Chapter 9: Thane


"....and you must remember at all times, your inner wolf is always right." I stopped in my tracks.

"That's a lie." I retorted.

Luna had been going over some set of rules as we walked through the thick forest. I still wondered where she was taking me.


I could relate with some of the rules she said, like "don't trust humans", or "never come in contact with silver, no matter how little." All these were things I already knew and had grown to accept, but the inner wolf part, nuh uh. I would defend my claim until I took my last werewolf breath.


I already hated the little fella.

Maybe hate is a strong word.


He always had a way of making things "less" fun. Always saying, "don't go there, it's not safe!", or "your intrusive thoughts would kill you someday." They're mine goddamnit. I deserved freedom of thoughts.


"The sooner you understand that fact, the easier things will get for you." Luna said, plucking at the leaves in the shrub beside her.


"I had been living just fine without 'understanding'."


"Oh really? How did you meet Ryker then?" I stiffened. How did she know about that? I wasn't too surprised anyways. She was too weird.




I almost had a fight with one of my pack members and fled the home. Hoping to let off some steam. I sat on a bench in the middle of the Lupineville park and wondered where I could go. Some crazy voice in my head suggested the abandoned fields.


Initially I had always wanted to go there, but everyone made it seem like heading there was death itself, so I refrained. However on this particular day, I didn't even care. My inner wolf growled at me. "Don't go."


I ignored it. It growled again. "You'll get in trouble."


"Shut up!" I hissed. I went there despite all the things I'd heard. Long story short, Ryker picked up my scent and almost killed me.


Oh well.


"That was one time." I finally spoke.


Luna snarled. It was….scary. Whatever she was, it definitely wasn't just werewolf. "Well, I'm gonna make sure you don't ever ignore it again. One time and you'd have been dead." She said, walking off.


I was still yet to understand why that entity had saved me that day. And Luna didn't seem to wanna tell me why. She knew. I knew she knew.


"Alright, we're done. Let's head to your human." She stopped abruptly.




"What do you mean we're done? We just walked 20 miles!" You have got to be kidding me. I could endure long distances, but even 20 miles was a stretch.


"Yes, 20 miles is what you needed. Besides, you've learnt enough for one night." She sat on the floor, making some symbols in the air.


"Then why didn't you just tell me everything back there? Did you have to drag me all the way here? Now it'll take forever to get to her. And it's late." Helena would probably be in bed by now.


"Less talking, more walking." She sat still on the floor.


"Aren't you coming?"






"You head first. I'll be there soon." She shut her eyes, while still sitting upright. She began muttering some indecipherable words.




Regardless, I turned around and ran. The thought of seeing Helena again made my pulse drum in anticipation. It shouldn't be, but it did.


I missed her.

I wanted to gloat about the fact that I could cook again.

The way her eyes lit up when she hears something exciting.

Her constant alertness.

The way she smelled.

Her scent was forever imprinted in my memory, and it was all I could focus on as I sped past the route leading back to her farmhouse.


A few minutes passed. I could see the outline of the building. There was a faint light coming from the kitchen. She was still awake, or she just left the light on. A few more sprints…


What the-


I stopped in my tracks. There was someone else here. Not just someone, a wolf. I could sense its energy. Negative energy. What would a wolf be doing here? I sniffed the air.


Yep, this was bad.


The werewolf smelled like rotten eggs, with the aftermath of molding wood. It was disgusting. I circled the perimeter, trying to get a grip on the source of the scent. Everywhere I turned, it seemed to be coming closer. I knew one thing, it was definitely stronger than I was.


I let out a low howl, indicating my presence. Another even louder howl was released in response. My inner wolf roared, "Run."


Not today little fella.


If that wolf was anywhere here, chances are he'd spot or pick up Helena's scent and…

I don't even want to think about what could happen. Luna's warning bellowed in my ears. I ignored it.


There was rustling in the bushes. A step here, a scratch there. It was coming. For me.

I morphed to my werewolf form, preparing myself. Something flashed in my vision. I spun, claws extended. Tension held my chest tight.


I was met with a bright pair of red eyes. Almost too red. He carefully stepped into the moonlight, snarling. He was monstrous, with razor sharp claws and even more sharp fangs. My breath hitched. There was something awfully familiar about him. Almost like…..Ryker.


This wolf wasn't Ryker. I saw Ryker die. He was probably another stray, but I was still puzzled as to why he came here. He let out a low chuckle. I snapped my head back to his eyes.


"So it was you." He said.


Me? What could I have possibly done?


"I don't think we've met before. Who are you and what do you want?" I said between gritted teeth.


"That's not a nice way to address your superior." He remarked, moving closer. I took a step back.


"I ask again, who are you?" This was getting tedious. And I was way out of my comfort zone.


"My name is Thane." He moved even closer, circling me. His nostrils flared. I swallowed with effort. He grazed his claw on the side of my arm. I tensed.


"Thane who?" I asked, yet again. He gripped my throat. I placed my hand on his stomach, in case he wanted to go bonkers. Those bright pairs of eyes pierced into me, glazed with fury.


"You killed my brother." He squeezed tighter.


His brother?

I gave him a confused look.


"Ryker." He spat.

Oh fuck.


"I didn't kill your brother. I don't know what did." If I was gonna deal with this guy, I needed to be honest. He chuckled.


"You led my brother away from the pack. Him and his stupid inhibitions. He thought you were a spy, a traitor, 'food'. You made him leave us and you killed him. I still don't understand how. His stubbornness cost us, and now it would cost you too."


This was crazy. I was already feeling lightheaded. His hand still gripped my neck, firmly cutting off my oxygen supply. I groaned and pushed him backwards, staggering. He faltered, a little surprised at my movement. I took a few seconds to regain my stance before he speared into me, crashing us into the tree behind. I groaned.


He pulled back, preparing to attack again. I dodged.


"I didn't kill your brother Thane, it was a demon." I said, breathlessly.


"I thought you said you didn't know what did?!" He landed a punch, sending shockwaves through my brain. I fell to the ground.


I am so cooked.


He extended his claws, aiming for my neck.

"I did, and he's still out here." I said before he could slash. He froze, pondering on my words. I didn't see the demon after that day, but I still felt his presence.


Cold. Evil. Deadly.


Thane's eyes flashed with warning before he was thrown off me. I quickly got up, apprehensive. Did the demon return?


It was another wolf. It was…Luna. Her blue eyes had turned obsidian, and she looked…. different.


Wild. Ferocious. Savage.

There was definitely a lot more to this woman than I knew.


Thane got up, roaring with rage. He charged at Luna, and they both clashed, baring teeth and claws. Snarls and growls filled the air. They pulled apart, circling each other. Thane was larger, being a male, but Luna matched him in strength and agility.


Thane lunged at her. She dodged, countering his attack with a bite to the ear. Thane yelped, eyes blazing with fury. The fight intensified, both of them rolling and tumbling, their claws ripping at each other's flesh. The thick smell of iron filled the air. Luna had immobilized him momentarily, and pinned him to the ground.


She bared her teeth, ready to deliver the final blow.


I felt like a spectator.


Luna sank her teeth into Thane's neck, ripping out the flesh. Thane strained, thrashed, howled, even attempted to bite Luna. But it was no use. The neck was the weakest part of a wolf, and she had damaged it pretty badly. I expected her to finish him off, but instead, she slowly got off him, licking her lips. She switched back to her human form.


Thane laid on the grass, gasping for air. Luna took out her bag, still staring at him. She laid three bottles on the floor, and mixed two of them inside the other. She poured the mixture on Thane's neck. He stiffened, and let out a low grunt.


The wound healed in seconds, leaving a small, hairless scar. I shot Luna a puzzled glance.


"You will not bother him again." She said to Thane, calmly. He snorted, but didn't retort.

She turned to me, gesturing for me to move.


"Luna, what was that?" I said, softly. I stared at her with trepidation.


"What did I tell you about listening to your inner wolf?" She spat angrily. I lowered my head.


"This human is going to be the end of you."

She snorted and moved further ahead.

