Chapter 3

Lin Li knew his most obvious problem, he was too much like a woman. But

Even if he wanted to become stronger, he had no idea where to start, but there was a successful example around him, his sister Lin Li's sister was a freshman. Although they were not in the same university, they were in the city, facing each other from north to south.

She was lively and studied tourism management. She said she wanted to see the world, so she went to the gym to exercise. Lin Li remembered that she said their fitness coach was very powerful and had many methods. At that time, Lin Li just heard it and thought it was just his sister's spring, because when she said that, her eyes were narrowed, her cheeks were flushed, and she looked very happy.

Because she was a boarding student, they only contacted occasionally. Lin Li agreed to wait for her at home the next day. Her voice on the phone was still reluctant. It was really a girl who couldn't be kept.

The next morning, it was past 10 o'clock and she still hadn't arrived, so Lin Li had to call her.

"Where are you?"

"Ha~ Brother, I'll be there soon."

"Why are you still yawning? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

"Yes, I didn't sleep well. I had a reservation today. My personal trainer heard that you were interested, so he didn't take a vacation and was waiting for you to come. Ah~, I'm embarrassed to go out and play, and I'm here to accompany you."

"What did I do to you? Shouldn't I help you when you have something to do? By the way, is your personal trainer the one you said is very good?"

"Yes, he is really good. I heard that he won awards abroad. Many people really can't get a coach like him. You are really thanks to me... Okay, open the door, I'm here."

After saying that, he hung up the phone. Alas, he still hasn't changed. He always does what he wants. Thinking about it, Lin Li stood up from the sofa, opened the security door, and saw his sister standing under the morning sun. She was not tall, only 160cm in height, and now she was as tall as Lin Li. Her shoulder-length hair was tied up high, and the ends of her hair were a little colored, as if she had dyed her hair before. After all, she was a grown-up girl, so Lin Li couldn't say anything about her. Her cute face was a little chubby, and her big, bright eyes revealed the vigor of a young girl. Her small, cherry-like lips looked very sexy on her wheat-colored skin. She wore a leopard-print vest that exposed her abdomen, and a denim short T-shirt outside, which was very fashionable and generous. Her cute breasts held up the vest high, her abdomen was firm, fit and slender, and her beautiful mermaid line was clearly visible. Her hips were huge, which was commensurate with Lin Li's figure. The hot pants seemed to be unable to cover them, and they exuded a strong temptation. Her thighs were not as slender as her body, but as strong as a female leopard. Her whole person revealed fashion and vitality. No one would have thought that she was a short-haired, simple girl who was a little white and fat 8 months ago? Everything was brought about by fitness.

"Brother, why don't you look well?"

The cheerful and familiar voice warmed my heart, and I realized how dangerous and fragile I was from yesterday to now. I really had the urge to cry.

"My sister, who I haven't seen for a long time, is talking like this? Come and hug me"

This is Lin Li's way of being intimate with his sister, and it has always been like this.

"I really can't do anything with you, you are really a child"

Lin Li hugged his sister's body, moved to tears, thinking: Ah, this warmth is the temperature of relatives, the temperature that can melt the ice. The temperature of my sister's body is really higher than that of ordinary people, extremely soft, but very elastic. I put my chin on her shoulder and took a deep breath. It feels like a very fashionable perfume. My sister has really grown up, huh? There is also a slightly fishy sour smell, and her hair is a little sticky. Her breasts are against her chest, and the soft touch can't help but make Lin Li move slightly and rub it.

"Ah~" A slight and lewd cry pushed Lin Li away. My sister's face was red, and she looked at Lin Li and whispered: pervert.

Lin Li blushed and smiled helplessly.

Sitting in a taxi, Lin Li and his sister rushed to the south of the city. The X Fitness Club in the south of the city is the largest fitness base in the city. It covers a very large area. The fitness equipment and rooms alone occupy 5 floors. In addition, there are various leisure and recuperation facilities. There are also many coaches, and the famous coaches may not have time even if they pay.

"Here we are, brother. I won't ask you why you exercise, but you have to listen to me. Don't cause trouble for other coaches. Just do whatever they ask you to do."

"I understand, I understand."

With that, my sister went upstairs, and I followed her downstairs. Looking at the strong fitness people in the building, I also felt hopeful.

"I can do it, too. At least I can do what my sister can do."

Lin Li thought, and looked up, and saw the sister walking in front of him, and her fat buttocks. Her fat buttocks were wrapped in short hot pants, and they were sunken in the middle. Basically, it was already the extent that it could not be sunken any more, and you could see the cute little buns... This was too much. Lin Li was angry before he felt embarrassed, thinking that he must talk to her next time. When his parents were not around, he was the only one who could take care of her.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, who is talking about me?"

The sister suddenly sneezed a few times, sniffed her nose, and said strangely...

But her strangeness was far less than Lin Li's current strangeness, and his eyes were about to fall out of his head. At the moment when she sneezed and bent over, Lin Li saw from this direction that a round bulge suddenly appeared on her hot pants, which disappeared in just a moment. The bulge was probably no less than 7 cm in diameter, in the center of the hot pants, at the anus... It's not shit, Lin Li thought stupidly. He didn't smell any bad smell, but a smell of hospital and plastic...

"What's wrong? Are you stupid? We're already here!"

The old sister went to the third floor, and Lin Li was still standing there stupidly, trying to treat what he had just seen as an illusion. Seeing the shyness on the angry expression that the old sister deliberately made, Lin Li didn't dare to think too much and went up quickly.

When he went up, he was attracted: huge equipment, rooms with various functions, men with muscular bodies, and women with bodybuilding, sweating without any effort.

"Linlin, you're here"

"Xiaomi, where's Bob?"

"In the massage room, (whispering) probably adjusting the new lubricant"

"Hey, what are you talking about, I'm bringing someone here"

Lin Li really didn't hear it, the surroundings were not quiet, they talked and controlled the volume, only to see the old sister shy and happy, I don't know what she was saying, she turned around and took Lin Li

"Let's go, let's go meet the most powerful fitness coach in our gym" I really admire this coach named Bob...

She took Lin Li directly to the deepest part of the third floor, a huge door with the word massage room written on it, the old sister introduced "This is where fitness people come here to relax when their muscles are sore after exercise"

"Bob, I'm back!"

? ...What do you mean by back, do you think this is your home? Lin Li complained in his heart

"Oh, baby, you are finally back,"

! "Hey, how can your coach talk like that!"

"What do you know? Isn't that how foreigners treat people they are close to?"


The door opened immediately, but the view was all black, like a black wall. If it weren't for the uneven muscle lines, I would have really thought I had walked into the wrong door. This black wall was Bob...

Lin Li's first feeling was: Is this man a fitness coach or a war machine: about two meters tall, bald, with muscles all over his body, like muscle armor, but the smile on his face was full of Chinese-style humility.

Strangely, this man who was like a fortress, completely different from Lin Li, did not give him too much oppression, perhaps because of his Chinese-style humble smile.

He was wearing a sports suit with long pants and long sleeves, but the lines were still clear, especially the strange thing on his waist, which was wrapped around, making Lin Li subconsciously not want to understand what it was.

"Oh, hello, are you here to work out?"

He found Lin Li and greeted him.

His voice was low, but not loud, giving people a very stable feeling, as if such a tall man was not in vain, and he felt very mature.

But no matter how mature he was, his figure was too domineering. Looking at such an alternative coach, Lin Li seriously considered whether he should follow him? Lin Li began to regret looking for his sister.

Lin Li looked at his sister with a questioning and slightly reproachful look. His sister smiled at him playfully and motioned to continue.

"Yes, I came with my sister to see her training, and then consider what I should do."

Lin Li responded to his sister's failure to tell the truth in this inconsiderate way. He thought that if his sister did not find the wrong person, the excellent coach should be very busy and would not care about one person.

"Okay, you can take a look, but it's better to experience it yourself. Everyone's physical fitness is different, and the exercises and effects are different. You need to try it yourself to revise a better fitness plan."

",,, you should be very busy, I can find other coaches"

I said that, so I shouldn't force it anymore, right?


"No, I may be the least busy person in this gym"

"Don't say that, Bob, they don't understand, brother, you will know how good Bob is after you practice once. He is so good that people will be jealous and say rumors about him. Otherwise, how can there be no customers? Just once, try it, brother!"

There is no way, he really can't beat this sister, Lin Li stretched out his hand and stretched it to Bob.

"Then please take care of it, just like exercising a sister"

"I will try my best, let's get started"

Bob held Lin Li's hand, and the huge hand completely wrapped it in it. Holding this hand, it is better to say that it is wrapped. Lin Li felt as hot as a ball of fire, and his body was slightly warm.

Bob is really a man of action. He immediately made a training plan based on Lin Li's figure and tested Lin Li's physical fitness, squats, sit-ups, push-ups. After various tests, Lin Li was already panting. The little sister followed and did sit-ups and push-ups, but didn't do squats. Her pants were really hard to make.

"Well, physical fitness needs to be improved. This quality is not up to the average."

Although Lin Li had expected it, it was still hurt to be said so directly.

"Run another 5 kilometers"

"Ah! Isn't it too harsh? I'm already very tired."

Lin Li immediately complained, don't joke! I used to not exercise at all.

"No, since you are here to exercise, you should have perseverance. You Chinese have a saying: work hard, suffer in mind, which means that people without perseverance can do nothing and get nothing. Only those who endure hardships can become the best, and only those who endure hardships can gain. So you have to listen to me here, or go back!" Suddenly he became stern, like a coach. After saying the stern words, Bob took a break and encouraged again. "Believe me, believe in yourself, you can do it, and you need to persist to realize your dreams!" The old sister stared at Bob with shining eyes, as if she knew him for the first time. Lin Li also woke up. I came here to exercise myself. In addition to the body, how can the mind be weak? The harder the exercise, the better. "You're right. If it's not painful, it's not exercise."

5 kilometers is a bit long for someone who can't run. Lin Li almost wanted to give up. After running, he was like a fish out of water, sweating profusely, and couldn't even open his eyes. The sister quickly brought a glass of water and said distressedly, "Brother, are you okay? It's the first time, and it's always like this. It will be fine in the future."

Lin Li's eyes were full of stars. He drank the water brought by the sister thirstily and didn't want to say a word.

After a while, she slowly raised her head and said, "Have you finished your exercise too?"

The sister was stunned for a moment, and said shyly, "I haven't started yet..."

"Why haven't you... started yet..."

Lin Li suddenly felt dizzy and passed out. Before he fainted completely, he heard the sister say something like "The new medicine is really effective."

Lin Li was in a daze and felt that he was lying on a very soft platform. It was slippery and greasy. He tried to wake up, but he couldn't. He could only stay in a half-awake state and heard people talking around him.

"Bob, your new drug works too fast, it won't be ineffective, will it?"

"No, this drug won't make people enter deep sleep, it will only keep people in shallow sleep. Things done during this period will be unclear later, and will be regarded as dreams. Only after waking up can it cause psychological suggestion"

"Humph, you actually bothered to make this kind of drug..."

"Because you introduced me, of course I have to take some effort! When you said that your brother is whiter than you and his butt is bigger than yours, weren't you seducing me? I don't care about gender, you know what I ask of my students"

"Bullshit! I just said it casually, and you said it like I betrayed my brother. Am I that bad?"

"If you are not bad, there will be no bad people. Yesterday I was like a little girl clinging to you.

I made up for it until three in the morning and didn't sleep well!"

"I was talking about it. As soon as I told you about it, you canceled the trip. The members were very angry and said they would come back next time. But they are still on me! Besides, I haven't seen Xiaomei for a long time. Her big butt may have grown bigger. Do you dare to say that you don't like her? Didn't you say that she is a rare wild girl?"

"If there is no party, there can be another one. Your brother doesn't have many opportunities like this. Xiaomei can only be a pastime. This is the real business. I won't put the cart before the horse. You brought him in for selfish reasons. Don't think I can't see that you did it on purpose."

",,, you actually saw through me... Alas~ I also understand myself, because my brother has always been very good to me, so good that he has replaced my parents, but I don't want him to replace my parents. I always feel that there is something missing between us, and we have never been close enough. I want to become closer to him, so I will tell you. I hope you can make us closer. Okay! Don't talk about this. You should be laughing secretly now no matter what! By the way, is it ready? It's been a long time, and it's time to wake up."

"It's ready"

After saying that, a sticky liquid with a pungent smell was sprinkled on Lin Li's back, all the way along the back, flowing to the buttocks, invading the ravines, and the cold liquid gave people a very comfortable feeling

"Your brother's buttocks are really perfect. God knows how such a beautiful buttocks can be born on a man. It's a miracle!"

"I have been thinking about this since I was a child. It's incredible. I started to develop after I started to exercise, but now I can't compare with him. It's incredible!... Oh, by the way, he likes swimming, is it... this reason?"

A big hand stroked Lin Li's back. A huge and hot hand gently slid on his back, sliding to his neck and then to his breasts, stimulating the sensitive points. Lin Li's little cock gradually hardened. The big hand quickly descended and stroked Lin Li's peerless fat buttocks, kneading them gently.

"Ah~! This is simply the best, it couldn't be more beautiful, it's simply the most advanced fat, as soft as pudding, as delicate as silk, and so big and tender. Although swimming is good for the skin, it is impossible to create such a magical thing. The skin is very cold, it's simply a miracle. You can also touch it and try it."

"Really, it's so cool..."

"I really want to have a bang!"


Bob, I'm going to collect the compensation for not being able to travel now! I can't stand it anymore! Come on... Come on! Come and fuck me hard! Come on!"

"Didn't you fuck me all night yesterday, you hungry sow!" Don't be so long-winded! Last night, you were so focused on getting this drug that you didn't move at all. I played with it all by myself! I'm not satisfied, and besides, didn't you say you wanted it..."

"You really understand me, take the stuff out, I've been wearing a 35, 8 for a day, you must be nervous"

"What are you talking about, it suddenly came out when I went upstairs, and my brother almost saw it, I was scared to death,,, I won't take it off, it's soft rubber anyway, you're ruthless, don't show mercy, I feel a little uncomfortable now"

"Because I betrayed my relatives, I know it will be uncomfortable even if I have to, so hold it in, don't wake him up, your voice is always the loudest, you anal masochist! " ", Pu, Wuwu, Pu, Wuwu, Ah ... I'll have to help you later. Take out the double-headed dragon. Don't add to my work."

"Woo woo, uh, don't worry, I feel much better. I'll take care of it later. Let's deal with the most important thing first. You see, my brother is so hard, I'll help you too.

Lin Li suddenly felt a hand that was much smaller than before, carrying a lot of greasy, going straight in and grabbing Lin Li's small and cute cock.

"Look at this thing, it's so cute. Is it a cock? How come it's completely different from yours? It's only a few centimeters."

"Haha, do you like mine or his?"

",,, I like my brother, but your cock is better. Your brother's cock seems to be delicious."

After that, she kneaded the testicles. The testicles, as small as the cock, were held in the sister's hand. The cold little hand gave Lin Li a different stimulation. It was kneaded and pulled like a hand ball, bringing Lin Li an experience of pain and pleasure.

The big hand also started to move. There was no need for foreplay. Lin Li's anus was completely ready. The soft tender flesh even began to twitch, and intestinal fluid came out on its own. The big hand and the cold little hand

pinched the two buttocks and separated them. The most delicate anus in the world was exposed to outsiders for the first time. If Lin Li could move, he would be so shy now.

"Wow! So cute! It's so soft and twitching. Is it really the first time? I feel like I have developed it before. It's like a pink active volcano"

"Have you heard of an anus that oozes water on its own?! This is a famous anus. It doesn't need lubrication. The dilator muscles of this anus are quite elastic and huge, which can exert greater elasticity on the cock. It's the best!" "I want to lick it. It feels so delicious. It must be better than yours. Bob, I always lick you. When can you lick me?

"Your anus is not lickable, right? It's good enough if it doesn't leak."

"Ugh! Don't tell me. It's all your fault. If you didn't mess around, how could I be so loose? Mine is also top-notch!"

"Okay, okay, actually you are top-notch, different from your brother, with a super soft intestine. Otherwise, how could I find ways to get you."

"Well, well said! It's all your fault. What should I do now?"

Bob aimed his fingers at the open anus and inserted them all at once, digging and digging non-stop.

"He is completely relaxed. Just open the anus a little more and pour the medicine into the rectum."

Bob was extremely excited. He accelerated the digging speed. "Okay, we can't make him feel uncomfortable. We have to proceed step by step. It's enough to just hurt him. The medicine poured into the rectum will be absorbed quickly. When you get horny, your anus and the inside of the anus will itch and produce water. It's just like a sexual organ."

",, you're not as careful as you are when treating me,,, you made me unable to get out of bed the first time you injected the medicine, and you took me to your house and didn't let me go to school. I had to try all the new medicines and all the equipment first, so I was late for class half of the time,,,,,"

",, you have to stop being jealous. Isn't it your wish to be close to your brother? I have achieved it for you! Why are you still jealous of him? I have to punish you today. You are not allowed to wear hot pants when you go back. Wear skirts or miniskirts. Take the big bottle of soft skin powder prepared for your brother back, and bring me ten big apples tomorrow. You know I love to eat. You know what I mean."

"How can I carry it? It's 12 centimeters long. It will be seen! Give me two small bottles. Isn't it muscle-building powder?"

"He doesn't need muscles. What's the use of muscles? To be a bodyguard? He already has the biggest weapon, but he doesn't know it yet. Now he just needs to awaken himself."

"What kind of weapon is that? It's a special weapon for people like you."

"Stop talking nonsense. Help him wash and put on clothes. He's about to wake up. Don't let him find out now."

"Okay, if he finds out now, he might faint again.


Lin Li felt comfortable in a trance. In a daze, he thought, how could it be, how could my sister be like this...

After a few hours, Lin Li woke up. The things he heard in his sleep were scattered. He felt that he had forgotten something very important. He just wanted to see his sister quickly, but he didn't know what to say. This was really contradictory.

Just as he was conflicted, his younger sister came in. She was wearing a miniskirt and looked a little painful. Her walking posture was very unnatural. Her legs seemed to stick to the ground and moved slowly.

"Brother, brother, you fainted from exhaustion just now. How are you now?"

"It's okay. I feel refreshed. Where's the coach?"

"Bob has something to do. I'm leaving first. You should be more moderate in the future. I'll take you home.


Lin Li, who was still full of enthusiasm just now, did not reject his younger sister's advice. It seemed that he had lost something important and his enthusiasm had become out of reach. He replied, "Okay..."

After returning home, his younger sister, who seemed to be embarrassed because her skirt was too short and walked very slowly, ended her pain. She ran to the bathroom.

"Brother, wait for me to change clothes and let's go out to eat."

"Okay, don't worry. Remember to lift up your skirt, haha."

",,,, go to hell."

"You didn't really lift up your skirt?"


Forget it, I'm very tired, Lin Li thought, exercising is such a tiring thing, no wonder the goddess gave up when she went to college, how did my sister persist? Thinking about these meaningless questions, Lin Li felt drowsy and felt the hot presence in the ravine.