one punch. Then again, they stand at one place and start watching who else is coming. Then, this fight continues till night. But, this match does not stop and from morning till night, only 10 people remain outside the ground. The Galaxy Tournament is going on. Now, let's see whether everyone will be able to win this match or not. Will Elin and Erin be able to save their galaxy or not?