
Kaliya giggled as she swayed her body according to the beats of the music, she was an amazing dancer, she just didn't part so much for her to be able to discover her talent. Carson gulped another shot of whiskey as he stared at her. The way her hips moved in rhythm of the sound, the way her eyes glimmered under the red light, she looked alluring and dangerous he must give her that.

"You keep staring at her and not me Carson" Madeline groaned as she Carson shut her a glare, she pouted as she looked away too scared to look at him in the eyes. Daniella kept staring at amber, it had been 8 years since they last saw each other and seeing her now with Carson's woman was nothing but pure torture.

"Ah, that's enough dancing, let's go have a drink" Kaliya said as she pulled amber along, they sat at the bar as the waiter walked towards them.

"What can I get you ladies?" He asked as he winked at Kaliya who smirked at him, she was in the mood to flirt today.

"I want something exotic something I haven't tasted" amber said as Kaliya agreed with her, she wanted to be adventurous this night.

The bartender smiled as he immediately started to whip up something for them, as he placed two cocktail like drinks in front of them, their eyes lit up.

"What's the name of this?" Kaliya asked as she swirled the drink in her glass with a peculiar look.

"Sex on the beach, it's exotic, just the way you wanted " the bartender said as Kaliya and amber clicked their glasses together before taking a sip.

"Wow, this is...nice, it's not too strong" amber said as she took a large gulp of her drink as Kaliya followed suite. Soon they had about 5 sex on the beaches each.

Carson and Daniel couldn't stand their women getting drunk to stupor so they had to do something. Carson stood up from his seat as he pushed Madeline off him, Daniel followed right behind him. Micheal snickered as he turned to Madeline who glared at him.

"What?, I never asked you to be a whore" Michael yawned as he took a sip of his whiskey, Madeline seethed through her teeth as she grabbed the leftover bottle of wine on the table as she emptied it on Michael's head. Micheal closed his eyes as the wine flowed down his face, he immediately pulled out his gun, cocking it, he pulled the trigger as the bullet pierced into Madeline's arm, she screamed as the bottle fell to the floor.

"I am not Carson Madeline, know you place" Michael said as Micheal stood up walking out of the bar. Madeline seethed in pain as blood flowed down her arm, she immediately picked her phone as she called her bodyguard.

"Come pick me up, and be fast" she yelled as she soon passed out on the chair, no one even looked at her but kept on drinking.

Kaliya giggled at something Amber told her, but as she turned back, her face crashed into her hard surface.

"Shit" Carson cursed as he raised her head to meet his eyes. Daniel had already flung Amber over his shoulder as she yelled.

"Kaliya, help me, I don't know this man" Amber yelled as Kaliya stood up about to go help Amber, but Carson pulled her back to seat down.

"You're drunk, and you still want to help her, and don't worry about her, he's like her boyfriend" Carson said and it made kaliya relax as she wat he'd Daniel carry amber out of the bar.

"L-let me go, I don't want to be with you" Kaliya said as she stood up, she swayed a bit as Carson wrapped his hands around her waist trying to stabilise her.

"Just shut up and let me take care of you" Carson said as Kaliya tried to struggle but she gave up as she let her head fall on Carson's chest. Carson carried Kaliya in a princess style as he walked out of the car, he saw Madeline laying in her own pool of blood but he didn't care.

As Carson dropped Kaliya on the bed, she squirmed a bit in her dress, Carson swallowed as he stripped her out of her dress. If it was the other him, he would have taken advantage of her, but this was a different him. He wiped her body with cool water before putting her to sleep, he looked at her one more time before he left the room. He went to the kitchen as he grabbed a bottle of whiskey before going into his study, he got an email from an unknown person, as he clicked on the email. The email sent was a video, as he clicked the video, it started to play.

In the video, Alex met with kaliya's sister Lucia, he gave something to her as they hugged before he walked away from her. Lucia walked into a make shift shed, and the video zoomed in, Wilson was in the room, but he was tied to a pole as blood tripped down his head. The video stopped as Carson squinted, he tried to replay the video but then his computer shut down, he stared at it confused as he tried to reload it but it didn't work.

"Fucking hell" he yelled as he smashed the computer in the floor. The video sent was probably a virus and he clicked on it, he ran his fingers through his hair as took a gulp of his whiskey. He heard something break from the hall, he immediately walked out of his study as he saw a figure go into the room Kaliya was in. He took out his gun as he saw the person walk out with something, he immediately aimed it at the person's hand that was holding the briefcase, he immediately shot at the hand.

"Fuck" he heard the person swear as he dropped the briefcase before running out. Carson ran after the person but he couldn't catch that person.