
The Blood shut's clan was located in the deepest part of a forest, it was so hidden because they wanted all their operations quiet and peaceful. The blood shut clan was created by a woman, she was a very powerful lady and she built this clan to what it is at the moment. As Carson got to the hideout , he stood there for a while making sure he wasn't being followed or anything.

Then he placed his hand on the wall and it emitted a blue beam, as if it was scanning his hand, after a minute, there was a click, before the boulder in front of him rolled away, there were several locks in getting in, this was just the first, security installation that kept the clan away from everyone's eye. He stepped in as a camera like equipment came from the control panel above his heard, it scanned his eyes, after a while, it showed a green light before going back to where it came from. The large metallic gates, slid open as Carson flicked his tongue on his lower lips. As he walked in, the clan was in order as usual, the calm had five teams that made this clan the best and they only recruited the best and only the best. These teams include, the fighters, these are the members who can fight whether they are armed or not, they make do with what they have. The assassin's, also called the gun master's, they're swift when using their gun and they don't think before pulling the trigger. The snipers, these are the members who are responsible for the killing of their target from the dark, unlike the assassin's, they remain completely hidden, the hackers, these consist of the brain gurus, they can back anything and from anywhere, they mostly made sure someone doesn't blow their covers, and finally the head of the clan. Which included Carson, one of the clan's nest shooters Adele, Micheal and Daniel, ( you've met them already).

"Took you long enough" Adele said as she walked towards Carson, her hips swaying seductively as she walked towards Carson, she was the type of person you called too hot to handle. She had long black hair that was always pulled into a ponytail, green emerald eyes, pouty lips that was always tainted red, and a to die for body.

"Did you really find him or you just want me to be here?" Carson asked as he twirled his gun between his fingers.

"I do want to see you but trust me, we did find him, come on" Adele said as she walked away, with an eye roll, Carson followed closely behind her. They got to the hacking department, the sound of finger's moving on keyboard's was the only thing you could hear.

"Did you finally locate him?" Carson said to the head of this department, Alex. Alex nodded as he tapped something on his keyboard, and a video started to play. In the video, a man with a similar resemblance to Kaliya was shown on the screen, he was with a large suitcase in his hand as he talked to a man whose face wasn't visible but his voice could be heard.

"What do you mean by you can't help me?" Kaliya's dad said desperately to the shady man, it looked as if he would cry at any moment now.

"Yes I can't, don't forget I'm a member of their clan, if I keep hiding you and the boss finds out, I'll be six feets under" the shady man said, Kaliya's father ran his fingers through his hair as he took a deep breath.

"Okay, what next, what the fuck do I do?, you told me to run away with the good, what next?" Kaliya's father, Wilson said and that was it the video ended. Everyone in the room remained silent, even Carson didn't know what to say.

So someone in this pack had sold him out, and was also hiding Wilson?. Carson had suspects but he didn't want to jump into conclusions.

"Get his exact location, and Adele gather all the members of this fucking clan" Carson said as he walked out of the room, murmurs following right behind him, Adele grunted as she left the room.

Once all the clan members were gathered, Carson leaned against the wall as everyone just stared at him oblivious of what exactly was going on. Adele too was confused, if Carson had something to say why not just say it than keeping everyone in suspense?.

"So which of you is the troll here?" Carson started, his voice booming through the long hall, he had a cold and ruthless demeanour that made him seem ruthless which he actually was

"What do you mean by that don?" A tiny voice asked through the crowd making Carson laugh, Adele had a feeling someone here was going to get killed but she didn't say anything but watched the drama unravel before her eyes.

"So a little birdie in here knows where our criminal is, infact the person has been hiding Wilson for a while, but now the gig would finally be up, I'll put a bullet through-" with every word he said he took a step down the stairs. "Any...single...persons...head, if you fucking try to betray me, I'll torture you till you part for death to come take you away" Carson said as the hall remained silently, no one daring to move for fear of getting hurt. Carson looked around the crowd, he was pleased that they were scared of him but a new kid who they had just recruited still dared to continue talking.

"You, step out" Carson said pointing to the blonde kid that was in the centre of the crowd, everyone moved away from him as if avoiding a deadly plague.

"Yes don" he replied with a trembling voice, Caron looked at him in the eyes with a deadly smile.

"When you get to hell tell satan I said hi" Carson said as he aimed his gun at the guy's head before pulling the trigger.