Too stingy

Facing Li Yuntian's inquiry, Yang Kai remained silent.

Li Yuntian assumed he had guessed correctly and smiled, "Don't worry, Senior Brother. Our strengths should be about the same, and it's not certain who will win or lose. If by any chance I do win, I'll compensate for your losses."

"Is that true?" Yang Kai seemed surprised.

"A gentleman's word is his bond," Li Yuntian replied solemnly.

Li Yuntian believed he had successfully tricked Yang Kai and was ready to fight. He knew Su Mu must be hiding nearby, ready to watch the show. If he could thoroughly humiliate Yang Kai, he would gain considerable face.

However, Yang Kai frowned again, causing Li Yuntian to nearly explode in frustration. Why was this Senior Brother so nagging and cautious, like an old woman? How did Zhao Hu lose to such a person?

"Senior Brother, is there another issue?" Li Yuntian was on the verge of losing his temper.

"Well, I would like to spar with you, but I was challenged yesterday, so I have to wait a few days before fighting again."

Pig-headed fool! Li Yuntian almost choked in disbelief. He hurriedly said, "Senior Brother, you can challenge me. I haven't been challenged yet these days. Don't all Lingxiao Pavilion disciples have one chance per day to challenge someone?"

"Oh, I see!" Yang Kai nodded, smiling awkwardly, "Please forgive me, I had forgotten about that rule."

Li Yuntian exhaled slowly, trying to release his anger. After a while, he asked, "So, can we spar now?"

Yang Kai had another question, "Junior Brother, if I lose, will you really compensate me with contribution points?"

"Yes! Absolutely, and I will compensate you tenfold!" Li Yuntian gritted his teeth.

Yang Kai shook his head, "I don't believe you, unless you give me the contribution points first."

"How can I give them to you?" Li Yuntian was exasperated. Contribution points were recorded in the accounts and couldn't be traded directly. Was he really so petty that he couldn't trust this?

"I have an idea." Yang Kai smiled slyly, beckoning Li Yuntian closer and whispering in his ear.

Li Yuntian's expression changed several times. He had to admit, Yang Kai was indeed clever to come up with such a solution.

"If Junior Brother finds it troublesome, we can forget about it. It's not that I don't trust you, but…" Yang Kai used a strategic retreat, hinting at his distrust.

Li Yuntian understood his intention and, despite his disdain, had to comply for the sake of his plan. "No problem, Senior Brother. Wait here, I'll be back shortly with the items."

With that, he hurried off.

Watching Li Yuntian disappear, Yang Kai felt amused. There were still people who came begging to be beaten, offering items if refused. How odd. But this would help with his immediate needs. Unfortunately, this trick could only work once.

Yang Kai felt a bit regretful. He should have demanded more. Given Li Yuntian's urgency, he might have agreed to anything.

Su Mu and his group were hiding nearby, initially delighted to see Li Yuntian engaging Yang Kai. They were ready to enjoy the show, but were puzzled when Li Yuntian suddenly ran off. This wasn't part of the plan. What was Li Yuntian up to?

Su Mu, confused, sent someone to intercept Li Yuntian and get an update.

After a quarter of an hour, the messenger returned and whispered to Su Mu, "Su Shao, Li Yuntian said Yang Kai is being petty, insisting on having medicinal herbs to compensate for his potential loss before he agrees to spar."

"How stingy is that?" Su Mu was flabbergasted. "Yang Kai is just a trial disciple, losing would only cost him a few contribution points. Why demand ten herbs as compensation?"

The messenger explained, "Li Yuntian boasted about compensating tenfold, so…"

"He deserves it." Su Mu's expression turned strange. "But it's fine, as long as Yang Kai gets a beating, ten herbs are nothing."

Ten herbs, equivalent to ten contribution points, were insignificant to Su Mu.

Knowing the situation, the group remained hidden, waiting patiently.

Half an hour later, as Yang Kai nearly finished sweeping, Li Yuntian returned, sweating profusely. It wasn't the distance that delayed him, but the grouchy Dream Old Man at the Contribution Hall, who took ages to respond. Interrupting his sleep, Li Yuntian had to endure a scolding and pay double for the herbs.

Filled with frustration, Li Yuntian vowed to take it out on Yang Kai. Reaching the designated spot, he saw Yang Kai still waiting, broom in hand.

Li Yuntian quickly approached, thrusting the ten herbs into Yang Kai's hand, "Here, Senior Brother, count them."

"No need." Yang Kai generously accepted without looking and placed them beside the broom.

"Now, can we spar?" Li Yuntian asked.

"Yes, yes. There was no need for all this trouble. I trust you, Junior Brother." Yang Kai smiled cheerfully.

Li Yuntian almost lost his mind. All this fuss, and now he said he trusted him? He had wasted half a day for nothing!

But it was fine. Li Yuntian took a deep breath to calm himself. His goal was halfway achieved. If Yang Kai dared to challenge him, he would not hold back.

"Shall we begin, Senior Brother?" Yang Kai asked.

"Let's." Li Yuntian, invigorated, cupped his fists, "Please instruct me, Senior Brother!"

"Not at all!" Yang Kai smiled.

Neither disclosed their current level. Li Yuntian feared scaring Yang Kai off, and Yang Kai was content to keep it secret. With mutual understanding, the duel commenced.

Remembering Zhao Hu's defeat and today's frustration, Li Yuntian attacked fiercely, showing no mercy. His hands moved swiftly, each strike faster and heavier than the last.

Yang Kai remained calm, his lean body tense. The results of his recent training were evident as he responded with basic Lingxiao Pavilion techniques of long fists and whip legs.

As their fists and palms clashed, Li Yuntian was shocked. A tremendous force from Yang Kai made him stagger backward. His hands felt like they had struck a stone, numbing his bones.