Private Dinner and a Surprise Request

The district head's family and the governor's family sat down for a private meal, away from the public eye. The atmosphere was relaxed, with only the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of utensils on plates.

Governor Wang and District Head Zhou Hai engaged in a heated discussion about the space station project. "We need to ensure that local companies are prioritized for the construction contract," Zhou Hai emphasized.

"I agree," Governor Wang replied, "but we also need to consider the expertise and resources required for such a massive project. We can't compromise on quality."

Their wives, Lady Zhou and First Lady Wang, chatted about the potential benefits of the space station for the district's citizens. "Our people should be given priority for jobs in the construction and maintenance of the station," Lady Zhou said.

As the meal drew to a close, Governor Wang glanced at his son, Wang Liang, who had been quietly observing the conversation. "Time for us to depart, I suppose," he said, rising from his seat.

But to everyone's surprise, Wang Liang spoke up, "Father, Mother, I want to stay here for a few more days. I want to spend more time with Ling."

Ling's eyes widened in dismay, but she couldn't express her reluctance openly. Governor Wang and his wife exchanged a knowing glance, and the former smiled. "Very well, son. You may stay, but behave yourself and don't trouble the Zhou family."

Lady Zhou beamed with delight, already envisioning a potential romance between Ling and Wang Liang. "We'd be happy to have you stay, Wang Liang. Ling, show him around and keep him company."

Ling reluctantly agreed to show Wang Liang around the district capital, as instructed by her father. She tried her best to be a good host, answering his numerous questions about the city's history and landmarks. However, she found his condescending attitude towards the locals increasingly annoying.

As they sat down for a snack at a popular cafe, Wang Liang ordered an elaborate dessert, but when the waiter accidentally brought out the wrong dish, he flew into a rage. "How incompetent! Get me the manager now!" he demanded.

The waiter, trembling, apologized profusely and scurried off to fetch the manager. Wang Liang turned to Ling, "Can you believe the service here? It's appalling."

Ling tried to intervene, "Wang Liang, it's just a mistake. Let's not make a big deal out of it."

But Wang Liang wouldn't listen. When the manager arrived, he berated him, threatening to use his family's influence to shut down the cafe unless the waiter was fired on the spot.

Ling watched in disbelief as the manager, intimidated, apologized and promised to terminate the waiter's employment. Wang Liang smirked, satisfied with the outcome.

The next day, back at the district head's residence, Ling was determined to avoid Wang Liang at all costs. She busied herself with her studies and helped her mother with household chores, all the while trying to evade her mother's attempts to set up meetings between her and Wang Liang.

Lady Zhou, still enamored with the idea of a potential romance between Ling and Wang Liang, couldn't understand why Ling was being so resistant. "Ling, dear, Wang Liang is a charming young man from a good family. You should get to know him better," she coaxed.

But Ling was resolute. She had seen enough of Wang Liang's behavior the previous day to know that she wanted nothing to do with him.

Just then, a commotion broke out in the courtyard. One of the servants, a young girl named Mei, was cowering in the corner, her eyes brimming with tears. Wang Liang stood over her, his face red with anger.

"You stupid girl! You dare to spill tea on my shoes? You're worthless!" he shouted, his hand raised as if to strike her.

Ling's mother rushed out into the courtyard, her face stern. "Wang Liang, that's enough! Leave her alone!"

But Wang Liang sneered, "Mind your own business, Lady Zhou. This servant is nothing but a nobody. She deserves to be punished."

Lady Zhou's expression changed from indulgent to appalled. She saw the way Wang Liang was treating Mei, and her opinion of him began to shift. "Wang Liang, you may be a guest in our home, but that doesn't give you the right to mistreat our servants. Apologize to Mei at once!"

Wang Liang scoffed, but eventually muttered a half-hearted apology. Mei, still trembling, scurried away, her eyes grateful to Lady Zhou for intervening.

Ling watched the scene unfold, her disdain for Wang Liang growing. She knew her mother had finally seen the truth about him,