Trapped Dragon Stream

Before long, an enormous chasm appeared before Yang Kai, stretching across the horizon and disappearing into the depths below. A fierce gust of wind almost knocked him off his feet.

Yang Kai came to his senses and looked up, stunned.

How could it be here? This vast gorge, spanning thousands of feet across and seemingly bottomless, was none other than the most dangerous and mysterious place in Lingxiao Pavilion—Dragon Confinement Gorge!

The existence of this gorge was peculiar. Lingxiao Pavilion was located on flat land, not on a mountain range, so calling it a gorge was misleading; it was more like a massive crack in the earth.

Dragon Confinement Gorge, the forbidden non-forbidden area of Lingxiao Pavilion! This place was perilous, with howling winds that could easily blow someone off balance and send them plummeting to their death.

Dragon Confinement Gorge was also where Lingxiao Pavilion exiled traitors and rebels. Over the past few hundred years, any unforgivable traitors were stripped of their cultivation and exiled to this gorge.

Yang Kai found this practice perplexing. If someone was truly unforgivable, why not kill them outright? Exiling them to the gorge with their cultivation destroyed was essentially a death sentence.

Apart from being a place of exile, Dragon Confinement Gorge was also a favored location for lovers to end their lives together.

Many stories circulated within Lingxiao Pavilion, tales of tragic love where lovers, unwilling to live without each other, leapt into the gorge. 

Male disciples of Lingxiao Pavilion often kept a few of these stories in mind, waiting for the right moment to use them to woo their beloved. They would narrate these tales to make their lovers shed tears, then offer their broad chests and warm arms, achieving remarkable success in winning hearts.

These touching stories had resulted in countless romantic tales, making them beloved among the male disciples of Lingxiao Pavilion.

With these thoughts in mind, Yang Kai walked a few steps forward and glanced into the seemingly bottomless chasm, filled with doubts.

How could there be Yang energy here? And unlike the previous ones, this Yang energy was not only abundant but also constantly rising. Even standing at the edge of the gorge, Yang Kai could feel a faint warmth in the air.

This warmth was not from the sun but was purer than sunlight by many degrees.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Kai simply sat down and began to absorb the energy. The True Yang Technique cultivated faster in environments rich in Yang energy.

With scarce inner energy and the slow operation of the True Yang Technique, this abundant Yang energy would undoubtedly speed up his cultivation.

It was evening, and although the sun had set, Yang Kai still felt the efficiency of his cultivation had significantly improved compared to the past few days.

He cultivated through the entire night, and by the next morning, he checked his progress.

The difference between having Yang energy and not having it was stark. Previously, it had taken him three days to cultivate a small amount of inner energy under the sun, but now, just one night had yielded the same results. The efficiency was astonishing.

His inner energy had grown significantly, no longer resembling a candle flickering in the wind.

Moreover, as his inner energy grew, Yang Kai found it easier to control.

With a new day, Yang Kai stopped cultivating the True Yang Technique and spent half an hour practicing the Body Tempering Technique.

At the edge of Dragon Confinement Gorge, Yang Kai worked up a sweat. Despite cultivating all night, he felt no fatigue, only renewed vigor.

After practicing the Body Tempering Technique, Yang Kai completed his task as a servant boy before hurrying back.

Having exhausted the Three-leaf Residual Soul Flower and Desolate Wooden Grass, the incense burner was temporarily useless, leaving cultivation as his only option.

Yang Kai had considered confronting Su Mu and his group again, but oddly enough, since that night, they seemed to have vanished from Lingxiao Pavilion.

Though Yang Kai had a grudge with them, it wasn't deep-seated hatred. Their altercations were more about testing his growth, and he hadn't taken their ambush to heart.

If he were in their position and had the power to retaliate, he would likely do the same.

Returning to the edge of Dragon Confinement Gorge, Yang Kai ignored the winds strong enough to blow a person away. He focused his mind, and the scant inner energy in his meridians began circulating repeatedly.

The circulation of inner energy seemed to draw some mysterious force, causing his pores to open, while the Yang energy in the air eagerly poured into his body like a cat sniffing fish.

His entire body felt warm, as if he were soaking in a hot bath, and Yang Kai relaxed completely.

Two days passed swiftly, and Yang Kai gained considerable progress.

With the two days of cultivation, his inner energy grew significantly, and there was a gentle Yang flame within it.

This was the most distinct feature of the True Yang Technique. Since the inner energy was formed by absorbing Yang energy, it naturally belonged to Yang.