Four on one I

"I'll shove you and your apologies to your grave, old man." Ludwig responded angrily to the elderly man. His eyes shone with a chilling light, as tendrils of lightning began to crackle and snake across his body.

"Just like I thought, Tholaria indeed don't have the guts nor what it takes to invade us alone. You all have formed this alliance to Invade us, not surprisingly so. Now you all think it would be enough to bring us down?"

"Well let me tell you. You are all gravely mistaken." Ludwig said as he took a step forward, his presence magnifying to a nauseating degree. The lightning coating his body intensified so much, he almost looked like a figure of lightning.

'This really won't be easy,' The elderly man thought to himself in silence as he brought his hands together. 'I never expected it to be anyways.' He thought as his hands suddenly became a blur.