Chapter 2

After Lin Li returned home like a zombie, he jumped onto the bed and covered his head. He didn't fall asleep immediately. He couldn't sleep, and he didn't want to sleep. He recalled every bit of his time with the goddess in his mind, with happiness and pain.

It was fate that the goddess and he met again. They met in the corridor of the same school. They were classmates in the same grade. Then, because of the previous incident, Lin Li was ridiculed.

The two quickly became friends. In life, she has a cheerful personality, a wide range of hobbies, and is naturally very popular. Because of her beautiful figure and heroic face, she is very popular among both boys and girls. Especially after seeing her very good skills, she has become a star in the grade, and even a fan club has appeared. However, it may be that the beauty is envied by the gods. The good days did not last long. The goddess was absent for a few days without any reason. Lin Li hurriedly cared about her and asked the teacher that she went to the hospital, but when he rushed to the hospital, he said that she had been discharged. He asked the nurse about the injury, but the nurse said that the injury was not serious and told Lin Li not to ask. Lin Li had no choice but to go back.

The goddess returned to school the next day after Lin Li asked about it. It seems that she was not seriously injured.

The goddess was still the same as usual, but Lin Li, who wanted to get close to the goddess the most, found the hidden sadness. When no one was watching her, she would become melancholy with sadness in her eyes.

Although Lin Li cared about her and always cared about her, the goddess just kept silent, then forced a smile and said that she was fine, and immediately returned to normal. Although Lin Li was very worried, he could not find out the reason no matter how he asked, so he had to give up for the time being and observe the situation.

It's not that Lin Li didn't want to, but he was really a virgin. He clumsily wanted to touch the goddess' heart, but every time he was discovered, he kept the goddess away. The goddess' heart seemed like ice. Lin Li only felt that his efforts were not enough and didn't think about anything else.

Gradually, the goddess changed and began to like talking about men, especially about that kind of thing and the topic of gangsters. She even took the initiative to talk to the famous gangsters in the school. She gradually withdrew from all the clubs, and applied for the school's permission to live off campus. Finally, she even stopped practicing her favorite Taekwondo.

Although Lin Li spent the most time with her in school, the goddess would disappear after school or during lunch break. Later, when he wanted to chat with her, she often had something to do. When he asked her, she said she was busy and would make it up to Lin Li next time, but there were so many next times

. Her figure became better and better, but she had fewer and fewer topics to talk about with Lin Li.

The goddess's buttocks developed very quickly, and it was really plumper than when they first met. For this reason, Lin Li often joked that if it developed further, she would hardly be able to sit down. She often had a gorgeous smile on her face, although she felt that the smile was very sad.

Although Lin Li was a little unwilling, he was happy for her when he thought that the person he liked had found something he loved to do, and he didn't doubt anything too much. If there is one thing that Lin Li still cares about, it is an unpleasant incident between them, which is still fresh in his memory.

One time during lunch break, a classmate downloaded the latest movie from a local paid escort website and was watching it with relish. He said it was a very heavy-tasting domestic movie. Lin Li had never seen such a movie before, so he quietly went over and watched.

The movie was halfway through, in a dimly lit place, two people were making love, one was black, and the other should be yellow, but her face was covered by a mask. The woman had very fair skin and a huge butt. The only reason she was yellow was because of her black hair and not so wild screams.

But the content was very fierce compared to the sound. The black man's penis was about 30 cm long and 5 cm in diameter. It was thrusting rapidly, driving the woman's juices in and out. If a white person was thrusted like this, she would probably scream miserably, poking her clitoris to relieve the pain while shouting yes! omg. yes! But this kind of thrusting seemed to be just an appetizer for the woman. She moaned and felt quite happy.

Suddenly the black man seemed to say something, and a stick suddenly appeared on the screen. The stick was raised to the highest point, and then it was swung down quickly, hitting the woman's waist. The sound was painful just by hearing it, and the woman screamed at the time. At this time, the owner of the stick said to the black man in an authentic dialect

"Boss, don't save your energy. This is a sow. Don't worry about breaking it. She used to practice Taekwondo. Her body is strong, especially her buttocks. Look at me again."

After saying that, he pushed the screaming woman to the ground. The light on the screen was not good, and only the woman's buttocks could be seen clearly.

The woman stuck her buttocks out, and the man with the stick recorded with one hand and grabbed the stick with the other hand and whipped it hard. The stick hit her buttocks and made waves of flesh. The woman suppressed the pain and made a whimpering sound, as if she was crying. After a long time, the man was tired of beating, and dropped the stick

, and kicked the vagina and anus fiercely. The vagina was bleeding, but the buttocks were lucky and not injured. The black man said something quickly.

"Boss, don't worry, it's okay to bleed. I'm demonstrating it to you. This is a sow. The harder you are, the more horny she will be. Wait a minute."

After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves, smeared the blood from the vagina on his hands, adjusted the woman's posture, and aimed his fist at her anus. Only then could he see the woman's anus clearly. Her anus was huge, and the wrinkles even spread to the edge of the buttocks. The slender anus mouth with a long gap of about 5 cm was slightly open like a mouth. The center of the anus was like breathing, and the bright red rectum could be faintly seen. It was a real, battle-hardened anus.

With a "puff", the man punched the woman's asshole hard. It went in instantly with a "puff", without any resistance, and went deep to the elbow. Then it was a rapid thrust, accompanied by the sound of air and water, bringing out the tender rectum and dark anus, and intestinal fluid splashed out. The woman had no strength to groan. The man punched her more than a hundred times like a boxer, and the asshole became looser and a gap could be seen from the edge. Suddenly, a thick black hand also entered the picture, as if it wanted to fight with the man's hand. The man who was interested in the black man slightly withdrew his hand to his wrist, leaving a space of about a few centimeters. The black man's big hand reluctantly squeezed in from these few centimeters of space. The woman, who felt like she was about to die, began to groan in pain again. Lin Li watched the woman's asshole being stretched and then rounded, the grooves of the buttocks being gradually flattened, and then the anus being stretched into an oval, until the black man's hand completely disappeared in it, and excitedly began to thrust, bringing out more bright red rectum. Lin Li was already as hard as he could be.

He felt extremely excited, which was something that no other movie could bring him. The rosy rectum and the huge hole gave him stimulation far beyond that of a normal sex video, but he didn't feel a bit disgusted, and he didn't know why.

The video was coming to an end. The black man and the man's hands were all covered with greasy intestinal fluid. The woman knelt on the ground and had fainted. The huge anus was opening and closing, and the everted sphincter was like an erupting crater. The tender rectum was red and red, and it felt like a foot could be put in at any time.

"Boss, now you know how to play, right? This sow is so cheap, you are always welcome...! Ah? How did you meet her? Oh, this is usually not allowed... Ah, you are too polite! Then I will tell you, this is something I usually don't tell others." At this point, the man began to introduce the woman's origin. "It started because this sow beat my brother. She learned some kung fu and wanted to be a messenger of justice. She beat my two brothers for a sissy who was neither male nor female. My brother said that the sissy was a wimp and would become weak when frightened. This woman was nosy and went to save him. Her kung fu was quite powerful. She beat my two brothers and saved them.

You said, if we are in our line of work, we should just forget about getting beaten. It would be better to go home and have children. The two men were afraid of losing face, so they went to various universities to look for ideas. They stayed there for half a month. Their hard work paid off. They found the woman, called a group of brothers to tie her up, drug her, strip her naked, beat her severely, locked her up for two days, didn't give her food, and took photos.

This woman was also strong on the outside but weak on the inside. She was so scared that she peed herself. After the beating, she cried and begged us for forgiveness. She also said that we would do anything except beat her. As a result, the two brothers made this sow deflower in both holes for the first time.

In the end, she was detained for four or five days. At the beginning, she was still a little resistant. And her figure was so good, especially her buttocks, which were big and elastic. I asked more than a dozen brothers to take care of her every day, to calm her down, and to give her some medicine. After a few days, she became obedient. At the beginning, it was not easy to detain her for too long. After more than a dozen brothers had enough fun, they took photos and released her. After that, we called her here every day after school, gave her injections, and then fucked her hard. In fact, there are only two things we use to play with women: needles and fucking!

Maybe I was too strict with her. She had a lot of backlash when I first started training her. She was always trying to find evidence against us. She even called the police once. Fortunately, we moved quickly. Damn, she became much more obedient after a few hard fucks. We threatened her with the sissy she saved, and she surrendered. After surrendering, she was a hundred times more lewd than when we trained her. She did whatever we asked her to do. I want her to get a tattoo on her asshole next time!

How did you train her? To train a serious woman like this, you have to give her hope. For example, I told her that I would let her go as long as she earned enough money for my brother's mental damages, medicine, and other expenses. Damn, she really believed it. Last time I was at their school, which seemed to be called Z University, but it was a university anyway. I asked her to take me to the place where she usually had classes and put on her usual clothes. Her skirt was so long that it touched her knees. To deal with such a surrendered woman, it is best to dangle a carrot. I told her that I would let her go as long as she could be fucked in the asshole at school without squirting. How could she not agree? I made her cum again and again. Squirting, after all, I have the ability. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is medicine. This medicine is a secret medicine imported from foreign countries. It is very expensive. I only have a few small bottles. As long as I pour it into the anus, it can increase the sensitivity several times. How can she not orgasm? She is still amazing. Later, she became better and could hold it back. She only orgasmed without squirting. I worked hard to develop her anus, expanding it again and again, making her unable to hold back again and again. Until now, she has not held back. I almost doubt whether she wants to have fun. You said you want to see it too? ... This... Oh ~ You are too polite! It's settled. I will bring you with me in a few days, and we will have a rooftop swim!"

The video was almost over, but Lin Li was like falling from a volcano into the Arctic Ocean, and his heat turned into cold sweat. The information revealed in the video had to make everyone imagine, but Lin Li knew more. The first two useful pieces of information were Z University and Taekwondo, which were not enough evidence, but with the rescue, Lin Li remembered it vividly. He couldn't forget it even if he wanted to, and he couldn't lie to himself that it wasn't.

But Lin Li really couldn't imagine that the cheerful girl would be such a sow. Lin Li just felt that his mind was muddy...

After a long time, Lin Li was a little sober. Reason told him that this was almost certain to be the one, but his emotions were so strong that he didn't admit that the person he liked was like that. After thinking about it, he remembered that the latest video said that they would go to school to do that kind of thing, so he had to pay attention to squatting and see if there were any black people entering the school.

The next day, Lin Li investigated the goddess's schedule. Generally, that kind of thing should be either during lunch break or physical education class, and it happened that the goddess had physical education class in the third period, and he had a class with the goddess. But the goddess didn't come to the physical education class. Just as Lin Li was looking for her everywhere and his bad premonition was getting stronger, the phone rang.

"Where are you? Why... Why aren't you in class? Ah~" A breathless voice came from the phone, mixed with undisguised water and puffs.

"You're not in class, are you? What's that sound? Why are you panting?"

Although the feeling has already appeared, I still want to ask...

"It's okay. Physical education class... is meaningless. I, I, I'm washing clothes~ hand washing~, washing very... heavy, there will be... puffs, water sounds~, ah!

"Hey! What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"No, nothing, it's just... ah... puff, it's not convenient to wash with one hand... I'm washing with two hands~ ah! "

Lin Li already felt abnormal, but his emotions wanted to believe in the purity of the goddess, and he didn't want to believe in the words of reason.

"...What are you calling for...? Just tell me you're washing clothes"

",,,Yes, yes, puff, I want to, puff, want to see you, bang, ah! You go, to the playground..."

",,,,Okay, then I'll go to the playground"

After hanging up the phone with the sound of water, Lin Li's contradictory mood can be imagined, confused and painful, he didn't want to believe but had no way to deny it, he hoped that the goddess was pure in his heart, and a trace of unknown excitement made him want to just let it go and go with the flow.

Everyone on the playground was playing, Lin Li felt that the classmates who were in the same world just now were so far away,

"Hey~! Lin Li! "

Lin Li looked in the direction where the voice came from. It was the top floor of the dormitory building. It should be there, where the management was the most lax. Looking at the happy little face on the top floor, he really couldn't believe what he had just thought. However, the excessive blush on the little face made people more suspicious.

Lin Li shouted downstairs of the dormitory

"What are you doing! Class

"I'm not coming down"

"I'm drying my clothes, the weather is so good"

"Really, I'm coming up"

"No, no, the class is about to end, I'll come down"

Lin Li didn't reply and ran upstairs. He felt that if he didn't go to this place, there would be no progress in the relationship in the future.

Lin Li quickly went up to the roof, but didn't find the goddess. He knew the goddess's dormitory, so he turned back quickly and arrived at the door of the goddess's dormitory. The door was locked, so he had to knock on the door

"Open the doorknob, I know you are there" There was a silence, and finally the door opened

"What are you doing, the class is about to end"

The goddess's dormitory was very clean, things were visited in an orderly manner, and it was extremely tidy. It can be seen that a very educated and serious person lives there. Looking around again and again, there was no place to hide. There was only one left, that is, the toilet.

"I'm going to the toilet"

After saying that, Lin Li walked towards the toilet. Suddenly, he saw that Lin Li was back at the door. He was thrown back. "Are you crazy? You can just walk into the girls' toilet! "

She seemed very flustered and furious. Lin Li was a little scared at that time. He didn't want to break up with her, so he couldn't force his way in.

"Is there someone hiding in the toilet?"

Asking this question was already Lin Li's biggest limit.

"Nonsense, even if there is no one, it is a female toilet. Men can't go in. Are you stupid?"

Lin Li wanted to say that I was really stupid. According to the most likely facts, there are two people hiding in your toilet now, and they are two people who make the sound of water with you.

Lin Li didn't want to break up here, but he didn't want to retreat. He was in a stalemate. After a while, the goddess was shocked and finally gave in. "Alas, I was defeated by you. Go ahead."

Lin Li didn't expect to get what he wanted in the end. He walked quickly to the toilet and opened the door. He saw that it was empty inside.

Lin Li was finally relieved. It should be said that he finally had an excuse to be relieved. It was all coincidence. Well, it was all.

"Alas, comfortable~"

"Humph, stinky shameless guy"

"Whatever you say~"

Lin Li, who was in a good mood, was joking and didn't notice that there was a lot of light yellow viscous liquid on the balcony railing, forming a huge handprint that was clearly visible. Since then, subsequent videos have been uploaded continuously. It is said that there are videos in the toilet, outdoor battles, downtown areas, and even in supermarkets and underground clubs. Perverted women are exerting their youthful sweat. The news of the big perverted woman Z spread like wildfire. Although the perverted woman wore a mask when she appeared, those who should know still knew it. Many wretched uncles and perverts who came here for her reputation always wandered around the school gate. People in the school were discussing who was the big perverted woman Z, who was even more famous than the goddess.

The goddess listened to these and didn't care at all. She was still as self-willed as before, but she became more beautiful, but Lin Li became more and more distant from her... Lin Li was the only one who didn't know anything.

During this period, the goddess didn't know where she went to tan, and even on the day of the exam, she didn't see her figure.

Thinking back to the end here, Lin Li on the bed had never thought that being rejected by a girl would be so sad. He thought that time would dilute everything, and thought about not hanging himself on a tree, but the reality was that she was just a shadow, her smile, her severity, her blush, and the sound of the perverted woman's water flashed by, as well as the sticky liquid and the huge chrysanthemum...

The more Lin Li thought about it, the more painful it became. The more painful it became, the more he thought about it. He had no way out. Living in a favorable situation, he had never encountered such a situation that could make people lose their goals.

Lin Li gave up thinking and lay flat on the sofa. He knew that even if he continued to think, it would only make him more painful and he could not change anything. He could not change anything now, the weak... self now.

So, he called his sister

"Sister, where are you? Can you introduce me to your gym coach?"