Reject it

Like a thief that had just been caught red handed, Kaliya dropped the picture as she stood up slowly without facing Carson, she took a deep breath before turning and her eyes met his eyes.

"I don't like to repeat myself, what the fuck are you doing?" Carson asked feeling his blood boiling in rage as she took slow and steady steps towards her, Kaliya moved backwards out of instinct. As she felt her back kiss the cold wall, she wanted to scream as Carson cornered her, placing his arms at the side of her body caging her there.

"I-i" Kaliya wanted to talk but she was frightened to the bone but she didn't care, she had every right to be suspicious about that painting.

"Fucking speak up you thief" Carson blurted out and he saw kaliya's face changed from frightened to angry and sad.

"Don't you dare call me a thief, I was just looking around when the eyes of that picture started glowing wouldn't any other person be curious?, now you stand here calling me a thief do you have any conscience at all" Kaliya said, her chest having in anger as Carson sighed, she seemed too strong for a woman, women are supposed to be vulnerable amd cry when they were insulted but she did the opposite.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have accused you, but next time keep your hands to yourself and know your place around here" Carson said as he straightened up, dusting his clothes as he grabbed the painting, before walking out, not sparing Kaliya another glance. She sighed out as she finally felt relieved and at peace, she yawned tiredly as she took deep breaths trying to calm herself down, she jumped into bed and in no time she dosed off.

Kaliya yawned as she rubbed her eyes, she looked around, she wasn't in the room again but on the cold floor in a kitchen?. She looked around confused, Carson who had come to get a cup of coffee spotted her, he ignored her as he went to make his coffee.

"Uhm, good morning" Kaliya said nervously avoiding Carson's eyes, Carson just glanced at her with a slight nod, he took his cup of coffee as he walked out of the kitchen. Kaliya was slightly hurt by how he ignore her but she didn't want to think about it too much, she walked out of the kitchen as she headed back to her room. Today, she planned on going to get a job, one that would make her a good amount of money incase Carson gets tired of her all of a sudden.

Carson walked out of his study, all dressed up, his gun was in his hand, as he locked the door, Kaliya also walked out of her room, all dolled up and looking sexy, she wore a red dress that hugged her curves, the arms were bare and made her skin glistening. Her hair was pulled into a low bun, she had red lipstick on and her perfume made Carson feel dizzy.

"Where are you off to?" Carson asked as they walked down the stairs, his voice was cold and authoritative. Kaliya shivered at the tone of his voice but kept her cool.

"Uhm, I'm going to look for a job, I can't stay home without doing anything" Kaliya said with a bright smile.

"Okay" Carson said, as Lilian sighed sensing the awkwardness between them but she said nothing about it.

"Good morning liya, Carson" she said as she served their breakfast. Kaliya smiled at Lilian in response as she sat down. Kaliya and Carson ate in silence, only the clatter of their utensils could be heard. As Kaliya was about to pick up the glass of juice, her phone started ringing loudly, she was startled and mistakenly spilled the drink of Carson. Carson stood up abruptly his face turning colder, Kaliya gasped as he grabbed wet wipes trying to write it off but while she was wiping his lower half, her hand brushed against his crotch, making Carson took in a sharp breath as he grabbed her hand.

"What is it?" Kaliya asked as she tried to free herself from Carson's grip, but he didn't let go, he pushed her making her sit on the dining table.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" He asked as he looked at her chest that was heaving, everything about this girl was driving him insane.

"I-" those words were stuck in her mouth as Carson claimed her lips, one of his hands cupped her cheek and the other was wrapped around her waist. She struggled to break the kiss but in a fit to the that, Carson took advantage of it as he slipped his tongue into her mouth almost choking her. Carson rubbed his cock against her legs as she moved, it only made him more turned on, as his hands moved to grope her breasts, the annoying ringtone came up again. Kaliya mugged at Carson's chest, and he had no choice than to break the kiss but his hands still on her body, Kaliya reached for her phone as she saw an unknown number she picked up immediately.

"Hello, who is this?" She asked as she felt Carson's hot breath on her neck making her blush.

"Am I unto miss Wilson, if I am, this is director Liang, I want to inform you that you've been offered an audition to act in our upcoming play, I hope you accept the invitation" the man said as Kaliya squealed.

"Oh my gosh, I mean, thank you so much, I accept the offer, can you text me the details and everything I need to know?" Kaliya's sisd as Carson looked at her curious to know why she was so happy.

"Yes I will, thank you for your time and I hope to work with you in the future" The man said as he hung up.

"What's that about?" Carson said as he groped her breasts, making Kaliya moan as she leaned into his chest.

"I got called for an audition by direction Liang, I'm so excited" Kaliya said as she felt herself getting wet as Carson mauled her breasts.

"Reject it"