A fierce duel

Song stared at the Gamundan soldier wielding an ax with a solemn expression. He knew a fight with a man of his calibre will never be easy, but in war you don't pick your opponents. In the heat of battle, many challenges would be thrust at you, and if you are not strong enough to handle them, you will fall, and you only have yourself to blame. It was a deadly affair, afterall.

Calmly, Song zoned out the rest of the fighting and screaming going on around him, focusing entirely on the huge Gamundan that was still ripping through the Tasvillers, unaware that he was being monitored.

He would soon be aware, though, because in the next moment, in a blaze of blue and a gust of wind, a figure suddenly dashed at him with incredible speed. He was nearly caught of guard by Song's sudden attack, but his years of experience in military service and fighting allowed him to react to the unexpected situation expertly.

Song planned to finish the man in one silent unexpected attack, but who would have thought that even while he seemed to be lost in his slaughter, the Gamundan's awareness of his surroundings were heightened and alert? As if on instinct, the Gamundan suddenly swung his ax violently at the direction of the rushing figure of Song. His slash tore through two of the three Tasvillers that had him surrounded and went towards Song.

'Tch, This really won't be easy.' Song clicked his tongue Internally. To be honest, he had half-expected the Gamundan to sense his approach, he wouldn't have deemed him a difficult opponent if he couldn't do just tha. But he didn't expect him to be able to react quickly, even while he was still occupied in a fight.

Song twisted his body in a strange angle and barely avoided the wild slash of the ax that seemed to have a heat that churned the atmosphere. The heat from the blade tingled Song's body as he barely dodged the attack.


With a low grunt, the Gamundan forcefully stopped the ascent of his ax, and brought it down rapidly on the unsuspecting Song with a great force. The air around the blade of the ax hummed, the sheer heat coming off the ax made the air around it look distorted. Song's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the ax that he had just dodged already rushing down at him in less than a second.

Forced to dodge a sudden swing, Song's body was in an unfavorable position and open to be cleaved in two by the second sudden attack. But if attacks like this could deal with Song, he would have been dead long ago. Song landed on a hand, and spun on the ground swiftly. His foot hit the foot of the Gamundan, throwing his balance off from his root.

The Gamundan's foot jerked, throwing his slash off course, but that was not all. As soon as there was a flaw in his stance, Song immediately capitalized. Planting another hand to the ground, Song used his hands as a base and pushed violently, using his foot to hit the Gamundan in his midsection.

The blow from Song's second kick caused the Gamundan to bend over in slight pain, but this was exactly what Song wanted as his body spun on the ground again gathering momentum, before Song's foot planted itself firmly on the side of the Gamundan's face, rocking his head sideways and drawing blood from his lips.

Song immediately used both hands to push himself off the ground. He readjusted his grip on his blade. His figure, slightly off the ground, as his eyes shone with a chilling light. Song slashed at the air, releasing two quick sharp arcs of blue at the disoriented Gamundan.

The Gamundan swung his blade at the incoming slashes, but was only able to deflect one due to him still being stunned a bit from Song's hit. The other slash tore through his skin, going deep into his chest. Blood oozed from the wound as the Gamundan quickly regathered himself and stared at his chest with an angered expression.

His gaze shifted from the wound to Song that stood a short distance ahead of him with a serious expression. He gritted his teeth and flexed his muscles against his tight-fitting uniform. His body swelled up as his muscles bulged furiously, tugging at the shirt of his uniform, threatening to rip it.


The sound of cloth ripping rang out, as the Gamundan had forcefully ripped the uniform concealing his upper body, just by the bulge of his muscles. His well defined upper body became exposed, numerous veins snaking across his thick arms that seemed to have layers upon layers of muscle on it, giving it a strong look.


A hissing sound followed as the wound on the chest of the Gamundan released smoke and began to close slowly, but quick enough to be noticed by the naked eye.

With a roar, a suffocating aura of heat rushed out of his body like a gust of wind, pushing away stone and sand particles on the ground that were close to him. He brandished his ax with killing intent as he stared at Song hatefully.

"Come, Song of death."

After their short, but intense confrontation, the first words between both men were spoken, as the Gamundan taunted Song. And Song duly obliged.

A hum left Song's lips as rushed at the Gamundan, his blades down at his side, clutched in both hands. Not willing to give Song the initiative, the Gamundan also rushed forward.

Song's blades danced in the air as he spun and twirled them in his hands, blue arcs following their movements, creating a mesmerizing sight under the gloomy sky. The Gamundan's ax flared with intense heat, as the blade of the ax took on a crimson hue, as if it had spent a long time in the heat of a furnace.

They both threw attacks at each other. Song's, was a fine blue, but deadly arc that flashed menacingly at the Gamundan, who returned the attack with one of his. His attack a rough flaming arc that closed in on Song's. His jagged attack, a clear contrast to the smooth mesmerizing attack of Song. But who cared about beauty? What mattered was the potency and power behind your attack, and it seemed like the Gamundan's attack met these requirements over Song's, as after the clash of attacks, the Gamundan's attack overpowered Song's and closed in on him.

Song kept moving, undeterred. He used his blade to cut through the attack. As soon as the attack dispersed, the Gamundan was already on Song. His ax, following a wide arc, swung at his head.