The Awakening Test

The day of the Awakening Test had finally arrived, and Ling's classmates gathered outside the exam hall, chatting nervously. Han Li scanned the crowd, searching for Ling, but she was nowhere to be found. Just as he was starting to worry, she appeared, accompanied by Wang Liang. The school head, a wise-looking old man with a kind smile, stepped forward to address the students.

"My dear young friends, today marks a significant milestone in your lives. The Awakening Test is not just a mere exam, but a journey of self-discovery and growth. Embrace this opportunity to unlock your potential and discover your true talents. Remember, it's not about the results, but about the journey itself. I have faith in each and every one of you, and I'm confident that you will all excel in your own unique ways."

As the school head finished speaking, he gestured to Ling and Wang Liang, who had joined the gathering. "We have two special guests among us today. Please welcome the District Head's daughter, Ling, and the Governor's son, Wang Liang, who have chosen to take the Awakening Test here at our humble school. Let us all extend a warm welcome to them!"

The students applauded politely, and Han Li's eyes met Ling's, exchanging a warm smile. As they began to chat quietly, Wang Liang's eyes narrowed, his face darkening with jealousy.

"Hey, Ling, I was worried sick about you," Han Li said, his voice low and happy. "I didn't see you around earlier."

Ling smiled, her eyes sparkling. "I was held up with some family stuff. But I'm here now, and I'm ready to take on this test!"

Wang Liang's eyes flashed with anger, but he forced a smile, trying to appear friendly. "Yeah, we're all in this together, right?"

Han Li's eyes flickered to Wang Liang, his expression unreadable. "Right."

The school head gestured to the row of testing pods behind him. "Now, it's time for the Awakening Test. Please, students, proceed to the pods. Remember, this is a safe and painless process. Simply enter the pod, and it will detect your innate abilities. The pod will glow with a color indicating your elemental affinity or, in some cases, a gray light for non-elemental powers."

The 53 students nervously filed into the pods, each one wondering what their result would be. Ling took a deep breath and stepped into her assigned pod, followed by Han Li and Wang Liang.

The pods hummed to life, and a soft glow enveloped each student. After two minutes, the pods beeped, and the lights faded, revealing the results.

Ling's pod glowed gray, indicating a non-elemental power. She smiled, intrigued by the possibilities.

Han Li's pod shone a vibrant silver light, a color never seen before. The teaching staff and school head exchanged confused glances.

Wang Liang's pod radiated a bright red, indicating fire elemental powers. He smirked, seemingly pleased with himself.

The school head hesitated, unsure how to categorize Han Li's power. "Well, it seems Han Li's power doesn't fit into any of the known elemental categories. We'll just have to assume it's a non-elemental power, like Ling's."

But Han Li's silver light had sparked a curiosity in the school head, and he made a mental note to investigate further. However, he failed to report the strange phenomenon to the Federation, a decision that would later prove to be significant.

Wang Liang, noticing Han Li's confusion, sneered. "Hey, Han Li, looks like you're a weirdo! Your power is so strange, it doesn't even fit into a category!"

Some students snickered, trying to curry favor with Wang Liang. "Yeah, Han Li, what's wrong with you?"

Han Li's face flushed, but he remained silent, unsure how to respond.

Ling, however, stepped forward, her eyes flashing with anger. "Leave him alone, Wang Liang! Just because his power is different doesn't mean it's any less valuable."

The school head intervened, "Enough, Wang Liang. Let's focus on supporting each other, rather than tearing each other down."

The school head cleared his throat, a wide smile on his face. "And now, the moment we've all been waiting for! Out of 53 students, 12 have successfully awakened their powers! Congratulations to our talented students!"

The room erupted in applause as the school head announced the categories:

"Fire elementals: Wang Liang, Zhang Wei, and Liu Xin!

Water elementals: Zhou Tao and Chen Yue!

Earth elementals: Huang Ming and Xu Fan!

Air elementals: Liang Qi and Wu Ting!

"Non-elemental powers: Ling, Han Li, Peng Hao, Xu Meng, and Wang Xiao!"

The students applauded again, and Ling smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. Han Li's eyes met hers, and he smiled back, his silver light still shining brightly.

The school head beamed with pride. "Excellent work, everyone! Your hard work and dedication have paid off. Remember, your powers are a gift, and it's up to you to use them wisely. Let us all support each other on this journey and become the best versions of ourselves!"

As the ceremony concluded, the students cheered and chatted excitedly, their faces filled with joy and anticipation. Ling, Han Li, and their friends gathered together, grinning from ear to ear.

"We did it!" Ling exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

"We sure did!" Han Li replied, his silver light still shining brightly.

Wang Liang approached them, a hint of jealousy in his eyes. "Congratulations, I guess," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But let's see how long you can keep up with us elemental users."

Ling rolled her eyes. "We'll show you our worth, Wang Liang. Just watch us!"

Han Li smiled, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Yeah, we're just getting started."

And with that, the group of friends walked out of the exam hall, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, their smiles shining brightly for all to see.