The First Drop of Positive Liquid

Yang Kai was uncertain about the amount of inner energy possessed by others at the seventh level of Body Refinement, but it was unlikely to exceed his own. Initial accumulation was always incredibly slow, and only through the True Yang Technique could he absorb the Yang energy from the world. How many such miraculous techniques like the True Yang Technique existed?

One day, after completing his cultivation, Yang Kai slowly opened his eyes.

The Yang energy he had been absorbing over these days had gradually thickened, and the warmth in his meridians had become increasingly intense. Yang Kai sensed that the Yang energy he had absorbed might be approaching saturation.

Once the Yang energy within the body reaches saturation, it would condense into liquid form, producing a drop of Yang liquid stored in the dantian. This so-called Yang liquid was immensely useful, capable of playing an unexpected role in battle. Yang Kai looked forward to this with anticipation.

As he slowly opened his eyes and prepared to adjust his breathing, his peripheral vision suddenly caught sight of a figure standing not far from him. Yang Kai was startled, realizing he had been so immersed in his cultivation that he had not noticed the person's arrival.

The figure, clad in a green robe with flowing sleeves, stood with one hand behind his back and the other stroking his beard. His posture was upright, his white hair and beard contrasting sharply with his dignified demeanor. Although his age seemed similar to that of Elder Meng from the Contribution Hall, his aura was markedly different.

At the sight of him, the term "immortal demeanor" sprang to mind, a stark contrast to Elder Meng's lecherous and unruly nature. Comparing the two, one was celestial, the other mundane.

The person gazed down at the Dragon Prison Gorge with a peculiar expression, a mixture of intrigue and complexity.

This was a sage of profound knowledge and a venerable elder of remarkable martial prowess. Yang Kai quickly rose to his feet, performed a disciple's salute, and addressed him: "Disciple Yang Kai greets the senior."

The elder, stirred by Yang Kai's voice, turned slowly, offering him a benign glance and a nod: "Hmm."

"May I ask how I should address you?" Although Yang Kai was certain this person was a high-ranking figure in Lingxiao Pavilion, he had never seen him before and needed to inquire to avoid any breach of etiquette.

The elder pondered for a moment, his brow furrowed as though grappling with a difficult question, before finally replying: "You may call me Elder Eleven."

Elder Eleven? Yang Kai was puzzled. Although there were several elders in Lingxiao Pavilion, the number could not possibly be eleven. Nevertheless, as he was an elder, Yang Kai complied with his wishes and bowed again: "Disciple greets Elder Eleven."

Elder Eleven stroked his beard and smiled, his demeanor growing more genial. He gently asked, "Are you cultivating martial skills?"

"Yes," Yang Kai replied with a nod.

"And are they of the Yang attribute?"

"Yes." Given Elder Eleven's strength, he could certainly sense the Yang energy Yang Kai was absorbing.

"How is your cultivation progressing?"

"I have only been practicing for a few days, so it's still going well for now."

Elder Eleven asked a few more questions, and Yang Kai answered them all. He felt a sense of gratitude; the elder's kindness and concern for even the lowest-ranked disciple was heartwarming.

Seeing the elder's amiable nature, Yang Kai decided to raise a question: "Elder Eleven, I have been cultivating here for several days and am perplexed about one matter."

"Oh? Do tell," Elder Eleven showed interest.

"Why does Yang energy seep out from below the Dragon Prison Gorge?"

Elder Eleven chuckled: "It is because there are Yang attribute treasures beneath."

Yang Kai was both amused and perplexed, thinking that while he could guess there might be something down there, he did not understand exactly what it was.

"Do you know how the Dragon Prison Gorge was formed?" Elder Eleven suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

Although Yang Kai was unsure of the purpose behind the question, he honestly shook his head.

Elder Eleven gazed at the Dragon Prison Gorge and slowly spoke: "It was carved out by a single sword strike."

Yang Kai was astounded! The Dragon Prison Gorge, hundreds of zhang wide, unfathomably deep, had been cleaved open by a single sword strike? If someone else had told him this, he would have been skeptical. But Elder Eleven had no reason to deceive him.

Who could possess such power in a single sword strike? What level of mastery did this person achieve?

"Hundreds of years ago, Lingxiao Pavilion did not exist here," Elder Eleven's voice grew solemn, his gaze deep.

Yang Kai sensed that the elder was about to reveal some long-hidden secrets, so he focused intently on listening.

"When our ancestor passed through here, he encountered a formidable demon. They fought a fierce battle here, the details of which are unknown. In the end, the demon, realizing it could not win, struck a final blow with a sword," Elder Eleven gestured across the Dragon Prison Gorge, "With that single strike, the Dragon Prison Gorge was created! The demon escaped into the gorge, and the ancestor pursued him, eventually managing to slay the demon after great effort."

"However, despite the demon's death, the ancestor remained wary and established Lingxiao Pavilion here, guarding it for decades to ensure no further threats. Only after ensuring the area was secure did he depart. This is the origin of Lingxiao Pavilion."

"The Dragon Prison Gorge has existed for hundreds of years. With the many exiles sent here, it is possible that some Yang attribute treasures have emerged. This is why you can absorb Yang energy here."

Yang Kai nodded and asked with curiosity, "Did Elder Eleven come here to search for that treasure?"

Elder Eleven's expression grew enigmatic as he slowly shook his head: "I did not come to seek treasures. I came to see people."

"See people?"

Elder Eleven smiled faintly: "As one ages, one's words increase. Let us end our conversation here for today. Focus on your cultivation, but do not attempt to venture deeper. The dangers below are immense, and even I would not dare to enter easily."

With that, Elder Eleven departed gracefully. Yang Kai was left with many thoughts and questions, but he could only keep them to himself.

After regaining his composure, Yang Kai resumed his cultivation of the True Yang Technique. The absorption of Yang energy now progressed at a rate far surpassing that of previous days.

A few hours later, Yang Kai suddenly felt his meridians swell, his dantian filled to capacity, as if he had overindulged in a feast.

Was he approaching saturation? Yang Kai was thrilled rather than alarmed and focused even more intently.

After half an hour, his meridians and dantian suddenly lightened, the sensation of fullness vanished, and all the inner energy surged into the dantian, forming a drop of scorching liquid. Yang Kai even heard a faint dripping sound.

Yang liquid! He had finally formed his first drop of Yang liquid!