A little panic like numbness

Upon hearing this, Long Hui's expression brightened significantly. "Are you saying that what they are seeking is just ahead?"

"Indeed. They must have arrived here yesterday, but have remained inactive, clearly indicating they have reached their destination," Wen Feichen responded with a smile.

"Then why wait? Haven't we followed them all this way for this very moment?" Long Hui's desire was fueled more by his eagerness to see Xia Ningchang's true appearance than by any treasure. After waiting for so long, he could no longer contain himself.

Wen Feichen chuckled, "Though they have arrived, it seems they have yet to obtain what they seek. Young Master Long, please be patient a little longer. I assure you, I will not let that woman escape."

Long Hui, growing impatient, recalled Wen Feichen's similar assurances back at the town, which had led to significant losses. Hearing the same now, he felt disgruntled.

Yet, he did not want to appear overly eager. After some thought, Long Hui said, "We will wait no more than two days. If they remain inactive after that, we shall take action!"

Wen Feichen nodded reluctantly, sighing inwardly. He thought to himself that Long Hui was akin to stubborn clay, with little ambition beyond his personal desires. Such individuals seldom achieve great success.

In the dark, windy night, Xia Ningchang finally opened her eyes in the valley, her exhaustion having dissipated, indicating a complete recovery.

After expressing her gratitude, she and Yang Kai took out some food and drink.

"In a little while, it will be midnight, and the valley will be filled with Yin energy. Junior Brother, do not stray too far. Your cultivation level is not high, and your vital energy is limited," Xia Ningchang instructed solemnly.

"Understood," Yang Kai nodded. Although his dantian stored several drops of Yang liquid, mitigating concerns about energy consumption, he kept this to himself.

As they conversed, an unusual disturbance suddenly arose in the valley.

Normally, in a valley recessed several dozen zhang below ground level and surrounded by rocky walls, there would be no wind. Yet, now the valley was filled with the howling of cold winds, resembling a woman's mournful cries at night, evoking a sense of dread and unease.

Accompanied by the rising cold wind, a chill emanated from the ground, causing Yang Kai's True Yang Technique to activate instinctively.

This chill was not like the piercing cold of a winter wind but had a ghostly, bone-chilling aura.

With his True Yang Technique operating at full speed, Yang Kai finally dispelled the coldness within him.

"Junior Brother!" Xia Ningchang suddenly pulled Yang Kai closer and took out a purple jade pendant, holding it tightly.

As Yang Kai drew near, the surrounding chill vanished, replaced by a warm flow emanating from Xia Ningchang.

"Stay close to me. This jade pendant can ward off the Yin energy," Xia Ningchang explained softly.

Yang Kai glanced at the purple jade pendant in surprise, realizing it was another treasure. As Xia Ningchang infused it with her vital energy, the pendant emitted a faint glow that drove away the surrounding Yin energy.

Yang Kai was astonished. With her bracelet and now this pendant, how many treasures does this senior sister possess?

"Why are you staring at me?" Xia Ningchang's face flushed, her voice barely a whisper.

Yang Kai was taken aback and realized the awkwardness of their proximity.

The pendant's protective range was limited, causing them to stand almost in contact. He could distinctly feel her warmth, the softness of her body, and the faint fragrance of her hair.

Xia Ningchang was equally affected, her face gradually reddening with a layer of shy moisture in her eyes, and her earlobes and neck flushed with color.

"Your vital energy is precious; it must not be wasted here. It should only be used to capture the Nine Yin Condensation Dew," Xia Ningchang said, trying to shift her focus away from Yang Kai's warmth, though the effort only heightened her sensitivity.

"This is merely the beginning. By midnight, the entire valley will be saturated with dense Yin energy. You must not leave my side; otherwise, the consequences could be dire."

"Alright!" Yang Kai nodded slightly.

They fell silent, standing closely together as they waited for midnight's arrival.

Heartbeats quickened.

Anxiety surged.

Xia Ningchang's body grew increasingly heated, her first experience of such discomfort. She felt a tingling, unbearable itch all over, struggling to remain still despite the urge to move. Eventually, her body began to tremble slightly.

Noticing her distress, Yang Kai observed her flushed skin and frowned. "Shall I step outside?"

He was confident in his ability to resist the Yin energy, given that his True Yang energy was its natural counter. Even if consumed, it would be minimal. Seeing Xia Ningchang suffer made Yang Kai uncomfortable as well.

"Don't!" Xia Ningchang immediately shook her head. "Just stay by my side… Please don't leave."

Her insistence left Yang Kai resigned.

Meanwhile, the Blood War Gang members had sensed the disturbance and hurried to the scene.

Gazing at the swirling Yin energy below, Wen Feichen pondered thoughtfully.

Long Hui, invigorated, said, "Master Wen, have they already succeeded?"

If Yang Kai and Xia Ningchang had achieved their goal, it would be their cue to act without reservation.

Wen Feichen did not respond immediately, continuing to observe the valley below. Although he could sense something unusual, his experience did not yet reveal the full picture. Seeing Long Hui's impatience, Wen Feichen reluctantly said, "Whether they have succeeded is uncertain, but the phenomenon certainly indicates that a significant treasure is about to appear. Perhaps we should..."

Before Wen Feichen could finish, Long Hui, exasperated, interrupted, "No more waiting. Since a great treasure is imminent, whether they succeed or not is irrelevant. Master Wen, let us act now. We will deal with them first and then claim the treasure."

Wen Feichen sighed and nodded, "Very well, let's proceed."

In the dark night, Long Hui's eyes gleamed with malevolent anticipation. He envisioned the veiled beauty being stripped of her defenses, revealing her exquisite visage before him, and the excitement surged within him.

Yang Kai, you dare set your sights on my woman? I will show you what regret truly feels like.

I won't kill you just yet; instead, you will witness the humiliation of your beloved as she screams and cries, and I will savor your anger and helplessness.

The group of thirteen abandoned any pretense of stealth and, at Wen Feichen's signal, leaped down towards the valley.

The Fengyu Tower disciple at the Body Tempering stage was the most unfortunate. Faced with the height, he dared not jump and was kicked off by the impatient Long Hui, falling to his death.

Angry yet powerless, the rest of the group seethed in humiliation.