Unspoken Burdens

They often mistake me for a young naive girl but I was a twenty-nine established woman who was capable of making informed choices. How could I leave everything I've built here because of a man? A man that I happen to love?

"He called lawyers on us, Brittany. How could you forget that?" She said.

Brand was giving me the 'I told you so' face.

"Listen, Brittany. That day, I had copies of your medical report with me and we went to his office. The bastard knew we were coming and he invited us in. Brand even thought Lucas was going to take responsibility but imagine our surprise when we were led to a room with six lawyers. All dressed up as if we were criminals. Don't forget how they compared us to paupers and tried to keep us quiet. Brit, baby Lucas is not it for you…" Mom said with sadness and regret dripping from her voice.