
Carson made sure he locked everywhere before he went back upstairs, he picked up the briefcase as he went to his study. He tried to open it but he found a passcode on it, he squinted as he stared at it. Why would this be in kaliya's room?. Yeah, it was his room too but he didn't have such a briefcase. He immediately placed it inside his vault as he thought of giving Alex to crack the code.

Then he remembered the video and he just knew that he couldn't trust Alex, he might know where Wilson is but he could be lying. Carson couldn't trust him for now. He went to kaliya's room and as he looked around, the only thing out of place was the wardrobe, he didn't think too much about it, he closed it as he climbed into bed, he pulled Kaliya close to him as he breathed in her amazing scent, soon he found himself dozing off.

The next morning, Kaliya got out of bed to see Carson seated at the tea table reading a book. She rolled her eyes at him as she felt her head throb, she rubbed it as she stood up, she needed to call director Liang, she searched for her phone. Immediately she found it, she called him.

"Hi good morning, Kaliya right?" She heard director Liang speak and it sounded she might have just woken him up from sleep.

"Good morning, yes it is" she responded as she heard him chuckle.

"You got the role, I'll text you an address come there tomorrow we'd be starting the shooting then" director Liang said as Kaliya blushed.

"Thank you so much sir, I'll see you then" they exchanged a few words before she hung up. She squealed as she did a little dance, Carson just stared at her with a blank face, he needed an explanation on what was inside that briefcase.

"Why are you staring at me in such manner?" Kaliya asked Carson as she took the seat in front of him, because he was never here when she woke up, she was curious why he had waited for her to wake up.

"Did you sleep well?" Carson asked as he took a sip of his tea, when Lilian brought it here, he didn't want to collect it, because he was so angry but she persuaded him to do so, as he took a sip of his tea everytime, it calmed his raging headache.

"Yes I did, I just have a huge hangover" Kaliya said as she noticed that something wasn't right with Carson.

"Is anything the matter?" She asked him as Carson dropped the book in his hand, he picked the briefcase that was laid neatly under tha table. As he dropped it on the desk, he said Kaliya jump up in shock.

"Ah, so you do know what this is?" Carson asked as he ran his fingers over the spider symbol engraved on the briefcase's body.

"Give it back" Kaliya said desperately as she tried to snatch it from Carson, but he stood up raising it above her head. "You don't know what's in there, give it back Carson" Kaliya said as she looked at Carson fiercely.

"No I won't, I want you to fucking open this case right now or I'll put a fucking bullet through your head" Carson threatened as Kaliya scoffed.

"That's all you do, threaten me, and if I say I'm not going to open it, I fucking dare you to shoot me Carson" Kaliya said as Carson pulled out his gun. He cocked it as he pointed it at her.

"I will pull the trigger, and nothing would happen, take this now and open it" Carson said as he handed Kaliya the brief case, she knew he wasn't joking so she just had to over him, with trembling hands, she slowly put in the passcode as the briefcase snapped open.

Inside the brief case was a one of a kind gun, if was dark blue which was somehow surprising, the nozzle of the gun has white glitters on it, as Carson picked it up, he was shocked to see kaliya's name on the side of the gun. He stared at her as she looked away, this gun worth more than this house itself, he needed an explanation, how can kaliya's family be this poor and she had a gun that was almost more than a billion dollars.

"Where did you get this?" Carson asked Kaliya as she shook her head taking a step back, she couldn't tell anyone, she had taking an oath not so say anything about the gun.

"Give it back" Kaliya demanded as Carson shook his head.

"You need to start explaining yourself, this gun is worth almost a billion dollars and you're family is poor?" Carson asked her as tear ran down kaliya's eyes.

"Don't you dare try to judge me, you don't know what I've gone through all this years and whether it's worth more than a trillion dollars, it's not your business" Kaliya said as she wiped her eyes only to see Carson standing in front of her as he wrapped his hand around her neck choking her.

"Shut up, I want to know who is behind you, this gun was obviously produce for you, but who exactly would give you a gun, I don't think you've ever touched a gun in your life" Carson said as Kaliya tried to pull his hand off her neck but it didn't move.

"I'm not saying a thing, and you can't make me, I'm not Madeline that you all can control, I am me" Kaliya said as she gasped for air, it was better for her to die with this secret than to reveal it.

"I would show you what keeping secrets away from me can cause" Carson said as he dropped her down, she fell with a thud as she gasped for breath rapidly. Carson grabbed his gun from the table, cocking it, he pulled the trigger aiming right at kaliya's arm, as he shot, the bullet pierced into her arm as she let out an ear piercing scream.

"Fucking hell!!!" She yelled at Carson.