Chapter 2:Earth Palace

Quinn arrived in front of a huge palace.

At the entrance you can see the large sign that says "Earth Palace" . This palace is where most of the Earth mage's in the academy are found.

"New students that managed to enter via the enrollment process . The line is here!" Shouted by a man dressed the same way as the examiner back in the enrollment.

Soon a lot of new students arrived and the line extended.

"How many new students are there?" Asked the one in charge.

"Professor, I think theres over 100 new students this year." Replied one of the seniors.

"Thats 3 times more than last year!"

"Anyway the more students the better."

The professor in charge has a smile as wide as is face.

"Attention new students!" He announced.

Soon the original noisy gathering turned quiet. And everyone's attention fell on the front.

"My name is Dale Gonzales, I am the Vice Palace master of the Earth Palace!"

"I am here today to congratulate all of you for entering the prestigious Eden's Magic Academy. As well as awakening the Earth Element"

"As a new comer. Most of you probably still have no idea about the basic structure of our academy. All of it are written on the Guidebook distributed to you when you passed the enrollment so you can take your time and read it later in your rooms"

"Let me start by introducing the main power of our academy." Professor Dale look towards one of the staff and nodded.

The staff understood the assignment and started the presentation.

However this is no normal presentation like PowerPoint and such but more like miniaturized model.

The staff took out a book and flipped through the pages.

The other students as well as Quinn Noticed this and look at him.

The Book shined as mana passed from the staff passed through it.

"Earth magic: Great World's Model"

The earth rised from the ground and various structure formed. Copying the appearance of each palaces inside the academy. A total of 6 palaces.

Dale saw the reactiontof the students and a smile appeared on his face.

"This is one of the applications of earth magic. Although very basic, it is incredibly useful and everyone here will eventually manage to learn it." Dale said.

"Now attention please!" Dale clapped his hands drawing the attention back to himself.

"Our academy are famed for its 6 Unique Palaces. Namely according to the 6 elements."

"From the very left to the right. We have Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Dark and light"

The palaces differ greatly in appearance. There is a palace floating in the air, a palace submerged in the water , a palace surrounded by fire. Etc.

"Each Palaces is positioned at an appropriate place suitable for training the necessary elements"

"First look at the overall structure of the Academy"

A lump of earth floated and changed form. Im turned in to a disk and carvings appeared on the surface.

On the disk it was divided into 6 part like a pizza and if you add a smaller circle on the inside erase the line inside the smaller circle and tadaa you have the map of the whole academy.

"Our Academy is shaped like a circle. The 6 palaces is placed at the peripheral surrounding the very middle which is the learning place itself where lessons are done."

The students nodded and and immediately understood.

"Each palaces contains all the elemental magics known in the world. But not everyone has free access to it."

"After all You can't just take the good things from the academy without doing anything in return." Dale grinned amused by the Express of the students.

"That's why besides attending classes you're also expected to do missions and task issued and found in the palace"

"A student must complete 1 mission a week during their stay in the academy. Failure to do so means getting kicked out"

"Next is.."

The introduction continued until night arrived.

The Library, The Dorm rooms, The cafeteria, the Offices, training facilities and other facilities we're introduced one by one by dale.

"Any questions?" Dale asked.

No one answered and just looked towards him.

"If you have no question we can now dismiss and head to your rooms to rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you all"

The other senior students led the freshmans towards the dorms inside.

Looking at the door with his name on it. Quinn took his I.D. and scanned it on the door knob.

This was a sort of security measures to avoid theft and so on. No one can enter your room forcefully without the I.D. so they are advised to not lose it.

Inside was a room more luxurious than his past room. The space inside was 2 times bigger. And the furniture is all brand new.

After arranging his stuffs Quinn is still not yet tired. The mana heart is still pumping mana throughout every corner of his body increasing his stamina.

Beep~ Beep~ Beep~

A notification sounded form the magic Watched given to him by the academy.

It is said that instead of cellphones magic watched where used instead. Dale also said that this watch have more other features than an ordinary phone.

[[ Welcome New Students]]

[[Tomorrow Morning 8 A.M Everyone is to head to the Library to get their own Grimoire]]

[[If youre late amd didn't get any you would have to wait another year to get yours. So don't be LATE!!]]

[[Thats all have a Good Rest!]]

"This Word really is Amazing!"

After listening to Dale for god knows how many hours.

Quinn Is at first confused as the knowledge of magic is completely foreign to him. At first he thought that magic can be learned if you thought of it and the like but it turns out theres still much to learn.

"Let's see tomorrow's schedule..."

Quinn explored the watch's Calendar App. And added a note for tomorrows Library schedule.

"That's right I should Also looked into the Available Lessons I Can take"

After playing with the watch for a while.

[[ Magic Courses Available ]]