Chapter 19: A Deadly Surprise.


Two weeks later…..


"Oh my goodness Helena! You gave us a scare! You missed two whole weeks of my hot choco! I'll make you a whole bottle of it. My my, you even lost weight! What have you been up to child?" Georgina practically didn't get off me. Everyone was happy to have me back, and I was glad at that, but the fact that I had to work extra hours made my stomach churn.


I'm gonna be a whole lot more tired now. Veronica was scheduled to start physiotherapy soon, and I couldn't wait. Even I got tired of seeing her in that silly wheelchair. She complained a lot about how it made her hips buckle.


Luna had practically become her partner in crime. She probably saw more of herself in Vee too. Their chemistry was just too adorable, especially when they took it out on Aaron. Luna was more out and about these days, and she said we would talk about the scroll soon. I honestly hoped she was fine.


Aaron couldn't even cope with any of them. For starters, Vee didn't let him be free at all. She always scolded him for 'adding too much salt' in his food when in fact, the salt was just the right amount, or not looking after the house well enough. One time she even accused him of putting a love potion inside my coffee. Which was completely false by the way. She said she wanted to see how much of a 'green flag' he was. Which meant, he had to pass her tests. For me of course.


Aaron usually just ignored her, or did things right so that she wouldn't swing him with the 'bat'. And now like that I think about it, Vee hasn't seen either of them in werewolf form.


And then there's Luna. Since our trip to Hulvey, she's been a teensy bit distant. Not that she wasn't before, but it's a lot more noticeable now. The only normal thing about her is the fact that she still picks on Aaron. Usually, during the day, she'd either go hunting, or stay in her room till it was time for dinner. Aaron told me not to bother, 'she's fine.'


She pulled me into a corner the other day, reminding me of the scroll she wanted my help finding. She called it, 'The Scroll of Vengeance.' I could also remember her saying something like, 'We're running out of time'. Something wasn't balanced, and she knew.


"Welcome back Helena. Your new office is ready, and you can move in as soon as possible. Remember, the clock is ticking." My manager tapped his wristwatch and walked off.


The rest of my coworkers stared at me as if to say, 'what is he talking about?'. I took a deep breath, and told them the story of how my reviews with the customers landed me sort of a 'promotion.' Georgina ran over and hugged me, a little too tight. "Oh sweet child, you deserve it. You work too hard around here. Come come, I'll give you an extra mug!" She was ecstatic, and the rest of my colleagues congratulated me. I could see those who weren't as much as bothered by the news, probably out of jealousy. I cared less.


The rest of the day went well, but with twice the work time, comes twice the workload. I left the office a few minutes past nine and headed to the metro.


"Lennyyyy you're back! Come here come here!" Veronica called out to me the second I walked through the front door. She and Luna were watching a TV show, and Aaron was in the kitchen. As usual.

"Give me a sec, Vee." I replied before waltzing to the kitchen. "Oh come on, you wanna ditch me for him now huh?" She humphed, then said,


Insufferable woman.


"Hey, Mr Chef, how are you on this fine day?" I was in high spirits tonight, and I didn't know why. He jumped at the sound of my voice, his muscles tense. Then he turned around. Something grabbed my heart and squeezed.


I didn't know when I fell for him. Fucking hell I didn't even know I could feel 'anything' anymore. It happened so fast, too unreal. Whatever it was about this man/wolf, it took my most innate desires and morphed them into a physical dream, not one of my imaginations.


"I am doing very well ma'am." He replied, his eyes filled with amusement. "And I am so glad you're home. These….women are making life hell for me. I can't even sit on the couch right." He grumbled, and I smiled lightly.


"Have you ever thought of going back home?" Why that question slipped out of my mouth, is an unknown answer I might never find out. Aaron stared at me, emotions flickering in his eyes. He exhaled and said, "No. I don't want to. I've told you before. Are you…tired of me already?" Conflict was evident in those green orbs.

"I'll do anything. Just…" He shut his eyes tightly, and when they reopened, all I could see was sadness, and…resolution.


"I'm not tired of you Aaron. If anything you're one of the best people I've ever met. I'm not gonna chase you out. Don't bother." I was tempted to give him a hug, but I didn't. His muscles relaxed and he turned back to the pot, steaming with chicken stir fry. He was really putting my mom's cookbook to good use.


"Thank you." He muttered. I nodded in response.


"Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes." He called as I walked out.


I took my shower, rested a bit and returned downstairs, hoping not to see another battleground. I paused at the last flight of stairs when I noticed everywhere was silent. Strangely silent. It was unusual.

I steered my eyes down and gasped softly. Veronica and Luna were seated on one couch, eating dinner, while Aaron was on another couch. They were watching a movie. I wish I had my phone with me, I'd capture this beautiful moment.


That night, after dinner, Luna and Aaron decided to share their stories with us. I was particularly fascinated by Luna's stories, some of them didn't even sound….real. Like the time she got trapped in an underground cave and used her howls to break open another exit, or when she had to kill 10 huge werewolves at once because she accidentally stepped into their territory.


Aaron was unfazed by them, by me and Vee? We were beyond intrigued. Aaron's stories were fun, and had a touch of melancholy. He also went through a lot. Probably too much of a lot. He was complicated, but he had a kind heart. A heart that I wanted. I stared at home from across the living room as we talked. He stared back, those green eyes piercing into my soul. I couldn't stand the intensity of his gaze. It was too …..powerful. I turned away as heat rose on my cheeks.


'What the hell are you doing Helena?'

I'm sorry, tiny voice in my head, I think I love him.

'Love? You remember what happened to you the last time you loved, right?'

Must you do this to me all the time? He's different.

'None of them are different.'

I had to drown out those silly thoughts and shut the voice in my head up, and continued to listen to their stories.



We might have stayed up till 2am, until Vee insisted she wanted to sleep.That night was beautiful, and I wouldn't forget most of it in a long, long time.


The next day...….


So, it was 6am, and I was out of bacon. I'd forgotten how much Vee loved bacon too that I forgot to restock. Now I need breakfast and there's no bacon! I crossed the street to my favorite store and dashed in. Aaron offered to go but I didn't want him to just pick some random store. I wanted from Gelio's. These people had the best bacon and I simply couldn't pass it up.


I accidentally bumped into a woman carrying a baby and I quickly apologized. So much for wanting bacon. The streets were unusually quiet this morning. It's Tuesday….


Hm. Oh well.


"Have you heard? Some hiker got lost in the woods last week."

"You're kidding. Hikers never get lost in Henley."

"Maybe, but one did. They haven't seen him up till now. Maybe the werewolves got him."



I peered round a corner and found two men discussing in hush hush tones. Hiker? Disappearing? Werewolves? I'll ask Luna about it. Maybe she'd know something. Right now I just wanted bacon.


"Have a good day Lenny!" Stella, the store manager called as I bolted out the exit. I turned around and waved to her, "Same here hun."


I had only walked three paces when I caught a familiar figure from the corner of my eyes. I whipped my head around. Nothing. I craned my neck so I could see everything within my environment. Still nothing.


I hated this shit.

An eerie feeling creeped up on my neck and I began to walk faster. I felt like something was watching me, chasing me. I shrugged off the feeling and kept walking. It was 6am for goodness sake. The farmhouse is at least 10 minutes away. If I could just–


My stomach churned, my pulse spiked and I am sure I just had a mini heart attack.

What the hell is he doing here?