

It's been two months, Maine and Dave have been goody, goody with each other. I am still here waiting, feeling jealous every time Dave kisses or holds Maine's hand whenever they play chess or poker or anything fun. Dave's health has improved and though still on chemo which he hid from Maine and the rest of our friends. I am the only one here who knows what he's going through every time.

Maine sleeps in my room every day but this time, for a week now, she sleeps with Dave and helps him to take his medications. Though Dave's health has improved he is mostly lying in bed or watching movies or porn in bed nowadays.

I go to work and come home with the same routine with Dave and Maine, that I got fed up and called my girlfriend, that I will be spending time at a conference somewhere in Paris, maybe. I need to get away from the chaos and pains, so I stayed in a hotel in Paris, went to a club and slept with a hot girl I met there.

But I felt silly and regretted it after. I went home after two days and Maine welcomed me with open arms, kissing me on the mouth, which I tried to avoid, since I still had the other girl's lipstick and perfume on me. I didn't even bother to shower after, since I felt so jealous that Maine is caring for Dave more than me. Babe, are we still okay?, Maine asked. I want to help Dave and though his health is still declining, I want to be there for him. Besides as you said I loved him first, right?

Yes, but not love love him, and forget about….me, my needs and….., F*ck, I'm sounding selfish aren't I? S*it! Sorry, babe, I…..don't know, I'm jealous, every time you and Dave…., Trish explained and Maine stopped her when she wanted to go to the bathroom and shower. I know and I understand, I tried to call you but this girl answered your phone, there I knew that you weren't in a conference. I love you Trish, I am just doing this to help Dave! You know, the truth is, I knew about his condition, even before he contacted you. He called me first and told me everything. I agreed to his conditions but since I respected and love you so much I advised him to ask for your permission. If you agreed then it's okay and I will stay with him until he recovers but if you disagreed I would still find a way to help him. Because I'm a good person, a sensible and loving person why you loved me, right, Trish?, Maine added and now sobbing since she was hurt finding out that Trish made out with another girl.

No, I love you too. I'm sorry. I know and I'm the one to blame! I didn't see it coming, I love and care for Dave, you, I was blinded by my jealousy. Forgive me Maine, I will never do it again. I promise!, I said feeling sorry for what I did. Don't make a promise you won't keep, Trish, please!, Maine said tears falling from her eyes and was about to walk away from me. I reached out to her and knelt hugging her legs. I'm sorry honey, please, please, forgive me!, I added and can't help my sobs.

Maine wanted to lose my grip but I stayed like that and kept hugging her legs until she confronted me. She also knelt and cupped my face which is full of tears and so wet from sobbing. I love you, Trisha, please don't forget that. I'm not someone who sleeps around, unless necessary like that of Dave's situation. But I will still ask your permission or talk about things first before I make my decision because I respect and love you. Got that? I think I am pregnant. When Dave left six months ago my period is already irregular. And now I understand why I wanted you and your sex is because I'm always in heat, and all. I just got the results from my OB. I'm three months pregnant, Trish, you will become a mom or dad?, Maine said happily, laughing while her tears are flowing like rivers on me.

What?????, that's oh, my God, a good news! Hahaha!!!!, I love you!, Trish said kissing Maine on the lips again and again, the neck and the hair. She was so happy that she forgot about the jealousy and hugged Maine tightly. Please forgive me!

I have forgiven you Trish, even before you felt like doing it with some girl or other girls. I have known you for a very long time babe! I accepted you and loved everything about you even your flaws that make you, you, my beautiful daddy!, Maine said and kissed me with all her love which made me cry even more and hugged her tight to let her know that I will never lie or womanize again. And I never did after that unforgivable incident which happened between that girl and I in Paris.

Dave got worse every day but still has the courage to smile every time he sees me and our baby. I'm on my sixth month and counting. The baby is healthy but I needed to take full rest at home or the villa while Trish travelled across the globe for her companies and photo shoots with artists and big names in showbiz and the entrepreneur world. I stayed at home while Dave had his chemo therapy taking tablets and sometimes like blood transfusions once a month. When it seems that Dave felt numb and didn't get any stronger after the therapy, he decided to stop the treatments, faced the fact that he is dying and accepted it.

Trish came home one time to surprise me by bringing me flowers in my ninth month and about to deliver our baby. Dave and I knew that it is a girl, but Trish didn't know it so we kept it a secret until Trish came home. But I was the one surprised with her gift and a ring to seal our engagement. Dave was so happy with our love and he smiled, wishing Trish and I happiness and good health to live and love always.

Congratulations my loves, I love both of you with all my heart and I wish you all the happiness in the world…aahhhhh….erhh ha..huh.huh….., Dave said smiling, as tears flowed from his eyes, yet, he felt dizzy and his body fell to the ground and knocked unconscious.