Chapter 1: Awakening

Eden's Magic Academy.


A prestigious school where students are gathered to study the principles of the world.




It is said that using magic is how people in this world touch these principles.


The 6 basic elements. Which is...


Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark


Those who master their respective element are called mages. 


In this world, Mages are one of the main forces in every country, with the Grand Mages at the very top.


Inside the Magic Academy, the various races are currently going through an enrollment test.


Anyone who has an aptitude for magic can enter. However, one must have the necessary strength in order to survive inside.


"Quinn Mejia"


Called by the examiner. Currently, Quinn is planning to enroll as a freshman at Eden's Magic Academy. Ever since he transmigrated into this world and heard of the existence of magic, It has been his dream to enter the academy. Fortunately, it is completely free. As long as one manages to awaken their first elements, they can enroll in the academy and become students.


"Here." Quinn raised his hands.


"You can enter the awakening chamber. The guide will tell you what to do," the examiner said.


"Yes! Thank you, sir!" Quinn bowed and entered inside. He had been waiting for this moment for 3 years, and now he can finally awaken his element.


Quinn went inside the awakening chamber. Inside, a crystal ball can be seen on top of a podium. 


"Quinn Mejia. Place your hand on top of the Awakening Orb." 


Quinn was startled when a mysterious voice entered directly into his mind.




Quinn's excitement from earlier disappeared, and in exchange, anxiety creeped into his mind.


Slowly. He reached out his hand on top of the orb and placed it on top.


Blinding light came out of the orb and drowned the entire chamber. Of course, Quinn couldn't help but cover his eyes with his other hand.


After some time, a voice sounded in his mind again.


"Open your eyes."


Quinn slowly opened his eyes and was surprised by what he saw.


Blue particles floated everywhere in the room.


"This is..." 


"Its Mana"


Just as Quinn was about to ask. The voice answered his question. Almost everyone that came in here has the same expression, whichthe voice has already memorized.


"Close your eyes and try to absorb all this mana into your body." The voice continued.


Quinn closed his eyes and began to feel the surrounding mana.


'Nothing is happening; did it fail? ' he said in his mind.


'Let's see, according to the novels I read back on earth. Magic is a world of visualization. Do I have to visualize myself absorbing this mana? Lets try'


Quinn imagined himself absorbing this mana. To his surprise, it actually worked. A vortex appeared in his stomach, arms, and feet, which sucked in the surrounding mana.


"This... such fast absorption," the voice said in surprise.


Quinn didn't hear this and focused on his own body.


On the body parts where the vortex is. A circle made of mana can be seen taking shape.


After a while, all the mana in the surrounding space was absorbed by him. And all the vortex in his body turned into a circular orb. 


'What's next? Is it done? ' he asked himself.


However, at this moment, a bold idea came into his mind. He transferred these orbs and moved them into his heart. The five circular mana orbs soon converged into one and enveloped his heart.


This process was naturally painful. Quinn was quivering in pain inside the chamber.


"What is this kid doing?" asked the voice in confusion.


After a few minutes, the pain died down, and Quinn opened his eyes.


'Success! ' he clenched his fist and felt the power coming from inside his body. No from the Mana Heart He created.


"Once you've absorbed the surrounding mana, pour your mana into that orb. The elements will depend on what color it turns into." 


The voice instructed. 


Placing his hand on top of the orb again, He channeled his mana into it and soon began changing color.


The orb shone into the color brown.


"Congratulations! You have awakened the earth element!" The voice said.


"Now that you have awakened your element, there is no reason for you to stay here any longer. Good luck, Earth Mage. I hope you achieve what you are looking for."


Quinn nodded and exited the chamber. And went to the ward, where the examiner was waiting for him outside.


"Go to the desk and talk to the person there. He will give you your ID card and the guidebook," he said, pointing towards the distance.


Quinn bowed and followed his instructions.


"Name?" Ask the receptionist.


"Quinn Mejia." 


"Congratulations on entering Eden's Magic Academy. Here are your ID and the necessary things you will need inside the academy." 


The man handed him his ID card as well as a case containing his uniform.


"The academy is big, so the main transportation is by the use of portals. The portal station is on the second floor. You can show your ID to the guard, and they will arrange everything for you."


On the second floor. It is not very crowded compared to the first floor. However, it is still as spacious as before.


"Please take me to the dorm," Quinn said, showing his ID.


"Please wait a moment." The guard took a look at his ID. and took a call. Probably asking for confirmation.


"I have verified your I.D. Pelase. Take this pass and go towards Portal 6," the guard handed him a token.


When Quinn saw this, he immediately figured out that this token is made out of mana.


Ever since he awakened, his view of the world has changed, as has his heart. His body is filled to the brim with mana.


Quinn handed the guard on Portal 6 the token and allowed his entry inside.


'Inside this portal. Is

a new world completely different from what I knew. I wonder what I will face inside.' Quinn smiled and entered the portal.