Chapter 18: Sparks


It'd been three days since my poisoning. I regained myself around thirty minutes after I drank Luna's potion. Veronica was fit to be discharged, but she was placed in a wheelchair. She had a similar attitude to Helena's, but she looked like a scientist or someone who spends a lot of her time reading books. She was more feisty and assertive, and didn't hesitate to hide her initial wariness and dislike for me and Luna. I liked her aura regardless.


We headed back to Helena's house, and prepared for the move back to Henley. Finally, I'd get to see some woods. I've been living with three women.


Luna was out of the house today, insisting that she wanted some 'alone time'. I wouldn't blame her, werewolves don't have it easy when they're around humans for too long. I was able to tolerate them for this long because of a particular one.


 I made a mental note to ask Luna about the scroll she talked about.


I walked around the house, a little bored. Veronica was in Helena's room, probably with her, and I was just….alone.


I found a small door towards the yard outside the kitchen. The door was made to be inconspicuous, since the color matched perfectly well with the tiles in the kitchen. The knob was a tiny button on one of the tiles, and I wouldn't have found it if it weren't for my tail. I let my werewolf form loose when I was at home. It was more…comfortable. Walking into the small room, I found a table, two chairs, some rope, a knife with a blackish substance on the blade, and a dim yellow bulb. I flicked the switch twice, hoping for the electricity to sizzle even a bit. I had never had a problem with claustrophobia before but damn…


This place was just….weird.


"Aaron?" I heard a tiny whisper.



Again. I dashed out of the small room, my ears pointing out to locate the source.

"Aaron?" A little louder. I bolted straight for Helena's room. A tiny knock, and Veronica opened the door. "Shut your eyes." She snapped.



I shut my eyes, and she said, "Helena is in a bit of a pickle. Can you help without being obnoxious?" I scrunched my face in confusion. Desire to open my eyes burned through my veins, but I couldn't. What if she was holding a bat?


"What do you mean?" I asked. I heard the tiny shuffling of feet, moments before a familiar mixture of apples wafted into my nose. Instinctively, I stretched out my hands, and was lashed with a small iron-like rod to the knuckles. I winced, stepping back. "Keep your hands to yourself." Veronica reprimanded.


"What do you want me to do?"


"I-er, I'm stuck in my dress." Helena said softly, almost a whisper, and I could swear she bit her lip. I gulped.


"Why can't Veronica help you?" And how would I help her if my eyes were shut?

"Well, Mr Smarty-pants, I'm in a wheelchair." Veronica scoffed.

"Vee.." Helena called out. I heard a huffing sound before she continued, "Just hold down the dress so she can pull it over her head."


As if this woman couldn't tempt me anymore.

"I know you can sense where she is, so just help her with it. And I'm watching your eyes. If they so much as flicker, you're getting the bat." The defiance in this woman's voice was something else. I chuckled at her threat. The bat would hurt, but only for a second. Moreover, I cared about Helena, so I wouldn't disrespect her.


I walked closer to her, her scent slipping into every single opening in my body. She took over my mind and soul, and I couldn't get enough of her. "What am I supposed to hold here?" I asked. I wasn't sure the type of dress she wore, so I didn't know where to place my hands. "Just above my ribs, on the side." Helena said. I swallowed hard, and moved my hands towards her.


My fingertips brushed lightly on her skin, my body resisting jolts of electricity in response. My mind drifted to when she was in bed with me that day, and my cock strained in my jeans. Thank God I wore jeans today.




She guided my hands till I reached where the dress was, and held it down so she could pull. All the while, I could hear Veronica tapping the bat on her wheelchair. Translation: Don't try anything stupid or I'll burst your head. I could see why they were best friends now.


Helena jumped twice, trying to get the dress over her head. "Careful." I whispered. She froze, and I could hear her heart beating erratically.


Good, I wasn't the only one having a hard time.


She jumped the third time, and I was about to tell her to be careful again when she yelped, and instantly, all her weight rested on me. She caught me off guard, and we crashed straight onto the floor. My hands gripped her waist to steady her on top of me, and her hands were on my chest. Her skin was remarkably soft, and I wanted to run my hands all over for as long as I could.


My eyes were still closed.




Veronica was finally discharged. I had missed her, so damn much. Even though I was a little unhappy that she had to stay in a wheelchair, I was happy that it didn't affect her attitude, and she was alive after all. She was extremely skeptical of Aaron and Luna at first, but warmed up to Luna sooner than I expected. You could say they shared similar traits, always picking on Aaron. I didn't understand why they picked on him that way, but I had no problems with it. Aaron did look cute, when he fumed over their bullying. And he looked even hotter when he was trying to control himself.


I lay there, clad in only my undies, a bra and a half removed dress. Aaron was underneath me, his strong arms wrapped protectively on my waist, and I could hear the wild palpitations of his heart.


They matched mine.

His eyes were still shut, and I didn't know how to feel about it. A tiny part of me wanted him to see me like this, in my barest form. It was Veronica's idea to have him shut his eyes, because she didn't like the idea of 'a stranger seeing me raw'. I had known him for almost two months. Sheesh.


"Let go of her you perv!" Veronica yelled. I scrambled off him and helped him to stand. Veronica wheeled over to him, and knocked his knee with the bat in her hands. He winced for a moment, smirked and grabbed it clean from her hands. The look on Veronica's face made me burst out laughing. She would definitely get him back for this. The feel of Aaron's fingers on my skin lingered, with a want I couldn't satisfy.

His eyes were still shut.


And I was still stuck in this stupid dress. It was Vee's idea to try it on, even though I told her it would be two sizes too small. The zipper caught in between the fabric, so when I wanted to pull it off, it would just stay there. She couldn't help because she was in a wheelchair, and Luna wasn't at home, so we went with the last option, call Aaron.


"Okay, let's try this again." I said breathlessly. Aaron came forward, placing his hands just above my ribs, holding the dress in place.


"No jumping." Veronica snarled, rolling her eyes. What was her deal? I laughed in my head.


Eventually, the dress slid off my shoulders. My muscles spasmed with relief. My hands were restrained for too long, and they were finally free. I thanked Aaron, and Veronica shooed him out of the room before he could respond.


"I know you like him, but please. I did not wanna see that." She started the moment he left.


"How do you know I like him?" I asked, a little stunned at her accusation.


It's not an accusation. It's the truth.

"It's obvious babes. The way you look at him. The way you're nervous when he looks at you. And with what I just saw here, you want him. It's only been three days and I already know. You're too readable Lenny." She had a smirk on her face. Translation: You cannot hide it from me. Haha!


I scoffed. That can't be true.

Yes it was.

No it wasn't.

Yes…it was.

"Stop it!!" Veronica whipped her head at me. It was then I realized I had yelled out loud. I huffed and went to my closet, searching for another dress that was my size.


"He's a good boy at least. Not to mention a huge softie. And he cooks well too. And-"


"Vee." She looked at me, her expression softening.


"Fine. When we go to Henley, we'll have a girl's night out. You need to get loose."