
"Reject it" those words echoed in kaliya's ear as she stared at Carson liked he was a mad person.

"You can't be serious, I can't do that, this could be my first hit movie and you're telling me to reject, hell no!" Kaliya said as she pushed Carson aside jumping off the table with an angry pout. Her phone dinged, and as she saw the address, the audition was today and it wasn't too far from here so she could actually make it, but as she looked at Carson who was staring at her with cold eyes, she couldn't help but smile nervously.

"Don't even think about it you fox" gripping Kaliya by her arm he pulled her upstairs, he dragged her into their room, flinging her on the bed, he left the room locking the door behind him.

"Carson!" Kaliya yelled as she banged on the closed doors.

"I can't believe that fucking don, who does he think he is to lock me inside this room?" Kaliya huffed angrily as she sat on the floor, kicking her legs in frustration.

She took a deep breath as she looked at her phone, she had 1 hour and few minutes before the audition started, she opened the window as she looked outside, the height of her room from the floor was terrifying but she could do this, she would prove to Carson that he wasn't the boss in her life.

She quickly found some long bed sheets and bed spreads, she tied them all to form a long rope, she tied it on one of the pillars in her room. She immediately threw a new dress, make-up, hair curler and a set of heels in her bag, she took a deep breath as she stood on the lintel of the window, she jumped down and was surprised to see that she didn't land on the floor going SPLAT!, like a pancake. As she slowly climbed down, she stopped at a point trying to take a deep breath, put as she looked at the room in front of her, Carson was staring at her in the eyes, with a huge frown, she smiled giving him the middle finger before she hurriedly climbed down, as her feets touched the ground she immediately ran to the exit of the penthouse. Carson was right behind her, as a Don, he was extremely fast, as the gateman opened the gate, she slipped through it but as she was about hauling a cab, Carson grabbed her hand.

"Not so fast" he said adding a little more force on her arm making her wince as she still looked at him fiercely, she spotted a cab not to far away.

"Go fuck yourself Carson" Kaliya said as she kneed him in the groin making Carson wince as he let go of her but he still maintained his composure, Kaliya ran off as she hauled a cab, she got into it as it zoomed off, she gave Carson the middle finger. Carson smirked as he walked back into the pent house, Kaliya thought he couldn't see her at that audition or stop her from being in that movie but she thought wrong.

Kaliya slipped into the dress she brought, she almost flashed at the cab driver, but he didn't seem to be in a good mood so he ignored her completely. After wearing the dress and the heels, she quickly touched up her makeup, spraying some perfume she was finally ready, as she stepped out of the cab, she handed the cab driver his money as she looked at the large hall in front of her, she took a deep breath not understanding why she was nervous all of a sudden. She hid her bag in a corner as she walked into the venue, the waiting room was filled up but she didn't mind, after filling in her name and contacts, she took the script that was laid beside her number as she sat down waiting for her turn while she looked for a suitable scene to perform.

"Number 122" the attendant called and that was kaliya's number, she stood up with a smile as she was directed to the auditioning room. As she entered her smile immediately fell.

"You!!" She yelled as she pointed at Carson who was seated in the judges seat, staring at her with a cunning smile.

"You two know each other?" Director Liang asked as he stared at Carson then at Kaliya, he seemed amused to see her all riled up.

"She's my wife" Carson said but when Kaliya gave him the 'shut up' look, he just shrugged.

"He's a friend, but can we start?" Kaliya said not wanting to spend another minute in Carson's sight.

"Okay, please show us what you've got liya" director Liang said making Kaliya smile politely, she had chosen a scene in the play were she confronted her husband of his cheating on her with het best friend.

"I know you love me William, oh hell you've mentioned it since the first day we met, but why her?, of all the girls to sleep with it had to be my best friend, Susan. You could've done better William, I'm done, I've endured all this pain, these sufferings because I love you but now, you can go fuck my best friend I don't care" Kaliya said, just this few lines she had said made director Liang tear up and Carson was just mesmerized by her passion for acting.

"That was amazing" director Liang said as he clapped for her, he looked at Carson for approvement but Carson only nodded in response to it. Carson's phone rang, and he knew he had to leave, he whispered something into director Liang's ear before he walked out of the room with his phone in his ear.

"Yeah what is it?" He asked the person on the other line, but all he could hear was shooting.

"We found him, he was spotted in a local bar in Germany".