Are you still in a childlike form?

In the residence of the Second Elder of Lingxiao Pavilion, Yang Kai devoured his food voraciously while Su Mu and others sat beside him, engaging in conversation.

Naturally, there was much speculation about why Su Yan had been so harsh with Yang Kai that night, but Yang Kai remained silent on the matter.

"By the way, has Wei Zhuang caused you any more trouble?" Yang Kai shifted the topic, mentioning that since leaving the Forest Prison, he had been unconscious and then frozen in ice, leaving him unaware of how the sect had handled the situation.

"That matter is in the past," Su Mu replied, "No one in the pavilion, from the elders to us younger disciples, will dwell on it any longer." He then looked at Yang Kai with a puzzled expression and said, "In fact, our safety this time wasn't due to my grandfather's influence."

"Really?" Yang Kai looked up, "Was it not due to the efforts of the Second Elder?"

"Not at all," Su Mu shook his head slowly, slightly embarrassed as he recounted what had happened in the Elder's Hall that day, and continued, "When my grandfather was dealing with you, guess who arrived?"


"You wouldn't believe it, but it was Meng Ping of the Contribution Hall. He brought the Sect Master's token and an edict from the Sect Master, which is what turned the situation from a major issue into a minor one."

"Meng Old Man?" Yang Kai was astonished.

"If it hadn't been for him, Brother Yang, you would probably be facing severe punishment from the Grand Elder right now," Su Mu said, full of remorse.

Yang Kai smiled nonchalantly, "No need to worry about it, Su Junior Brother."

Su Mu bowed repeatedly, "I understand Brother Yang's magnanimity. On behalf of my grandfather, I offer our apologies. The old ghost's actions this time were indeed unspeakable."

Yang Kai was unconcerned. It was only natural for high-level conflicts to involve manipulating their subordinates as pawns.

Su Mu continued, "Meng Guanzhu is a mysterious figure. Even the old ghost said his strength is unfathomable. We don't know why he got involved in this matter or why he has connections with the Sect Master."

Yang Kai pondered, "Meng Old Man is known for his shrewdness. There must be something he's after by going to such lengths. Regardless, he helped us, so it is only right to thank him and see what he wants."

"Brother Yang is right; we were waiting for you to join us," Su Mu said.

"Let's go now."

Without delay, the group set off towards the Contribution Hall.

Inside the Contribution Hall, Meng Guanzhu was unusually awake, sitting behind the counter with a smiling demeanor, seemingly awaiting their arrival.

Su Mu, with a forced smile, greeted him, "Greetings, Grandpa Meng!"

In the past, Su Mu would have referred to Meng Guanzhu as "that old man," but now he dared not be so disrespectful.

Meng Guanzhu smiled slightly, "You're quite obedient."

"Hehe," Su Mu responded awkwardly.

"Are you here to express your thanks?" Meng Guanzhu glanced at the group.

"Yes," they all nodded.

"Very well then. Leave Yang Kai here, and the rest of you may leave!"

"Yes!" Su Mu and the others dared not hesitate. They quickly bowed and departed. After leaving the Contribution Hall, they realized that Meng Guanzhu had helped them solely because of Yang Kai. Otherwise, why would he have singled out Yang Kai?

But why did he help Yang Kai?

Inside the Contribution Hall, Yang Kai was puzzled, "Grandpa Meng, what do you want from me?"

He did not beat around the bush but directly voiced his confusion.

Meng Wuyou chuckled, stepping out from behind the counter. He clasped his hands behind his back and circled Yang Kai several times before finally looking up and asking, "What do you think I want from you?"

"Not sure," Yang Kai rolled his eyes, thinking, if I knew, why would I ask you?

Meng Wuyou said, "Since you're being so straightforward, I won't keep you guessing. You're someone who knows how to repay kindness. I helped you this time because I need a favor from you."

Yang Kai frowned, "What kind of favor can I possibly do for you?"

Meng Guanzhu's strength was profound; if he couldn't handle something, how could Yang Kai?

As if sensing Yang Kai's concern, Meng Guanzhu reassured him, "Don't worry, it's not dangerous. If you meet the conditions, not only will it be safe, but there will be great benefits for you."

Yang Kai keenly noticed a hidden pained expression on Meng Guanzhu's face as he spoke the last sentence.

"A favor with conditions?" Yang Kai was increasingly baffled. It was rare to see someone so picky about help.

Meng Guanzhu explained, "You must meet my conditions and also satisfy another person's expectations."

"So troublesome, I'm not interested," Yang Kai said, preparing to leave.

"Don't!" Meng Guanzhu urgently called out, unwilling to let him go just like that. "Yang Kai, you must understand the gratitude owed for even the smallest favor. As your savior, how can you turn me away?"

"Then stop being so elusive. State what you need, and if I can help, I will. Otherwise, find someone else."

"Extend your hand. I need to check your vital energy," Meng Guanzhu said, no longer withholding.

Yang Kai, though wary, extended his hand, trusting Meng Guanzhu wouldn't mean him harm.

Meng Wuyou extended two fingers, placing them on Yang Kai's wrist. His expression shifted from casual to serious, then to astonished, changing so rapidly it was startling.

"Excellent, such pure Yang energy!" Meng Wuyou withdrew his hand, overjoyed.

"Does this favor relate to the energy I've cultivated?" Yang Kai guessed.

"Indeed," Meng Wuyou nodded vigorously. "Otherwise, why would I seek you out? Yang Kai, I have another question you must answer honestly."

"What question?"

Meng Wuyou's expression turned awkward, his gaze evasive as he carefully chose his words. After a long pause, he asked nervously and eagerly, "Are you still a virgin?"

Nervously, Meng Wuyou stretched his neck and brought his face close to Yang Kai, staring intently.

Yang Kai stepped back, feeling a shiver run down his spine and becoming highly alert, "What are you doing?"

The old man doesn't have some peculiar fetish, does he? This question is completely absurd!

"Why are you backing away? I'm not going to eat you!" Meng Wuyou pursued him, cornering Yang Kai. In a mysterious whisper, he asked, "Are you or are you not still a virgin?"

"What exactly are you trying to do?" Yang Kai adopted a defiant stance, ready to confront him.

"What do you take me for?" Meng Wuyou finally realized how his question had been interpreted. He hastily retreated a few steps, muttering, "It's not what you think. Why are you so sordid?"