The Unyielding Ao

Su Xuanwu squinted, intently observing the battered Yang Kai. He remarked, "It seems he is undergoing some sort of realization."

"What do you mean?" Su Mu could not fathom it.

Su Xuanwu shook his head slowly, offering no further explanation.

To his eyes, although Yang Kai's current plight was grievous, it was clear he was using the battle as an opportunity for profound insight, perhaps into his state of mind or martial skills. Within his frost-covered, shivering form, a spark of warmth was spreading. If he could harness it, he might undergo a profound transformation and ascend to a new level.

Should he succeed, his future achievements would surely be remarkable. Su Xuanwu had never seen a warrior achieve such deep understanding while possessing such modest power; it was nothing short of a miracle.

"Grandfather, if Sister continues to strike him this way, Brother Yang might die," Su Mu said urgently.

Su Xuanwu shook his head. "Yan'er is aware of her limits. Her techniques carry no intent to kill; she does not aim to take Yang Kai's life."

He muttered to himself, "Strange... Why would Yan'er be so furious?"

Even Su Xuanwu, seasoned as he was, could not fathom what had transpired to incite such wrath in Su Yan.

The blizzard receded, and Su Yan stood gracefully in mid-air, while Yang Kai was unceremoniously hurled to the ground, his appearance disheveled, clothing in tatters, and exposed skin displaying the telltale signs of frostbite.

As he neared the ground, Yang Kai executed a roll and landed smoothly, opening his eyes to gaze upwards.

Under the starry sky, Su Yan, in her flowing white attire, appeared like a celestial being descending from the heavens. The full moon hung high behind her, and the night breeze fluttered her garments.

Her otherworldly and regal presence instilled a sense of humble reverence.

A crackling sound emerged, and a layer of frost swiftly enveloped Yang Kai, followed by a massive ice block encasing him entirely.

The ice block was sharply defined and crystal clear, allowing every strand of Yang Kai's hair and even his rigid expression to be visible through the ice.

Su Yan said nothing, only cast a lingering glance at Yang Kai before turning and returning indoors.

The breathtaking scene remained etched in Yang Kai's vision.

"Watch over him. When the ice shatters, it will be the day of his success," Su Xuanwu instructed Su Mu sternly.

Su Mu, sweating with anxiety, asked, "Grandfather, won't Brother Yang freeze to death?"

Su Xuanwu chuckled, "He will not. This is his fortune!"

With that, he turned and departed.

Su Mu and the others approached cautiously, surrounding the enormous ice block, but their efforts to break it were in vain. The frost formed by Su Yan's Ice Cold Force was impervious to their attempts.

"This is bad, this is bad. Brother Yang was already injured, and now he's frozen inside. His condition might deteriorate further," someone lamented, only to be silenced by Su Mu's sharp gaze. "Didn't Grandfather say this is Brother Yang's fortune? Don't meddle. We might injure him further if we break the ice. We must wait here."

"Alright," the group agreed.

The ice remained still throughout the early morning hours, with Yang Kai within appearing almost lifeless, his breaths faint, his eyes fixed on the spot where Su Yan had disappeared.

After a brief consultation, Su Mu and the others decided to leave two people to keep watch while the rest went about their business.

This situation persisted for three full days. Before a small attic, a living person was encased within a block of ice, presenting an eerie and bizarre scene.

Su Mu and the others had lost count of how many times they had taken turns watching, yet the ice showed no signs of breaking. Each was growing increasingly anxious.

During these three days, Yang Kai felt as if time had ceased. Although his eyes remained open, he saw nothing.

All his focus was absorbed in contemplation.

He sensed the movement of his bones, felt the warmth generated by his indomitable will, and observed how this warmth, as it spread within him, gradually increased his strength.

The ice left by Su Yan provided an excellent catalyst for his understanding. The Cold Ice Force within the ice constantly eroded his body and seeped into his meridians.

This Cold Ice Force was beyond Yang Kai's current capacity to withstand, but he resisted it each time, relying on the peculiarities of the Bone Refinement Body.

Countless attempts to resist allowed Yang Kai to penetrate the mysteries of the Bone Refinement Body and understand why it could enhance his power.

The small ember of warmth inside him gradually expanded. By today, having unraveled the secret of the Bone Refinement Body, the ember ignited into a blazing inferno, filling his body with a surging wave of heat.

A crack echoed!

Su Mu and Li Yuntian, who were waiting nearby, were startled by the noise and quickly turned to look.

The massive ice block had developed numerous fine cracks, resembling a spider's web.

"Brother Yang is coming out!" Su Mu declared with excitement.

Indeed, as his words fell, the ice block exploded into shards, dissolving into specks of light in the air.

Yang Kai, covered in blood and grime, stood amidst the debris, his upper body still appearing somewhat frail, yet his brow was furrowed in deep thought.

Su Mu and Li Yuntian dared not disturb him, waiting silently.

After a while, Yang Kai's troubled expression dissipated, and he smiled, saying, "If that is the case, then I shall name it the Indomitable Spirit!"

The Indomitable Spirit was the profound insight Yang Kai had gained over these three days. It was a unique martial skill, not for offense, but to enhance oneself.

It was a skill he had discerned from the Bone Refinement Body, closely tied to it.

Only in adversity, with an indomitable will, could this extraordinary skill be awakened. When employed, the Bone Refinement Body would provide energy, momentarily boosting his strength.

Though he had previously triggered the Indomitable Spirit by accident, understanding its principles made a world of difference in its effectiveness.

Until now, Yang Kai had truly mastered this mysterious skill, one unique to him.

He would no longer unintentionally activate the Indomitable Spirit when injured or stimulated.

While the reward was immense, Yang Kai felt some dissatisfaction. He could sense that the Bone Refinement Body still harbored other mysteries he had yet to unravel, a regrettable oversight.

There was still time; he reassured himself.

Only when Yang Kai began to move did Su Mu and Li Yuntian approach, concerned, and ask, "Brother Yang, are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" Yang Kai flexed his limbs and was surprised to find that his previous injuries had fully healed.

"Get dressed quickly. Otherwise, when Sister returns, she might beat you again," Su Mu warned nervously.