
"Excuse me?" Kaliya said as she took a step forward, she wouldn't back down and stare at Carson while he played around with her, she wasn't nobody's maid.

"Shut it maid, I'll like some strawberry yoghurt now" Madeline, who was one of Carson's many flings said as Kaliya scoffed.

"Go fuck yourself bitch, and you, I'm your fucking fiancée for crying out loud, have little respect for me, if you want to be a man whore, can you go do it some place else and in the house I live?" Kaliya said as Carson stood up, he walked towards her as he wrapped his hands around her neck.

"I fucking dare you to call me that again?" Carson said as he pulled out his gun, he cocked it as he pointed it at Kaliya, who just remained calm as she laughed. Her terrifying laugh filled the room.

She pulled out a set of daggers that were coated in a scorpion's venom, she wouldn't hesitate to stab Carson if he tried anything stupid, with the dagger placed on Carson's neck, Kaliya pressed it deeper.

"Go ahead and kill me, if I die, you go along with me Carson" Kaliya said as Daniel immediately stood up, he couldn't sit there and watch two people who were in love kill each other.

"That's enough Carson, put her down" Daniel said as Carson glared at Kaliya before he put her down roughly, if not because of Daniel who supported her, she would have fallen by now, but he didn't care, she was happy that she could stand up for herself and not have to depend on a knight in shining armour to come save her.

"Fuck you" Kaliya gave Carson her middle fingers as she walked out of the house, she huffed in anger as she got into her car. She started the engine as she drove out of the house, she immediately tried the number amber had given her. After the fourth ring, someone picked up.

"Hey, who is this?" Amber asked as Kaliya smiled happy that this was her number, she would have been devastated if she couldn't reach Amber.

"It's Liya, can I have your address so I could come over?" Kaliya asked as she heard amber scream, making her withdraw the phone away from her ear.

"Oh my gosh, I was so scared that they might have killed you, how are you?" Amber asked as Kaliya groaned, she couldn't keep talking while driving.

"Just send me your address I'll be there right now, I don't want to crash, byeee" Kaliya said as she hung up, in few seconds time her phone dinged, she saw the address as she typed it into her GPS.

Kaliya stopped her car in front of a luxurious estate, as she got out, she went to the gate were a gateman was already waiting for her.

"Are you miss Kaliya?" He asked as Kaliya nodded, "please follow me" the man said as Kaliya nodded. They walked through the estate as they soon stopped at a house, the gateman gestured her in as he walked away, Kaliya finally realized that this is amber's house. She went to the front door as she knocked.

"Yeah, who is it?" Amber yelled as she opened the door, seeing Kaliya she felt ecstatic as they hugged.

"How have you been Amber?" Kaliya said as they walked into the house, everywhere was oddly quiet while Kaliya wondered were Maya was.

"I've been fine, I was just worried about you, when amber came to meet me, she said some scary men were after you, we ran back to the bathroom to check on you but the door was locked, were you hurt?" Amber asked as Kaliya shook her head, she wasn't really hurt, just man handled.

"I got kidnapped by a couple who wanted things from my husband's clan and the ungrateful asshole is home with another woman" Kaliya said angrily, outside she didn't seem angry but inwardly, she was broken and sad.

"Wow, that's bad, but you can't do anything about it, that's the thing but I believe that he doesn't love you so don't put you hope in him" Amber said and to Kaliya it seemed as if Amber was talking about herself but she never said anything about it.

"Don't worry, I know how to handle myself, so where is Maya anyways?" Kaliya asked as Amber chuckled leaning into her chair.

"She's at her dad's for the summer so I'm all alone" amber said with a bright grin, Kaliya couldn't help but smile back, she didn't plan on returning home tonight so she needed to find something to do so she doesn't die of boredomness.

"So, what are you doing all couped up in here" Kaliya said as amber stood up stretching lazily.

"I never told you I was couped up in here, either ways, I'm going out to a party later this evening, care to join me?" Amber asked Kaliya who nodded in agreement, she'll do anything to get out of the house and away from Carson and his toxic life.

"Come on, let's go watch a movie or do something fun before the party starts" Amber said as Kaliya nodded.

It was 7pm, Kaliya and amber woke up, seeing the time, they had an hour before their ride arrived. They had to shower together which was rather fun and they did each other's make-up. Kaliya was a strapless red dress that stopped mid thigh, and red boots, her hair was pulled into a messy bun. Amber wore a black jumpsuit with black boots and her hair pulled into a ponytail. As they looked at each other in the mirror, they smiled in satisfaction. Right on cue, they heard honking at the front of amber's house, they immediately grabbed their stuffs as they rushed out.

Carson got to the bar with Madeline, Daniel and Michael, they were invited to an exclusive party, Carson couldn't help but think about what happened with Kaliya, but as the door snapped open, Carson's mouth snapped opened as he watched Kaliya and Amber step into the bar.