Deepening Bonds

Han Li and Ling's friendship continued to blossom, their training sessions becoming more intense and focused. They spent hours honing their skills, exploring new techniques, and pushing each other to new heights.

One day, as they took a break in the training grounds, Ling turned to Han Li with a mischievous grin. "Hey, want to sneak out and explore the city?"

Han Li's eyes lit up. "Really? You're willing to take a risk with me?"

Ling chuckled. "Of course! We're almost 12, and our awakening test is coming up. We deserve a little adventure."

They snuck out of the training grounds, making their way into the bustling city. They explored hidden alleys, tried street food, and laughed together like they never had before.

As they sat on a rooftop, watching the sunset, Ling turned serious. "Han Li, you know what's coming up, right? The awakening test?"

Han Li nodded, his heart racing. "I'm ready. I've been training hard."

Ling's eyes locked onto his. "Astral energy is different from astral power, Han Li. You know that, right?"

Han Li nodded again. "Yeah, I do. Astral energy is what we've been training with, but astral power... that's something special. Only a few lucky ones awaken to it."

Ling's gaze intensified. "That's right. And those who awaken to astral power are called... Astral Warriors."

Han Li's eyes widened. "Astral Warriors? That sounds amazing!"

Ling smiled. "It is. And that's what we're aiming for, Han Li. We want to become Astral Warriors."

As they gazed out at the city, Han Li felt a surge of determination. He knew that the awakening test would be tough, but with Ling by his side, he felt ready to face whatever came their way.

As they sat on a rooftop, watching the sunset, Ling turned serious. "Han Li, I have to tell you something."

Han Li looked at her curiously. "What is it?"

Ling's expression was somber. "I have to go back to the district capital tomorrow."

Han Li's face fell. "What? Why?"

Ling sighed. "People from the governor's family are coming for official work, and my family has to welcome them. I have to be there."

Han Li felt a pang of sadness. "Oh, I'll miss you."

Ling smiled softly. "I'll miss you too, Han Li. But I promise I'll be back before the day of the awakening test. I wouldn't miss that for anything."

Han Li nodded, feeling a mix of sadness and understanding. "I know. You have to do your duty."

Ling's eyes locked onto his. "But I'll be thinking of you every day, Han Li. And I'll be back before you know it."

Han Li smiled, feeling a warmth in his heart. "I'll be thinking of you too, Ling. And I'll be training hard, so I can make you proud."

Ling grinned. "I know you will, Han Li. You're the hardest worker I know."

The next day, Han Li accompanied Ling to the district capital's gateway. They stood there, looking at each other, both trying to hide their sadness.

"I'll be back soon," Ling promised, her voice barely above a whisper.

Han Li nodded, trying to smile. "I'll be here, waiting for you."

Ling smiled back, her eyes shining with tears. "I know you will, Han Li. Take care, and keep training hard."

Han Li watched as Ling disappeared into the distance, feeling a sense of emptiness. But he knew that she would be back, and that thought gave him the strength to keep going.