Chapter 11: The Accident.




"Don't worry sweetie, we'll be back soon." My mom said as she got into the car, smiling as beautifully as she always did. "We'll get you your favorite chocolates." Dad added and patted me on the head. He slid into the driver's seat. "Be good to Nana okay?" In my vision, I slowly nodded.


They drove off.

But they didn't return.

Sirens and flashing lights surrounded the farmhouse that night, and I could remember a tall large man talking to Nana.


She caught me snooping. "Go to bed Lenny, mommy and daddy wouldn't want you staying up late." I scurried to my room, but I still watched the tall large man talking to my Nana. My gut told me something wasn't right.


The cars with the lights drove off, and the night was silent once more. I was giddy with anticipation, as I watched on, waiting to see daddy's headlights flash in the distance.


I never saw it.


Nana shut the front door with so much force I jumped. I could hear muffled crying, and the sound of glass shattering. I was too scared to move. I wondered why Nana was upset.


Suddenly, the sirens from the cars blared loudly, and the light shone brightly in my room. I could see the bloodied bodies of mom and dad, sprawled across the floor. People dressed in healthcare uniforms surrounded them, but they did nothing. They just stared. I darted towards my parents. yelling for them to get up. I cried, begging them to wake up and be okay. I just wanted them to be okay. A strong arm pulled me away from them, and they were thrown into the darkness.


"Mommy!!!! Daddy!!! Please…."

I struggled against the arms that held me back. I turned around to look at them, and screamed even louder. The stench of rotten eggs and iron filled the air, making me gag. Their faces were contorted, disfigured in such a way that made them horrifying. I cried, sobbed, thrashed, wriggled, I scratched at them, bit, kicked, desperately trying to break free. My parents were going deeper and deeper into the darkness, and all I could do was stand there and watch their demise.


Then, everything went still. I was not trapped in the hands of the beats anymore. Instead, I was in a tunnel-like room, circular and enclosed. A very bright light illuminated the room, and I saw my mom and dad at the end. They were putting on white robes, but their bodies were disfigured and covered in blood. There was peace. Soothing, consoling peace. They waved at me, and I tried to move. Tried to run to them, to feel their warmth. But I couldn't move an inch. My legs were stuck. I could only watch, as they waved at me, smiling, and walked towards the light. "Where are you going?"


"Home." My mom said and they disappeared into the light. The moment that happened, I fell. I fell so deeply that I thought I would die. I just kept falling. My throat constricted, and it became difficult to breathe. I saw the end of the fall, the ground covered in spikes and thorns. I reached out, desperately trying to grab the air. I could not die like this. I can't. But what could I do? My head had just made contact with one of the spikes when I jerked awake, drenched in sweat. My eyes were wide with fear, and my heart pounded painfully against my chest. I looked around, my brain finally clicking into place and I realized I was in my room. I exhaled.


A nightmare.


I didn't know exactly when these started, but I'd been getting them frequently. They all started the same way, but ended differently. Last time, I was locked up in a house that was on fire. Now this…


I glanced at the clock. 3:08am. I always woke up at the same time too. I yawned, still trembling and grabbed my phone.


Anything to distract me from the eerie feeling I was getting.


I scrolled through Instagram, checking out trendy designs and hoping my pocket would be fat enough one day to buy some of them. I loved designing. I never developed the talent, but it was there. Whenever I saw a dress that needed some pizzazz, I didn't hesitate. I sighed and yawned again. I forgot to carry a cup of water when I went to bed, and now I was thirsty.


My gut gnawed at me. 'Stay back' I could almost hear it warn. But I was parched, and I couldn't go to sleep like this.


With built up courage, I put on my night slippers and walked to my room door. The handle was cold, colder than usual. I opened it. Aaron was downstairs, and he'd probably be asleep by now. At least he was there. Luna was in the guest room. No reason to be scared.


Or so I thought.


I brushed past the couch, where Aaron lay with a blanket on top of him. His breathing was shallow, but steady. He looked so peaceful. Three days out in the woods must have worn him out. I didn't bother checking on Luna, and I don't know why. She scared me, to a fault.


I turned towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, making an effort not to look at the window in front of me. There was something wrong. I could just feel it.


I dropped the glass and turned to go back to my room. A gust of wind fanned at my neck. I whipped around, as fast as I could. The air suddenly got colder, and I could detect a faint scent of…sulfur. I glanced into the living room, Aaron lay still, his breathing steady just like before. I walked towards him, watching his figure. He hadn't moved. I looked around the living room. All was still.


My windows were locked, so where did the wind come from?


My phone buzzed in my pocket, causing me to yelp. Aaron stirred. I took it out quietly and saw a message from Veronica: "Hey b, um, so some crazy shit just happened and I don't think I'll be able to make it during the weekend. I'll text you all about it later today. 'smiley face emoji'." My eyes widened.


Veronica never bails out on a good girls weekend. What could've possibly happened?


I texted her back: "Girl, you better tell me what the flip is going on right now!"


She responded almost immediately, but with just one word: "Accident."


My stomach dipped. My hands trembled as I typed:



No response.

I dialed her number almost immediately.

No response.


Then, out of nowhere she texted: "No, can we talk tomorrow please?"


I exhaled and typed: "Sure, please be safe."


No response, but she'd read the message. I rubbed my temples.


I looked at the stairs that led up to my room. I suddenly didn't want to go back anymore. I weighed my options. I had only one couch in the living room, which could extend to form a mini bed. That meant I could either sleep on the floor, or…with Aaron. I swallowed.


Oh fuck it.


I slipped onto the couch/ mini bed, trying my best not to wake Aaron. He sniffed the air in his sleep, eyebrows creased. I stiffened. He relaxed, and his breathing became steady again.


I finally got in a comfortable position on the couch, and drifted off. It felt safer.






Warm, soft, snuggly. I relished in the scent that flooded my nose. Cinnamon, apples, and freshness. I brought my nose closer to the source, my eyes still closed. My arms were wrapped around something warm blooded, and it had a softness that was almost too good to pass up.


I hadn't slept so well in three years.


I remained in my position, not wanting to break the reverie I found myself in. It was like I was floating on soft clouds, and being so gently patted on the back for hunting down the largest ram. I felt a sense of belonging. Of completion.


That was, until my brain sprung into action and I realized what-no, who I was holding.





I opened my eyes slowly, and my heart skipped a beat. No, my heart skipped two beats. Her hair was disheveled, her lips parted slightly, and her skin looked flushed. My arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, and her hands lay on my chest. She inched closer to me.




How did she even get here? I was certain she retired to her room last night. What could've happened?


I stared at her as she spelt peacefully. She smelled so good. Even with her early morning look, she was disturbingly beautiful. Anyone who saw us right now would believe we were lovers, destined for each other and madly in love.


A tiny part of me believed that too. But it was too early to decide on the love part.


I glanced over her shoulder at the clock in the living room. 5:59am. She had at least 30 minutes before her usual wake up time. I had to let her go, but I didn't want to wake her up.



This was too awkward.


I resisted the urge to stroke her face and take out the straying strands of hair that fell on it. My gaze landed on her lips.


So soft…plump… I grazed my thumb on her lower lip subconsciously.


She fluttered her eyes. Those lashes…

