
The commotion caused by the Blood War Gang and Fengyu Tower was deafening, with the agonized scream of the Body Tempering practitioner echoing mournfully through the night.

Yang Kai and Xia Ningchang heard it clearly, their expressions changing as they turned to look in the direction of the disturbance.

They had no idea that such a multitude of enemies had been trailing them for days. Wen Feichen's tracking skills were exceptional, maintaining a safe distance to avoid detection. Although Xia Ningchang had reached the peak of the Separation and Reunion realm, she could not sense disturbances from a great distance. As such, Wen Feichen's plan was progressing smoothly.

"Why are there others here?" Xia Ningchang frowned, puzzled.

Yang Kai's expression also grew cold. According to Xia Ningchang, this place was ordinarily just a mundane valley, with extraordinary phenomena occurring only on the seventh day of the seventh month. It would not usually attract attention.

This meant that the newcomers either happened to be nearby and were drawn by the changes or had been following them with intent.

The latter possibility seemed highly probable, given the number of people involved and the fact that one had even died in the fall.

"This could be troublesome!" Yang Kai thought quickly, realizing the potential danger. "We should retreat for now."

"Agreed!" Xia Ningchang nodded compliance.

"Trying to leave?" A cold voice suddenly interrupted from behind. A figure appeared ten zhang ahead, and a sweeping palm strike blocked their path.

Yang Kai and Xia Ningchang were alarmed by the newcomer's formidable presence. They leapt back, readying their internal energies in cautious preparation.

Until they understood the true intentions of their adversaries, Yang Kai had no intention of provoking them.

Wen Feichen, having arrived first, simply observed silently without attacking, as the two remained subdued.

Yang Kai did not interest Wen Feichen, but Xia Ningchang's veiled presence caught his attention. Her delicate, pure beauty was striking, and though her face was obscured, her eyes, clear and star-like, were beyond the ordinary. Moreover, her physique was exceptionally remarkable.

Even Wen Feichen, not easily swayed by feminine allure, felt a pang of attraction. Were Long Hui to see her, his reaction would likely be even more intense.

The three remained in a tense standoff. Yang Kai searched for an escape route but found that the middle-aged man before him seemed to block all avenues of retreat.

"This man is a master of the True Yuan realm. Junior Brother, do not act recklessly," Xia Ningchang whispered to Yang Kai.

True Yuan realm! Yang Kai inhaled deeply, suppressing his restless thoughts.

In the meantime, the group from the Blood War Gang and Fengyu Tower finally arrived, spreading out around Wen Feichen. They gazed menacingly at Yang Kai and Xia Ningchang.

"Who are you?" Yang Kai squinted, observing the newcomers, none of whom he recognized, his suspicion growing. 

He was unaware that some of these people were once familiar to him, but they had been devoured by monsters along the way. The only one remaining had fallen to his death earlier.

"Enemies seeking your demise!" Long Hui emerged from behind Wen Feichen, sneering coldly. Upon seeing Xia Ningchang, his eyes gleamed with a greedy light as he scanned her insolently, praising, "Splendid, splendid! What a pure and charming young woman. This trip is indeed worthwhile!"

Xia Ningchang's brows furrowed in disgust, subtly moving behind Yang Kai. Though her cultivation was far superior, as a sheltered woman, she felt no shame in seeking refuge. It seemed only natural to her.

The close proximity of the two made Yang Kai acutely aware of the softness pressing against his back, causing him to discreetly straighten his posture.

Amidst the peril, Yang Kai remained composed, his demeanor unchanged. After a moment's contemplation, he said, "Do you bear a grudge against us?"

Yang Kai now realized that the confrontation was not coincidental but premeditated, given the hostility upon their arrival.

Were these the enemies of Master Meng and his disciple, or had he incurred their ire himself? Yang Kai needed clarification, for even in death, understanding the cause was crucial.

"Naturally, we have a grudge!" Long Hui, confident of victory, revealed his identity, "I am Long Hui, grandson of Long Zaitian, the deputy leader of the Blood War Gang! Did you think you could covet Hu Meier and escape the consequences?"

Yang Kai was taken aback. He had not anticipated such a person seeking trouble. The reason for enmity seemed trivial, given he had only met Hu Meier a few times with no significant interaction. It was disheartening to be regarded as a rival without just cause.

Nevertheless, recalling the humiliation inflicted by Long Zaitian during their last encounter in the Blood War Gang's mine, Yang Kai's resolve hardened.

Following Long Hui, Nu Lang spoke grimly, "Nu Tao is my younger brother! He disappeared along with Cheng Shaofeng. Tell me, does their disappearance concern you?"

Realizing that two separate groups had come after him, Yang Kai understood the situation. 

He sighed inwardly, lamenting his unfortunate fate. On his first journey away from the sect, he had attracted two waves of enemies and stirred such a large commotion.

This time, Xia Ningchang had been dragged into his predicament.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Kai's face betrayed no fear, remaining calm and composed. He gently squeezed Xia Ningchang's fingers and whispered, "Do not worry about me. Find an opportunity to escape on your own."

Since he had caused this trouble, he could not let Xia Ningchang suffer alongside him. She might have a chance alone, whereas his presence would only be a burden.

Although his voice was soft, the adversaries heard it clearly.

Long Hui laughed maliciously, "Leaving? It won't be that simple. After all the torment you've endured in the mountains, I expect a return on my investment! Yang Kai, today you will surely die. As for the little lady behind you, she will be nothing more than my plaything. Rest assured, I won't kill her immediately; I intend to enjoy her first before she meets her end!"

Yang Kai's expression darkened, his voice cold and commanding: "Leave!"

He then grasped Xia Ningchang's arm and, under her astonished gaze, exerted all his strength to hurl her away.

"Delusional!" Wen Feichen sneered coldly, flashing into position behind Xia Ningchang, preparing to strike her back.