Chapter 10: Claws and Connections.


Of all the things I looked forward to that night, being scolded by Luna was the least. "This human is going to be the end of you." Her words replayed in my head as we moved towards her house. I cared about Helena, probably more than I should, but I couldn't help it. Her charm had overwhelmed me completely, and I was drowning in its goodness. Maybe she 'would' be my end. I smiled softly.


As we walked through the fields, I couldn't help but notice the corn. They were sprouting, and it was….odd.


Helena was never a farmer. At least I hadn't seen her do it since I got here. I made a mental note to ask her about it when I saw her. We stopped in front of the large door. My heart thudded as I pondered on what her reaction would be. I had been gone for three days. I didn't know if humans felt the same way werewolves did, but I was about to find out.


"Well, are you going to knock?" Luna whispered. I stared at her. She looked calm, but she fidgeted with the strap of her bag. I could see her pulse from the crevice in her neck. There's no way this is the same woman who just took down a wolf twice her size a few minutes ago.


I turned to face the door, and my hands turned to jelly. Get it together man. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.


I knocked on the door, softly. My eyes glanced at the watch in Luna's wrist. 12:03am. If Helena wasn't asleep already, she'd probably be reading. I knocked again, a little louder. My heart hit my ribs so hard it felt like they would crack. A tiny part of me wished she was asleep so that we could go and return in the morning. I heard the silent shuffling of feet against the carpet. I steeled myself.


The door swung open in one swift motion, and I saw a brief flash of silver, accompanied with a sharp pain to my head.







Whatever the huge bright pair of red eyes were, I didn't know. Because one moment they're watching me, piercing daggers through my soul as if they could eat me alive, and the next they're just….gone.


I was relieved, but I jumped when I heard the sound of a knock on my front door. I was so rattled I grabbed a frying pan and a knife and slowly walked towards it. I didn't bother peeping through the eye hole. It's 12am. I live close to the woods. Who the fuck could it be?


Adrenaline pumped through my veins. My heart pounded so hard I thought it would break. My mouth was dry, and my eyes wide and alert. I pulled the door backward with trepidation. I shut my eyes and swung the pan. This was my fight or flight kicking in, and I was choosing to fight. The pan connected sharply with the person's forehead and I heard a familiar voice shriek in horror. I opened my eyes. Unfortunately, the person I saw at the door was at the bottom of my expectations list.


"Ouch! What the.." Aaron winced. I watched wide eyed as he moved back, clutching his forehead. That's gonna hurt later.


There was a woman beside him. Tall, beautiful, with tattoos. Her blue eyes spoke resilience, sincerity and…power. She stepped forward, attempting to block any more of my 'attacks'. She looked human, but something told me she wasn't.


"Aaron?" I called, still in shock.


"Hey." He rubbed his forehead. "That hurt."

My earlier shock turned into anger, concern and disappointment all at once. Without a word, I turned and headed back into the house.


The woman followed, and Aaron trailed behind her. I dropped the pan and knife in the kitchen, and walked back to the living room, where she and Aaron stood, facing me with sober expressions.


"I thought you went back to Lunaville. Why did you come back?" I muttered. I was in fact happy he was here. I thought I'd never see him again. I was fascinated and intrigued by him, I always wanted to know more. I wanted to know his deepest desires, get lost in his green orbs, I wanted to feel every inch of his pain and relieve his worries. I thought I'd never see the glint of pride in his eyes when he cooked. I thought I'd never see the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. I was going crazy over this man and it was getting out of control.


"No, I was in the woods. I'm never going back." He said, and the woman beside him snorted. He continued, "I left the house that night because of her. The entire story is complicated." He pointed at her.


I shot him a puzzled look. "Is she your wife? Or as you guys say it, your mate?" I asked, and almost choked on my words. The woman snorted even louder. He glared at her.


"Not in this life, or the next. She-"


"My name is Luna." She cut him off, extending her palm. I stared at it carefully, and shook. "Helena." I said softly. Her palm was soft, and I could feel a spark of electricity as my fingers left hers. She smirked.


Aaron shot her a glance and spoke, "And I know you might tell, but she's a werewolf too. I sensed strange energy that night and went to find out what it was. Then, some weird creature led me to her. " I nodded slowly, trying to comprehend what I'd heard. Luna would be the second werewolf to show up in Henley, and I shuddered at the thought of more suddenly showing up. Luna slowly sat on the couch behind her.



"Why didn't you at least leave a note? I was worried sick. I even thought you intentionally left without saying anything because you couldn't bear the guilt. I wanted to know at least." He flinched at my outburst.



"I know and I'm sorry. I didn't think I'd take that long either."


"That's because he doesn't listen." Luna cut him off. Aaron exhaled.


"She needs our help, and we could use hers." he continued.


"Our? How could I possibly be of help?" I asked, a little apprehensive.


"I'm searching for a scroll, and it's said to be here in Henley. You grew up here, so you can help me find it. All you need to do is give me directions." She said. There was a patch of blood on her left wrist, and she licked it, absentmindedly.


"That's why she followed me back here. My people are….searching for me..." Aaron spoke.


"And they won't stop until they find you." Luna finished his sentence.


"They'll never find me."


"I thought you didn't run away." I whispered.


"I didn't intend to, but now that I'm out of there, I don't want to go back. I won't. If we can help Luna find her scroll, she'll protect us both." His voice cracked a bit. "Hopefully-"


"Did you see anything earlier?" She spoke, cutting Aaron off again. He groaned.




"I mean outside your house. Did you see anything?"


"Oh, yeah. There was this pair of eyes staring at me. They were red, and very bright." I said, my voice shaking a little.


"Did he come here?" Aaron asked, his face contorted with worry and concern.

Him? Did they see what it was?

I shook my head slowly.


"No, I didn't see him leave. But he was there, I know he was. He just…vanished."


"They've picked up your scent. And they now know where you stay. If we weren't here sooner…. I let Thane off, and he'll probably call the others. We're in a pickle." Luna said, all in one breath. My pulse spiked almost immediately.



Another wolf?

Dear Lord. I'm getting dizzy.


"What do you mean 'they'?" I was too tired for this, but my curiosity got the best of me.


"The wolf Aaron encountered the day you two met died. And we don't know how. His brother came for revenge." She twirled her hair.


"Are they gonna hurt me?" My mind wandered to Mrs Parker's words. 'Just some farces about dark forces'. My throat constricted. This was happening too fast. Way too fast.


"Not if I can help it. You are not getting dragged into something you know nothing about." Aaron got up and walked towards me. He held my shoulders. "I'm sorry I left the way I did Helena. I didn't know I'd actually take that long. I'm also sorry if I gave you a scare." I could melt at the sound of his voice, but I stood my ground and glared at him.


"Don't think you're getting off that easily. You're on kitchen duty for the next three weeks." I said, narrowing my eyes at him. He chuckled and raised his hands in surrender. "Finally admit you like my cooking?" His eyes sparkled.


Luna groaned loudly. We turned our heads to look at her. "I'd like to see Aaron cook. He doesn't eat well." Her voice had a tinge of sarcasm.


"I can cook better than you think." He spat.


"No you can't."


"Yes I-"


"Will you two stop it!?" I cut in between them. They both snapped their heads at me. They bickered like siblings, but I knew Luna was older than he was.


Not to mention I was 'tired'.


"Aaron, your cooking is better than good, but it's not crossed my threshold just yet. Stop gloating. I need to rest, and so do you two." I said, yawning.


"I agree." Luna said, holding up her hand.


Aaron immediately ran to the guest room.


"Don't worry, I'll get him out." Luna replied, cracking her knuckles. I laughed, tiredly.


Within seconds, Aaron was yanked out of the room and tossed on the couch. He grumbled silently. Poor thing.


"You can sleep on the couch. As punishment." I told him.


"That's not fair. This isn't fair at all." He humphed.


"Nothing is fair, Aaron. The sooner you realize it, the better." Luna said, and her voice sounded…strange. "Get rested, we have a lot to do tomorrow." She continued before turning and walking to the guest room.


"She's a work of art." I remarked.


"Yeah yeah, she used to be in my dad's pack. Her mate, the Alpha, died…" His voice trailed off. His eyes glowed a little brighter, and he furrowed his brows, changing them back.

