A Storm of Regrets

"Brand, what is going on? I didn't tell you this to ruin her day!" Silva said.

"You claim that I started cheating by texting that girl. Look at you, doing the same thing!" Silva's boyfriend said to Silva who was facing Brand and apologizing to Brittany. 

"I can explain, Brittany. I am so sorry" she pleaded.

"If I walk out-

" Shut up!" Brand, Silva and I said at the same time. 

I had bigger problems than listening to a gas-lighting boyfriend. 

"I will leave," he said.

The three of us barely paid attention to him as he banged the door on his way out. I even tried to look at Silva who was giving me sorry eyes beside Brand but all I saw was the disappointed look on Brand's face. My brother was never an angry person but then, he looked ready to kill something.

"Brand, I can explain. It's…it's…not what you think-"

"You have no idea what I think right now, Brittany. How could you forget so soon? How could you?!"