Fragile Foundation

The sound of the clock placed on the wall of Dr. Hoffman's office seemed to echo my racing thoughts. I fidgeted, turning my head and my attention towards the paintings on the walls and towards the bookshelves that filled the doctors' office with volumes on psychology.

This was the third appointment with Dr. Hoffman, the therapist of Lucas, and I still wasn't sure how I felt being here.

"Brittany," Dr. Hoffman's voice was relaxed and soothing, snapping me back to reality. "You seem worried today! Are you thinking of something in particular?"

I sighed, touching my distended belly. These days the woman at 38 weeks pregnant with twins felt uncomfortable in every possible manner.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Hoffman. It's just that there is a lot happening at the moment, I could give birth to the babies any time soon, Tom's new position at the company has created some unease and then there is Lucas…"

I trailed off, unsure of how to put my thoughts into words.