Chapter 4

When Lin Li woke up the next day, he felt empty inside. The enthusiasm of yesterday's gym trip almost disappeared, because last night's dream was full of a pair of big hands, doing shameful things that Lin Li dared not talk about.

But the most shameful thing was that Lin Li felt excited and comfortable. Under the play of the big hands in the dream, he actually had a wet dream, and his asshole was burning and itchy, and his penis leaked semen without even getting erect.

"What happened to me..." Lin Li thought in great confusion. He had gone there with passion, but he had such a dream when he came back. Now his mind was full of the touch of those hands, and the fire of passion was all burning in his rectum. Lin Li scratched his head and said, "Should I go see a doctor..."

Thinking like this

Yesterday's dream was the opposite of passion. Lin Li was extremely conflicted today. The change of mood was entangled with the will not to admit defeat.

"Don't think about it anymore. Go see my sister." But optimism is still Lin Li's characteristic, and this has not changed.

My sister didn't leave after she came home yesterday. Bob asked her to watch me practice. It seems that the plan to pretend to be sick has gone to waste. Lin Li changed his clothes and went to his sister's room. The house was given by his parents. Lin Li and his sister each had a room, which was very harmonious.

"She didn't like to let me in before."

Well, the harmony was a bit fake. His sister rarely let Lin Li into the house, so Lin Li didn't dare to go in. When he arrived at the door, he knocked on the door.

"Get up, the sun is shining on your butt."

"Ah! Brother, don't come in, I'll be fine soon!"

",,, I said since you got up, you called me, what are you doing?"

Lin Li put his ear against the door and heard the sound of hurried cleaning inside,,, what are you doing?

After waiting for a while, the younger sister finally opened the door and complained, "We are not young anymore. Can you stop knocking on the door so childishly? Can you call me?"

"Why call me in the same room?"

Looking at the younger sister's room, it was still the same as eight months ago. The bookcase occupied one wall, and it was full of all kinds of books. Although the younger sister was lively, she loved reading books. But when she moved out, she didn't take any books, saying that they were too heavy. She was really a fickle woman. Her bed was in the upper left corner of the room. There were all kinds of girl comics on the princess-style bed sheets. Lin Li really felt that this kind of girl should be a literary girl. Looking at her now, he could only sigh.

The desk was next to the bed. It should have been spotless, but now it was full of books. The room, which was originally unpopular, felt like she came alive with more people. Books were scattered on the bed, and the bedding was squeezed into a backrest. She must have been thinking about shameful memories in bed. After all, grown girls still read girl novels.

"Why can't you call? I need to be mentally prepared."

"What are you preparing for? Are you preparing to prevent me from seeing the book you read? There are books scattered everywhere, so I can't read them even if I want to."

"What good books are there? They are all too childish."

"At least they are memories."

As I said this, I was about to pull out the chair from the desk and sit down, but my sister pushed me away.

"Don't sit here. I just poured water on it."

When I looked at it, there was indeed a puddle of water stains, a little white, and I didn't know what kind of drink it was.

Lin Li had no choice but to sit on the bed and patted the side.

"Sister, come here too. We haven't had a good chat for a long time."

My sister slowly moved over and sat next to me, as if she was forcing herself to hold back something. Is it so uncomfortable to sit with me? Lin Li thought disappointedly, maybe it's because we haven't communicated for too long.

After a while of silence, Lin Li took the initiative to speak

"Don't you want to ask me why I want to work out?"


My sister answered instantly, as if she had already prepared

"Why, so decisive, I am dying of suffocation"

My sister burst into laughter, "You deserve to die of suffocation, you keep it a secret" and then returned to her previous calm and gentleness

"Because when you want to say it, you will say it naturally. Everyone will make changes because of major things. This is something that outsiders can't help, not even my sister can help." After saying that, my sister stared at me, "If you want to say it, I'm always listening."

Lin Li suddenly felt so warm. There were relatives who cared so much about him, and he unconsciously wanted to rely on him

"I'm heartbroken..."

"It's so bloody, I'm not talking about you!"

Seeing that Lin Li was about to get angry, my sister quickly changed her words.

"Alas~ Actually I don't want to say it. I don't know why, after I came back from the gym, I didn't take it so seriously. I went to the gym just to fight for it. The gym is really a magical place."

No one complained about the strange sigh. The sister stared at Lin Li, as if she was making a decision. After a long while, she said: "Maybe, maybe you found the really important thing and made the first step to real change."

"... Should I still go to the gym? I have lost the original meaning of going to the gym..."

"You have to decide for yourself. It's not easy to make changes. By the way, this is your first love who was dumped. What kind of girl is the other party?"

The sister replied to her playful smile and asked relentlessly.

Unable to get rid of her, Lin Li had to tell her that Lin Li had not found out yet. Yesterday, he didn't dare to face this problem at all.

"I met her a year ago." Lin Li slowly told the story, as if he was slowly taking off his shackles. He spoke faster and faster, and became more and more excited. He didn't notice the shock and suspicion on his sister's face when he mentioned the goddess's name.

"Tell me! Tell me how many people still rely on their muscles. Even if you don't like me, you don't have to say such hurtful words."

"Tell me, what's the name of that "goddess" you mentioned?"

At this time, Lin Li noticed that his sister's expression was different, and couldn't help asking, "Why, do you know Meiying?"

The sister's expression was even more wonderful, shock and amusement, pity and excitement, all on one face, it was really wonderful beyond description.

"Hmm... Hmm~, I don't know her. I just heard that there is a beauty named Meiying in Z University. Many people are chasing her."

"Really? Why didn't I see her?"

The younger sister laughed, "You are a person who doesn't know what's going on outside the window~, how do you know what she is like when she is not in front of you, just like do you know what I am doing when I am not at home?"

"Really? What are you doing?"

"I am really digging a hole for myself... Can I not answer?"

"No, the topic you brought up yourself is not a topic that will whet people's appetite. Besides, I have told you everything, so you should at least show some respect."

Looking at this strong younger sister being humiliated, Lin Li felt that it was worth it to say so much.

The younger sister was silent for a while, raised her head and looked at Lin Li, with a brilliant look in her eyes, and smiled mysteriously, "I won't tell you, you will know it one day, I promise, let's go to the gym, I'll go wash up first"

After that, she jumped away. Looking at the figure of the younger sister leaving, Lin Li found that her waist seemed to be a little bulging, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

Lin Li stood up and prepared to clean up the water stains on his sister's chair. He pulled the stool away and smelled the water stains. It had no smell. He didn't know what kind of drink it was. He opened the drawer and found the fixed storage to find toilet paper. As a result, he saw many toilet paper balls randomly stuffed in. They were all traces of this kind of drink. "Is this girl leaking? How many toilet paper balls must be knocked over to use so much paper?" Although he complained, he still had to clean up. Lin Li wanted to find a plastic bag, but saw a plastic bag in the trash can that was crumpled into a ball. He opened it and saw the words: Four Seasons Fruit Large Plastic Bag. Did this girl buy fruits secretly? When Lin Li was cleaning up in the room stupidly, The younger sister was in high spirits. She played some music, smiled excitedly at the mirror on the sink, touched the hard bulge on her abdomen, and said to herself: This world is really small. Brother, you will come to us sooner or later. At that time, you will know everything, including me and Xiaomei's affairs. This is fate. Fortunately, you did not succeed. How could I give you to that kind of scumbag? I will give you a happier fate than now. I brought you in, I will be responsible, brother, you are mine... Lin Li took a long time to clean up, mainly because it took a lot of time to put the books back on the bookshelf. The younger sister likes to read but not to put them away. Every time, Lin Li helps her clean up. She has a variety of books, so Lin Li puts them in different compartments of the bookshelf for her to find easily. It must be said that Lin Li is really careful and gentle to his younger sister. Lin Li still remembered how to put them, so he classified them one by one.

"The top one should be the album of tourist attractions in various countries. She really said a lot at that time. She spent so much money to buy so many albums before she even passed the exam. Even if she passed the exam, she would... Forget it. It's so heavy! This book is so thick."

"In the middle are novels. The girl novels were intact, but all the pseudo-girl novels were taken away. What do you call such people? Fujoshi, this kind of people are called..."

"The bottom ones should be exam books. The dust is so thick..."

It took Lin Li half an hour to sort them out after he had gone through so much trouble. "I'm so tired. What's the point of just taking a look at all the books?" Lin Li said with great resentment.

Back downstairs, my sister had already cleaned up. She was wearing a tight sportswear today. The black sportswear outlined her charming figure. She sat quietly at the table waiting for Lin Li to come.

Looking at his sister's figure, Lin Li felt proud and excited. This was simply the perfect combination of movement and stillness: her wheat-colored skin was smooth and delicate, with a little makeup on it. Her big eyes were slightly closed on her cute chubby face, as if she was thinking about something. She crossed her hands on the table and sat with her waist slightly bent while taking notes, causing her soft breasts to be sucked down by gravity and placed on the dining table. The close contact between the breasts and the table caused them to deform slightly. The soft feeling could be understood without touching it, making people's blood boil. The slightly protruding waist and abdomen and the leopard-like thighs were set off by tight clothes, like European stone statues with clear lines, full of strength and beauty. Such a figure and the quiet sitting posture constituted a fatal attraction for all men.

But Lin Li didn't know why, he just felt warm. No one had eaten at this table for a long time, and he was the same. It was too troublesome to cook alone, so he usually ate outside. At this time, Lin Li thought sincerely that it was a blessing to have relatives accompany him.

His eyes moved to the table. There were two poached eggs in a bowl and a cup of milk still steaming. It was so ordinary here, but there was a fruit platter in the middle of the table with sliced ​​apples.

"Eating a platter so early in the morning... Hey, what are you daydreaming about!" "Woo! You scared me. You finally came out. Tell me, what bad things are you doing in my room? Why did you come out so late!" The younger sister seemed to be really scared. She hurriedly made false accusations to Lin Li, as if this could cover up the fact that she was scared.

"What bad things did you do? I've cleaned up your room for you." "Hehe, you haven't cleaned up your room for a long time. I know you still love me."

Lin Li was helpless with her. He loved his sister, but it was too embarrassing to admit it, so he had to change the subject and said, "You are in a good mood today. The breakfast is so rich. Where did the apple come from? I remember there are no apples at home."

"..." The sister blushed and thought about it with her cheeks. For some reason, she became angry and said, "Why do you care so much? It's nutritious, isn't it? I'll eat it by myself if you don't want to eat it."

"Ah, don't be in a hurry. Eat slowly. I didn't say I didn't want to eat it."

Lin Li saw his sister eating angrily and was afraid that she would choke. After all, it was not easy to eat together. Others cooked the meal, so how could she not eat it? So he picked up a piece and ate it.

"Hmm, it's very sweet, why does it feel a little warm? Didn't you wash it with hot water?"

"Maybe." Seeing Lin Li eat the apple, the younger sister seemed embarrassed and said restlessly

"What do you mean by probably..."

After dinner, Lin Li was about to take his only set of sportswear that he hadn't worn much.

"Don't bring it. Bob prepared exercise clothes for you yesterday. Just go directly."

"That's so embarrassing. Does the coach prepare clothes for the students?"

"No, usually not, but Bob is really a very responsible and excellent coach, but he is too enthusiastic about the members, which is why he is criticized. I told him many times, but he just didn't listen. Brother, please be considerate of him, okay?"

It seems that the younger sister really likes Bob and stands up for him. How enthusiastic is he to make members dare not look for him? There is no way. Even if it is a bit weird, you have to be patient. It's considered to give face to the younger sister. "Did Bob prepare clothes for you? I didn't see you wearing them yesterday?"

"...Mine are advanced training clothes, specially designed by Bob, and are not usually used in basic training..."

The sister avoided his eyes and her cheeks flushed.

"Really? Then how are we going to train today?"

The sister looked as if she had finally asked the question. "Bob thinks your physical fitness is relatively poor, and your growth period is almost over. It is difficult to make substantial changes. He decided to prepare special training for you. Come with me to the special training room!"

I took a taxi to the fitness club with my sister, and saw Bob waiting downstairs from a distance.

His outstanding height, special skin color, and explosive muscle lines all highlight his huge and oppressive presence. From the 100% turning heads around, it can be seen that Lin Li was very nervous before he even started.

Bob also saw them and waved them over.

As if he could see Lin Li's nervousness, Bob patted his butt and said calmly, "Don't be nervous. Only confident people have strength. Let's go. I will help you be confident."

...I was nervous because of you, a big guy. Lin Li was full of resentment. Bob spanked him hard, and his buttocks trembled. The sister and the crowd beside him stared, which made Lin Li more and more embarrassed. However, the faint pleasure and itchy and hot buttocks made it impossible for him to fight back normally. He was more and more ashamed, so he had to say softly like a girl, "Let's talk about it after we go in."

Seeing this, Bob smiled slightly.

The sister took them through the huge fitness club, and then stopped in front of a large room in the sanatorium of the fitness club.

"We are here. This is the training place in the future, my secret base. There are only four people using this place. Except for Lin Lin and you, the other two are already masters. They don't come here often. You can only meet them occasionally at gatherings. You can also learn from their experience when you meet them."

Bob smiled proudly like a big boy, as if he was showing off something to his friends. "Brother, you don't know that Bob is the chief therapist of our fitness club. He specializes in providing fitness and recuperation medicines for the sanatorium, so he has his own special room."

The sister was as proud as if she was talking about her own business. She took out the key and opened the door with ease.

Bob went in and turned on the light, and Lin Li saw the whole picture of this secret base.

This room doesn't even have a window, but it doesn't feel stuffy at all when you go in. The ventilation measures should be in place.

The left wall is made of glass, which may allow people who exercise to observe their movements. On the opposite right side are various equipments. It can be said that there are all kinds of equipments, but there is only one kind.

There is a massage bed in the deepest part of the room facing the door. It is made of leather and has a bulge in the middle. People can only lie on it. It's really strange...

The upper right corner is the preparation room, which is a place to change clothes and go to the toilet. The room is large and well-equipped. Lin Li still feels quite satisfied, and the annoyance of being slapped by this black man has also been reduced a lot.

"Although this room has no windows, it is actually designed to release the spray prepared by Bob to prevent the drug from losing its efficacy. Bob's training is assisted by drugs."

The sister's explanation helped Lin Li eliminate the biggest doubt. Bob is really talented.

"Okay, now that you are here, go change your clothes immediately. Lin Lin, you go change first. I will tell your brother about the training plan."

After the sister left, Bob took out a water bottle and said, "First of all, let's figure out whether you want some changes or real changes."

"...Of course it's real changes."

"Well, to be honest, your growth period is almost over. It's unlikely to make drastic changes now. At least it's difficult to do it with ordinary methods. No matter how hard it is to train, it won't work..."

Lin Li waited for the next words. Since he had said so, it must not end like this.

"...Using special exercises and the medicine I prepared can extend your growth period. With hard training, you may see a significant change.

But let me be frank. During the training period, you must absolutely follow the training content. I believe you will dislike the kind of thing that forces people, but people will not grow without forcing themselves. Someone once disliked this kind of training and complained to me. I don't want to be complained again. If you still want to continue, you must be mentally prepared. If you give up, do it now." After saying that, Bob stared at Lin Li seriously, waiting for his decision.

At this point, Lin Li was a little moved. A person who had basically no relationship with him paid so much attention to him and said so many words. Lin Li, who rarely spent time with his family, felt a warm current in his heart.

The concern of his sister and Bob's actions made him want to believe once, believe in himself once, even if he failed in the end.

"Okay, let's start now!" Bob's expression changed, as if he was greatly relieved.

"Since you have decided, you must persist no matter how hard or tired you are. Don't cry out in pain or regret. This is what a man should do. I will not show mercy. Get ready. Take this water. It is a potion I made with Chinese medicine. It can relieve muscle pain and help metabolism. It tastes like apples!"

... "Haha, it just happened that I ate apples this morning"

"... Really?" Bob smiled and turned his eyes to the changing room

"She is almost ready. Go change clothes. I have put the clothes on the hanger for you."

After that, the door of the changing room opened, and the sister came out wearing training clothes. Lin Li was stunned: very short flesh-colored tight sports pants, so short that the lower part was directly flush with the legs, and the upper part could even see the butt crack and black dots of hair, and the upper body jumped even tighter, lifting the beautiful breasts high, like a cannonball towering to the sky.

This kind of clothes made Lin Li dumbfounded. He didn't know if anyone in the fitness world wore it, but if he wore it outside, someone would definitely film it and post it on 91. Seeing that his sister was a little blushing, she didn't look like she was forced. Lin Li turned his head to Bob with difficulty and asked, "What's the matter with the clothes." Bob didn't seem to care about Lin Li's questioning and suspicious eyes. "Now there are drugs adjusted by me in the air in our station. They will be absorbed from the skin when sweating. Of course, the area of ​​contact between the skin and the air must be increased to better absorb the drugs. I just said that if you want to change completely, you have to make more efforts. Those who don't want to make efforts can't change. It's time for you to change clothes." Lin Li had nothing to say. He wanted to change himself. How could it end like this? It must not be the first time for his sister to wear it. She didn't say anything, so it's not easy for her as a brother to speak. Besides, seeing the real changes in his sister, Lin Li felt very complicated. Lin Li walked towards the changing room silently, glanced at his blushing sister, didn't know what to say, and was afraid of hurting her face, so he had to pass by.

The two people behind him were whispering intimately.

"Apples, did you bring enough?"

"... I ate two"

"You are really a pervert, giving your brother that kind of food"

"Are you as perverted as me! You actually prepared clothes full of medicine, do you think I can't smell it!"

"... You can see that, yes, not only that, but there are also drugs in the drinks. Your brother is so perfect, how can imperfect training be worthy of God's creation?"

"You pervert, my brother is my brother, what's the point if he can be fucked by everyone!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you know you can't be alone after entering this door, no one will be happy, including himself,,, okay, I didn't bring enough apples, go and accept the punishment yourself"

"... What are you doing?"

"Well~ just ride a bicycle~"

"But the apples haven't been taken out yet..."

"... Do you want to squeeze juice?"

"... Let's try it?"

Lin Li entered the changing room and searched for his training clothes in fear

Please, don't let it be the pervert's clothes! ,, but doesn't this mean that my sister is wearing a perverted outfit? Oh, no matter what, I don't want to wear such clothes! "Lin Li was very entangled, and looked around the room stupidly, and saw the clothes on the sofa in the dressing room.

"... This is normal... It scared me to death"

Lin Li breathed a sigh of relief and found that the clothes were not as exaggerated as he imagined, but just tight. The flesh-colored sports pants reached the length of the knees, and the upper body was a flesh-colored T-shirt, which was almost the same as normal sportswear. Except for one thing, Lin Li found that there was a thicker part in the crotch of the sports pants, which was in the shape of a long strip, tightly attached to the penis and butt crack, with a black line in the middle, and I don't know what it is used for, and the T-shirt also has a thicker film on the two chest positions, a bit like a plaster for injuries, and the bowl-shaped thick film is a bit like a bra.

"Sure enough, it won't be that simple... What's the point of this? "Lin Li was puzzled. He would never have thought that Bob had added precious drugs that would seep out once wetted by sweat, specially formulated to develop sensitive spots.

After changing his clothes, Lin Li looked in the mirror.

The boy in the mirror was wearing flesh-colored clothes, his fair and tender skin was not masculine at all, his face was very regular, but handsome was definitely not as appropriate as cute, his chest was a little fleshy, slightly protruding, his shoulders were weak and his waist was soft, this was the figure of a daughter of a scholar like a lady from a noble family.

But as soon as the line of sight reached below the waist, the style of the painting suddenly changed, the violent and beautiful erotic hips claimed the sense of existence, the huge hips and the upper body were like a tsunami wave that suddenly appeared, the people who took the photo were thrilling, but this kind of hips was definitely not the kind of fat hips that are unique to black and white people, it is wide but not fat, and it is not inconsistent with the upper body. If you want to say what kind of person he is, he can be described as peerless and enchanting. If he was born as a woman, he would definitely be the most beautiful in the country.

But the more Lin Li looked at it, the more discouraged he became. How could he change this figure? He immediately got angry at his own weakness and vowed, "No matter how painful the training is, I must achieve it, for the future!"

Lin Li's good character and optimistic attitude played a role again. Lin Li took a few minutes to change his clothes. When he came out, Bob and his sister were still chatting and waiting for him. Bob held a big apple in each hand, and his sister also had one.

Is today Apple Day? Lin Li was really confused. Why did he see apples everywhere? Bob handed an apple to Lin Li

"It's good to eat more fruits." "I've eaten a lot." The apple in Lin Li's hand was warmer than the one in the morning, even a little hot, and wet as if it had just been washed. Do people in the gym use hot water to wash fruits? Lin Li, who couldn't understand, simply didn't think about it and put the fruit down.

Bob crossed his arms, gave a confident smile, and began to instruct Lin Li on the training.

"It's time to start now. You need to put aside all worldly things and devote yourself to it. Believe me, if you don't try your best, you won't be able to cope with the training, let alone change. Okay, the training plan is like this. Lin Lin, come and introduce it to your brother."

Bob looked at a ready schedule, planning the gym schedule for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

"Listen, brother, this is your training plan. It starts at 9 a.m. and the whole morning is regular training. From 9 to 10 a.m., it's warm-up exercise and jogging warm-up. After running, rest for 10 minutes and then start 40 minutes of ligament training. After training, drink special juice and rest for 10 minutes, then do equipment training for 1 hour, end at 12 o'clock, rest for 5 minutes and then do the most important part of the day, massage. Of course, it's not an ordinary massage, it's a massage that focuses on the key points of each muscle, ligament, and bone, assisted by Bob's special potion. The effect can be seen immediately after the massage. Come on, brother."

The encouragement from his younger sister did not make him feel relaxed at all. Lin Li recalled the fainting last time, the faint big hand, excited and worried, "Will you faint again this time?"

"Don't worry, last time was to test your physical fitness, this time is a step-by-step training"

"What about you, sister, what are you training for?"

"Me? I practice everything, do you think I'm a novice like you! I can do whatever I want!"

After saying that, he snorted proudly and was hit on the head by Bob.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, she is at best a skilled person, there are many people here who have been exercising for more than ten years, only by persisting for a long time can you appreciate the charm of fitness, Linlin, you should also practice cycling, like Lin Li, one hour" "Ah! One hour! You want to train me to death, but I still have 10... Um!"

The younger sister didn't finish her words, what exactly is 10, is it a professional term, Lin Li guessed, one hour of cycling is not enough?

"Sister, you've exposed yourself. You've only been riding the bike for an hour and you're already complaining. You're still talking nonsense." He's always been good at making fun of others and returning the bad food he's eating.

"What? Do you think I'm you? Don't talk nonsense if you're a novice."

"Okay, okay, don't waste time. One hour, not even a minute less. Hurry up, gogogo!"

Clapping his hands, Bob pushed each of them to the equipment. Lin Li's equipment was a treadmill. There were several large equipments between him and his sister's equipment, so he couldn't see it clearly. He could only vaguely see the huge cylindrical seat of the simple bike. It's better to say that there was no seat, just a cylinder, but the cylinder was very thick, about 10 cm, and it could basically be used as a stool.

Can't you chrome your butt? Lin Li thought to himself, and turned to look at his sister's back. The tight pants outlined the shape of the butt crack, and there was also a black line in the middle. He quickly turned his head.

"You really should not look at anything indecent, brothers should not look at anything indecent, and others should never take advantage of you! Bob has no choice, let's make an exception first..." Lin Li walked to the treadmill and looked at this most common exercise equipment. He felt a little bit out of place, but he immediately found the incongruent position. There were five rubber ropes hanging in front of the treadmill, and a stainless steel hook was hung at the bottom. The hook didn't seem to hurt anything, it was relatively thick, and the hook tip was a smooth round head, just trying to hook something, but he didn't know what it was trying to hook. "Hey, Bob, what is this hook?"

"Don't worry about it, it's for advanced people, you don't need it yet, just leave it there, the female button on it is to start, hold the handrail when starting, the number is the speed, be careful" Bob told Lin Li all kinds of things from a distance, because he ran to Lin Lin, Lin Li could only see the front of the bicycle at most, he saw Lin Lin standing on the pedals, her face flushed and eyes closed, as if she was adapting to and enduring something, her forehead was sweating, her expression was painful, Bob stood behind her and said something, as if he was giving instructions, bicycles also need instructions?

Lin Li was very puzzled, are the bicycles here difficult?

"Is the bicycle so difficult? Can I try?"

"! Stop arguing!

...You, why, why are you talking so much nonsense! Go run"

My sister got angry at that time.

Bob had to mediate this meaningless quarrel.

"Stop arguing, Lin Li, you don't know that the bicycles here are quite difficult to ride. It's hard to pedal. You have to help your sister move her legs first, relax her muscles, and apply some medicine, otherwise she won't be able to hold on for long. I'll come over to help you adjust after I'm done here. You jog first, don't talk, come on, relax your butt."

"You, you heard it, didn't you!"

Bob smiled and solved Lin Li's doubts. He hid his hands behind his sister. Was he applying medicine? He saw his sister's body rising and falling, already panting.

"Okay, I can't lose either."

Lin Li started running. Although he only used 5 kilometers per hour, jogging was originally just a warm-up. It didn't matter about speed, but time. So Lin Li could briefly immerse himself in fantasy while running, imagining himself like a man.

I don't know how long it took. Time is always hard to calculate when imagining. Lin Li's butt was slapped, and Lin Li came back to his senses. There was no need to think. It must have been Bob who did it. After he was done, his sister came to help him.

Lin Li glanced at the time. Twenty minutes had passed. Sweat appeared on his forehead. His body was panting unconsciously. Lin Li subconsciously looked at his sister. He saw that his sister buried her head. The sweat on her forehead had gathered into a line. It seemed that she was really tired. She stepped on the pedal desperately, making a rhythmic sound of "puff, puff, puff".

"Puff, puff?"

Before Lin Li could think about it, Bob spoke to him

"How is it, are you tired?"

"Not very tired"

"Really? You need a lot of exercise. Come on, speed up. Don't worry, I'm behind you. See what speed you can adapt to"

"Just what I want"

Lin Li said in cooperation.

Because it was his first time using it, he was more conservative. Now that he had someone to protect him, Lin Li wanted to try his limit immediately. He was still very adventurous.

Lin Li adjusted the speed to 9 kilometers, and saw that the speed of the treadmill conveyor belt increased rapidly. Lin Li couldn't keep up. He saw that he was moving away from the operating table quickly. A pair of big hands held Lin Li down, and Lin Li stabilized.

"Thanks, but can you let go of your hands?"

"Oh! Sorry."

If Bob hadn't pinched his buttocks with both hands, Lin Li might have added a little sincerity to this thank you.

"Oh! Not bad, this speed is already a normal running speed, can you hold on?"

"I should, I should be able to hold on for a while"

"Well, if you try your best to hold on, you will receive greater rewards. Come on, you should straighten your back, look forward, and try to step as wide as possible."

Bob corrected Lin Li's posture one by one, touching Lin Li's back, chin, thighs, and lower abdomen with his hands, and corrected Lin Li's posture personally. This overly intimate behavior made Lin Li very uncomfortable, but he couldn't resist, after all, it was the coach's normal guidance.

"Well, the posture is basically correct. Keep running in this posture. There is still half an hour left. I will go to see Lin Lin first. You should keep it well. If it is not right, I will correct you."

Finally left. Lin Li's tense body relaxed, and at the same time, a sense of loss lingered in his body. He felt that being coached by Bob was much more tiring than running. His whole body was sweating, and the place where he sweated the most was the ravines in his lower body. The buttocks had completely slipped, and the sweat eroded the back garden. The pain and itchiness came, making Lin Li want to stop the itch, but his shame prevented him from doing such a thing, so he had to clamp tighter.

Lin Li turned his head, and his sister was still in the same posture, but her upper body was completely sweaty, and you could see that the two cherries were bulging very high.

Lin Li turned his head quickly, looking for traces of Bob, only to see Bob brought a few cups over, not knowing what they were for. Lin Li was afraid of being corrected, so he corrected his posture and became serious.

Lin Li gritted his teeth and endured the last ten minutes. He overestimated his physical strength. After adjusting to 9 kilometers per hour, he could no longer lift his feet 10 minutes later. After finishing the run, he was already sweating the ground.

"Okay, this is exercise. I thought you couldn't hold on, but you succeeded. You are still very perseverant." Bob clapped his hands and walked over, smiling at Lin Li and praising him.

Lin Li was no longer able to speak. He lowered his head and panted. At this time, Bob handed him a glass of juice.

"I should have drunk water, but this fresh apple juice is a pity not to drink it."

Fuck, why is it this again! Lin Li cursed in his heart, but his thirsty body didn't care what kind of juice it was, so he picked it up and drank it.

"Ah~ Brother, what are you drinking!~"

Sister, you are not surprised at the right thing. You should be surprised at my perseverance. Seeing your blushing face, you know that your brother is amazing and you are obsessed with him again. It seems wrong to be again... Lin Li was so tired that he saw stars and had a lot of random thoughts in his mind.

"You, how can you drink juice? It's best not to drink water after exercise, otherwise the exercise will be in vain." "Ah~ Bob, are you kidding me?" Lin Li said angrily to Bob, ignoring the huge difference in their bodies and getting angry at Bob. After all, all his hard work was in vain.

"If you don't absorb some energy, you won't be able to hold on. My exercise method is not for the purpose of muscle growth, but to change the foundation, which is your growth period, so it doesn't have to be like the general exercise method, and there is no need to be so rigid."

After listening to Bob's explanation, Lin Li felt a little relieved. Since he was a student, he had to trust the teacher, and he still had to understand this. He couldn't help complaining about his sister's fussing. He looked up at her. The blush on her face was lingering, revealing a moving brilliance. Her clothes were wet with sweat, especially her lower body, which felt like water could be squeezed out. She was steaming hot and exuded the sweetness of apples.

"You really love apples"

"!... Yeah, yeah~, yes, I love apples the most" he admitted without hesitation.

"Take a rest for ten minutes, I'll get the medicine"

After saying that, Bob left, Lin Li supported himself painfully, swaying, his sister came over and lifted his shoulders "It's okay, I'll just take a rest, it's much better than the last time I fainted" Lin Li had already smelled a stronger apple scent, and explained to his sister

"You've been here all day, are you okay?" It's normal for Lin Li to ask this question, Lin Li was working out desperately because of the blow, otherwise he would go swimming in the river on the outskirts of the city with his friends, his sister is in her prime, it's impossible that she's okay.

"You've been heartbroken, aren't you? The most important thing for me now is to help you get out of the shadow! Ah, I really have an angel's heart~"

The sister said touching words with a playful smile, it would be better if she didn't add that extra self-praise.

"Who needs your company? I'm as strong as a diamond. Go exercise and leave me alone."

"That's good. I'm going to the bathroom. Don't mess with the equipment. Be careful not to hurt yourself."

"Come on, let's go."

After his sister left, Lin Li didn't want to sit down anymore. He stood up and looked around carefully at these strange fitness equipment. They all felt a little different from the usual ones. It was hard to tell what they were for. For example, there were inverted climbers and supine boards with holes in the center, treadmills and back muscle trainers with strange hooks, and rowing machines and bicycles with strange cylinders as cushions. The most exaggerated one was the huge rubber Ares rope, which was about 8 cm in diameter. Who could swing such a heavy rope? Even Bob couldn't lift it.

Looking around, he staggered to the side of the bicycle that his sister had just ridden. The bicycle was full of water and exuded an extremely strong smell of sweat and apples. The cylindrical stainless steel seat was 50 cm high and 10 cm wide. Lin Li wanted to try whether he could ride it. As soon as he got closer, a stronger aroma came from the cylinder.

"How many apples did he eat to smell so good!" Lin Li, who was thinking foolishly, pressed the cylinder, and saw the cylinder descend, and the pedals moved automatically.

"Huh, is it still a movable design? What's the use?" Lin Li was puzzled. He observed more carefully and found that the water stains on the cylinder were only 10 cm below the bottom of the cylinder. The above were evenly cut off, as if they were hooped with something, clean, and only the apple fragrance became stronger.

Just as Lin Li was thinking, Bob came back, holding a glass bottle with light yellow liquid in his left hand and a yoga mat in his right hand.

"Lin Li, come here. Let's apply the medicine while your body temperature is still high and your pores have not closed yet."

As he said that, he spread the yoga mat on the ground and motioned Lin Li to lie down. Just as Lin Li was about to move, he found that his sweatpants were deeply sunken in the groove of his buttocks due to sweat. He couldn't help but want to pull them out, but seeing that Bob was staring at him and urging him, he was embarrassed and had to walk over like this and then lie down.

Bob's eyes lit up. There was something wrong with this pair of pants. Once wet with sweat, it would stick to the skin and it would be difficult to loosen. The medicine inside would slowly penetrate and make the place where it penetrated more sensitive.

Now this pair of pants is very tight, deeply sunken in the buttocks, outlining the perfect curve of the fat buttocks. The deeply sunken part is exactly the thick piece wrapped with medicine, which means that the effect will be several times better and reach the key point directly. The time of the training plan may be greatly shortened. Maybe we can see some results today.

Thinking of this, Bob suppressed the urge to touch Lin Li's buttocks and help him lift up his sweatpants that were stuck in his buttocks. He took out a sweat-absorbing towel and began to help Lin Li wipe the sweat stains. Lin Li was shocked. Although he was ready to be smeared with medicine, he still felt uncomfortable with his self-esteem being touched by a strong man.

Lin Li turned around and said to Bob, "Bob, I'll apply this myself."

Bob certainly didn't want to lose this opportunity to go further, so he had to use provocation to stimulate Lin Li

"You can do it yourself, but as a man who is so shy, how can you become a real man? You will have to apply oil later, which will be deeper than this. Are you ready to do it yourself?"

This is the most direct thing Bob has said so far. Bob really doesn't want to lose the opportunity to go further. Although this is likely to cause Lin Li's backlash, Bob doesn't want Lin Li to retain this kind of self-esteem.

"Okay, you're right... If you can't overcome it as a man, how can you change in the future?"

Lin Li thought of his good friend Zhang Mo at this time. They often swam together. Every time Lin Li changed clothes, he could see his super-sized penis, which was at least 25 cm long. Lin Li's heart was beating fast. Looking at his own, Lin Li was unwilling to admit his inferiority complex, but was ashamed to see him naked again. Later, they stopped swimming together often.

Thinking of this, Lin Li felt that it was really necessary to overcome this kind of thing, otherwise it would affect his life.

Bob certainly didn't know that he was blessed by others. If he knew, he would definitely kowtow and thank him profusely. This was simply a great thing to help others in times of trouble, and he should even give him a plaque.

Seeing that it was done like this, Bob breathed a sigh of relief. He continued to use the sweat-absorbing towel to carefully wipe the white jade-like calves, then the fat and smooth thighs, and then deliberately circled the sensitive points on the inner thighs.

At this time, Lin Li was itching unbearably, his face was red, and his breath was as sweet as orchid. He was afraid that he would scream out. His whole body was sore and weak. It was the first time in his life that someone touched him so intimately. Lin Li's heart was beating faster. After getting over this hurdle in his heart, the feeling in his heart also changed from reluctance at the beginning to enjoyment. He looked forward to Bob continuing to wipe the deeper, more itchy, and unspeakable shameful position.

Bob did not disappoint Lin Li. Suddenly, he broke into the sweatpants from his spinning thighs and went straight in, wiping one of Lin Li's most sensitive parts with a sweat-absorbing towel... Lin Li's cute little cock. When Bob's two hands went deep into the sweatpants from the bottom and gently wrapped Lin Li's hairless little cock and testicles that were bent because of lying down with a sweat-absorbing towel, Lin Li's whole body shook, like a slight orgasm for a few seconds, and there was no strength in his body anymore. He lay completely on the yoga mat.

Bob knew that Lin Li had a small climax, and there was a small pool of hot semen on the towel. This was a decisive moment for Lin Li. As long as he passed this point without being held accountable, Lin Li would remember this pleasure, and his training would have made a big step forward, and it would be much easier in the future. However, Bob did not want to end it, and then covered Lin Li's hips with the semen-stained towel.

Lin Li's mind was confused. In addition to the afterglow of the climax, he didn't know how to face Bob's thoughts. He was touched by a man and ejaculated. Facing this fact, Lin Li didn't dare to imagine Bob's expression and the most terrible consequences. If Bob told his sister, he, as a brother, would have no life.

Lin Li felt his heart beating, but Bob didn't move. Perhaps he was thinking about how to avoid embarrassment. Should I take the initiative to explain that it was sweat and not semen? Just when Lin Li was struggling to explain, Bob made the next move. Lin Li never dreamed that Bob would continue to wipe his buttocks with the semen-stained towel. Didn't he notice anything?

Of course Bob noticed it. He also knew that Lin Li must be struggling extremely. At this time, if he didn't move forward, he would retreat. Bob had an idea in his mind. If he succeeded, then the training plan would take another big step forward.

He pulled out the sweatpants that were stuck in Lin Li's butt crack. There was a clear wrinkle mark on it, which showed how deep it was stuck. In addition to sweat, there was also sticky intestinal fluid on the wrinkles. Bob covered Lin Li's butt with a towel with both hands. The big towel couldn't cover the fat snow-white buttocks. He wiped the buttocks with the edge of the towel. The soft buttocks were so elastic that the towel could even sink in. After wiping the edge, the highlight came. Bob used the towel to separate the buttocks, and then pretended to wipe it, and accurately pressed the part with the most semen to the anus. Lin Li's anus was still sore and weak due to the orgasm. The small mouth was like a volcano about to erupt, slightly open as if swallowing something.

This press directly pressed Lin Li's semen back into his anus. At this time, Bob pretended to touch the butt crack, confirmed that the sweat stains were gone, and stretched out his hand.

Lin Li's mind was already spinning. He thought Bob hadn't noticed, but Bob did something that made him even more ashamed. He stuffed his own semen back into his anus. He wanted to stop it, but it would do him no good to tell him. He could still survive if he let him do what he wanted. Lin Li chose to save face, but ended up losing more. This was the end of him sinking deeper and deeper. He knew it, but he couldn't say it. If he did, he would lose more. He had to keep silent, hoping that Bob really didn't know. He had no way out, at least not now. After today, he would just stop letting Bob wipe.

Lin Li thought so, but he had to admit that he was conflicted. The struggle between self-esteem and pleasure, pleasure prevailed, and excitement was higher than reason.

At this moment, Bob seemed to have heard his thoughts and said a thunderous voice in his ear, "Are you comfortable? Massage my asshole."

Lin Li was so shocked that he trembled all over. He turned his body quickly and looked at Bob. He wanted to see the usual kind and steady smile on Bob's face, but what he received was Bob's smug eyes and slightly upturned mysterious smile. Lin Li knew that he already knew it. Lin Li turned over and wanted to escape, but was stopped by Bob.

Bob knew that the key was coming. He carefully chose the words and phrases, "prepared to brew the first real training, stopped Lin Li's escape, signaled him not to rush, and then slowly said, "In fact, this is your real first lesson, so you don't have to panic.

You may not believe it, but I knew you had feelings about this from the first time I saw you, because I have never seen such a charming body on a boy. Don't rush to refute, listen to me, you want to become stronger, all because of inferiority, you are inferior to your body, the feelings about your body, you don't accept it, don't want to admit it, so you came, you want to change, to become a man before you do the so-called "wrong thing", but I tell you, a person who hides his true heart can't change fundamentally, you escape from reality, how can you change reality, even if you exercise your body to be strong, your heart will not change, the things you fear are still in your heart, waiting for you to be vulnerable and come out to devour you, then it will really be hopeless, it's not you who has become stronger, it's just your appearance, your thinking has not changed at all, it's not really changed, no matter how hard you practice, it's meaningless, you don't have to come tomorrow, my plan has failed, now you leave, I'll say it all, I will never reveal a single thing about you, you decide"

Bob finished speaking in one breath, and looked at Lin Li quietly. The smile in his eyes was gone, and he looked serious, as if waiting for an important answer.

Lin Li was still very flustered at first, but he sat up halfway through listening, and his thinking began to work passively. It must be said that Lin Li's ears were really soft. Secondly, Bob's words really hit the thing that Lin Li feared the most. He had been avoiding it, avoiding the desire in his heart, from looking at his friend's big cock to being almost raped by the gangster trio. Every time he was afraid, but with abnormal excitement. He was unwilling to admit that his love affair happened to appear at this time.

He didn't want to think about these shameful things, so he shifted his desire to love, hoping to change himself. After being hurt in love, he was eager to become stronger to resist those desires that made him feel inferior. Until now, Bob has opened up everything in the most violent and irresistible way. Lin Li knows that what Bob said is right. He doesn't face it, but this fact has always been there and affects him all the time. If he wants to change, he must face this fact, otherwise, no matter how much he does, it will be useless.

Lin Li stared at Bob, trying to see something from his eyes, but there was nothing, so he asked Bob, the man who just made everything clear, and hoped that he would take responsibility.

Bob took a deep breath, and the real training Xiu Taimu arrived, and said very carefully

"There are two ways... Because the desire in your heart cannot be achieved is the root of your pain, so, one is that you obey the desire in your heart and be a person you don't want to be but want to be. You also know your business, it is useless to escape. The more you suppress, the more rebound"

Seeing Lin Li's cold eyes, Bob's heart was pounding, but he didn't say anything, waiting for the most critical condition to pass the level: Lin Li himself was willing.

Lin Li looked at Bob's sincere expression and burning eyes, and felt a little touched and embarrassed, thinking that he might really care about him, but he was too enthusiastic and the method was wrong, no wonder no one came to him. Lin Li

He was trapped by him and put in that situation, alas~ Lin Li knew that the front was the key. Once he made a decision, his heart would change, and he couldn't control the change.

"Alas~ What about the second way?" Lin Li sighed and said what Bob was waiting for.

Bob was waiting for this sentence. His eyes lit up and he showed the pit he had dug.

"The second method is not much better than the first method. The rebound of desire cannot be controlled. The main reason is that you suppress it too much. There is a saying that it is better to release it than to block it. If the desire is completely released, it will not affect your normal life."

"It would be great if I could release it. It is because I can't release it that I am like this today."

"I ask a question, you must answer me."

Seeing that he asked seriously, Lin Li had to answer seriously. After all, it was also a critical moment for him.

"I will try my best to answer."

"Okay, then, let me ask you, what is your desire?"

"...Can I not answer?"

"No, you must answer if you want to release it."

Lin Li had never thought that he would ask this question. Even he himself deliberately avoided this question. There is no specific answer so far. He had to force himself to say

"... I am probably a homosexual. I feel that being touched on the butt is very, very, very comfortable. I once felt itchy on the butt when I looked at my friend's dick. I am very inferior because my butt is so big. In fact, I lied to myself. I think my butt is very beautiful. Although I have never seen an anus, I believe it must be the most beautiful. I am really a pervert. I was extremely excited when I watched the heavy-taste movies and anal dilation movies downloaded by my classmates. I... I was almost fucked by someone... When they said that two people would fuck my asshole together, I was so excited that my whole body trembled... I really, really have no hope..."

Lin Li spoke faster and faster, and became more and more excited, but he became depressed in the end. Bob knew that he had let go of everything to himself, but he had not stepped out of the circle of normal people's concepts. He believed that homosexuality was discriminated against, so he became more inferior.

We must correct our concepts. Bob thought for a few seconds, looked into Lin Li's eyes, as if he could see through him, and said

... Homosexuality is when men like men, while anal dilatation is a crazy love for the anus. Most of them originate from things that happened in childhood that gave them a pleasant impression of the anus, or from a person's body shape. People with low self-esteem are particularly prone to this fetish. This fetish usually disappears with age and career busyness, but there are many people who cannot get rid of this fetish for the rest of their lives. There are many people with dilatation fetish, both men and women, and even men are the majority. They don't like men or anything. At best, it's just a personal fetish." Listening to Bob's explanation, Lin Li felt like he had seen the sunrise after the clouds had cleared. It turned out that he was not a homosexual, which was great, but he thought about it again. This fetish could not be seen in the light, and it was not normal to vent it, so he stopped paying attention. He noticed that Bob said that many people had this fetish, so how did they solve it? "Most of them do it themselves, or find like-minded people online." Bob was not afraid to tell Lin Li this, because he knew that Lin Li absolutely had a bottom line of self-esteem, so how could he let strangers know his fetish. Lin Li thought about it and wanted to do it by himself. The key was that he didn't dare to think about it when he was alone. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't really do it. He would only restrain himself. After thinking about it, he turned his eyes to Bob and lowered his head again, not knowing what he was thinking.

Bob saw that there was a chance, hummed, smiled and said in a low voice

"What do you want to do? Don't hide it from me. I am your personal coach. I am here to help you. Doing my best for the students is my professional purpose


Lin Li has figured it out. His problem is very clear. He must vent, but he can't do it. The best way to vent is to give it to Bob who knows the truth. Moreover, he has been set up by him, a trap that cannot be refused.

Lin Li knows that he has to change, still on Bob. He raised his head, without the confusion just now, stretched out his hand, and said to Bob.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you help me satisfy my desire, I will continue to take classes with you, and our relationship will remain unchanged"

Bob was overjoyed. He really didn't expect to make such great progress today. He smiled and shook hands with her.

"Then the real class starts now."