Family Dinner and a Grand Announcement

Ling sat at the dinner table in her family's luxurious residence in the district capital, surrounded by the opulent decorations and fine china. Her parents, Zhou Hai and Lady Zhou, sat at the head of the table, while she sat across from her younger brother, Jian.

As they ate, her father asked her about her life in the village. "Ling, how was your stay in the village? Did you enjoy it?"

Ling took a careful bite of her food before answering. "Yes, father, I did. The villagers were very kind, and I learned a lot about their way of life."

Her father's eyes narrowed slightly. "And your grandmother? How is she?"

Ling's heart skipped a beat. She knew her father was fishing for information about her grandmother's potential connections to the ancient arts. "Grandmother is well, father. She's still very wise and kind."

Her mother, Lady Zhou, spoke up. "And did you make any friends in the village, Ling?"

Ling hesitated, knowing she couldn't mention Han Li. Her father wouldn't approve of her associating with a "nobody" from the village. "Ah, yes, mother. I made a few friends. They were very nice."

The next day, Ling's family arrived at the grand hotel in the district capital, where they would be hosting the governor's family. As the district head, her father, Zhou Hai, was responsible for welcoming the governor and his family.

Ling, dressed in a elegant outfit, stood beside her parents in the hotel lobby, greeting important guests from the district. Her brother, Jian, was busy chatting with some of the guests, trying to make connections.

Suddenly, a commotion at the entrance announced the arrival of the governor's family. Ling's father straightened his back, and her mother smiled graciously. "It's time," her father said, leading the family towards the entrance.

As they approached the governor's family, Ling's heart raced. She had never seen the governor up close before, only heard stories about his power and influence. His wife, the first lady, was renowned for her beauty and grace.

"Governor Wang, welcome!" her father said, bowing slightly.

The governor smiled, his eyes scanning the room. "Zhou Hai, good to see you again. And your family, as lovely as ever."

Ling's mother curtsied, while she and her brother bowed. The governor's family reciprocated, and they all exchanged pleasantries.

The ceremony began with a traditional performance, followed by a speech from Ling's father, Zhou Hai. He welcomed everyone and praised the governor's vision for the district.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, I am honored to introduce our beloved Governor Wang," Zhou Hai said, his voice echoing through the hall.

The governor rose from his seat, a smile on his face, and walked towards the podium amidst applause. Ling's heart swelled with pride as she watched him take the stage.

"Thank you, Zhou Hai," Governor Wang began. "I am thrilled to announce that our district has been selected as the location for the next space elevator!"

The room erupted in cheers and applause. Ling's eyes widened in surprise, and she glanced at her parents, who were beaming with joy.

"The space elevator will bring unprecedented opportunities and growth to our district," Governor Wang continued. "Construction will begin in three months, and we expect it to be completed within two years. This will not only boost our economy but also make our district a hub for intergalactic trade and innovation."

The audience applauded again, and Ling felt a surge of excitement. She had never imagined that their district would be chosen for such a prestigious project.

After the speech, the guests proceeded to the dining hall, where a sumptuous feast was laid out. Ling sat beside her parents, trying to absorb the significance of the announcement. She couldn't wait to share the news with Han Li.

As they dined and celebrated, Ling's father leaned over to her and whispered, "This is a great honor for our family, Ling. We must make sure to contribute to the project's success."

Ling nodded, her heart full of pride and responsibility. She knew that this moment marked the beginning of a new era for their district, and she was eager to be a part of it.