Chapter 3: 6 Pointed Star

[[Magic Lesson Available]]

[[ Magic Runes l ]]

[[ Practical Application l ]]

[[ Potion Brewing l ]]

[[ Magic Combat l ]]

[[ Magic Theory ]]

[[Introduction to Magic Beast l ]]

There are many more but a student can only choose 3 of them.


Quinn began to think what would be the best choice.

Currently his goal is to become the strongest and survive the longest but in order to do that. One must have a solid foundation.

Quinn Decided to choose. Magic Runes l, Magic Combat. Magic Theory l.

"Magic Runes can be considered a Language. You need to Understand Runes if you want to create your own magic spells. Its what every mages needed."

"And inorder to be the strongest. The earlier I start learning combat the the solid my foundation will be in the future."

"As for theory.. as a transmigrator from a normal world. I know nothing when it comes to magic so this will be beneficial."

Quinn submitted his choices through the Magic Watch and lied down on the bed.

"I wonder What would I experience tomorrow.. im excited."

He closed his eyes and went to sleep.


In a dimly lit room in the earth palace . The sound of pen and paper filled the room as one man wrote and sign the papers. He has shaggy hair and a not muscular body. A body of an ordinary human without training.

He looked towards the the side and saw a mountain of paper work stockpiled and bolcking the moonlight from the window.

"This is 3 times more than last year.. sigh.. Just when would I finish all of this."

This man was the Palace master of the Earth Palace. Chris Mamogs one of the archmage in the academy alongside the other palace masters.

It can be said that he is currently the official strongest earth mage in the whole continent.

However right now. He was currently buried with paper works.

" I shouldn't have accepted this job." He grumbles.

Even with all of this complaints. He still has no choice. But to continue his work.

"Damn old man. You will pay for this.." he continued signing the mountains of paper one by one.

Next day.... 8 a.m

The New students arrived at the library...

"Fall in line and enter one by one!" Ordered by the librarian in charge.

The students followed the instructions and quickly arranged themselves.

"Im finally getting a Grimoire!",

"This stuff is really expensive outside I can't buy one even if i sell all my things!"

" To think I will get one for free."

Different voices sounded and the students started to chatter amongst each other.

One by one they entered the library.

After some time it was finally Quinn's turn.

He stepped inside the Library.

'it was dark' was what first reaction

"Quinn Mejia!" Announced by an old man with a pointy wizard hat.

"Here!" Quinn answered.

Soon the library books inside Trembled one by one. Seeing so many books reacting the oldman was surprised.

"You're the third person that cause the Books to react like this"

"You must have a lot of mana inside your body."

Quinn wasn't surprised by what the old man said. He knew from the start that the mana he has was morethan the average.

One of the book in the shelves flew downward and floated in front of Quinn. There are 6 pointed star symbol on its cover.

"Congratulations! This 6 pointed star symbolizes that you're special from the rest of the students. The magic you can make will be stronger than normal"

Quinn caught the book and bowed before the Old man.

"You can leave now." The old man said.

When Quinn is faraway the oldman look at his back.

"Interesting.." the old man said and got back to his post.

After leaving the library Quinn flip through the Grimoire.

"Earth Body?"

There was actually spell on his Grimoire

' I thought we would be the one who would fill out Grimoire with spells?'

[Earth Body - A Spell that transforms the Casters Body into Rocks. Making it invulnerable to physical attacks. If it breaks regeneration is possible ]

Quinn closed the book and put it inside the holder om his waist before heading towards the portal station.

"The Classes about magic theory should start today. "

"Uhm, excuse me!" Someone called out to him.

Quinn look behind and saw another boy with blonde hair and same height as him.

"What is it?" Quinn asked.

"I heard you said you also have classes today. Do you want to go togethe?" The boy said.

"Ahh-, I forgot My name is Clyde Marcos" he held out is hand asking for hand shake.

Quinn look at him for a while.

'well there's no reason not to make any friends so i guess it's ok.'

"Quinn, Quinn Mejia" Quinn Shakes his hand.

"So.. Clyde..Do you also have Magic Theory which class sre you on?" Asked Quinn.

"I have Class at room B" Clyde replied.

"What a coincidence! Im the same. Guess we will be classmates huh?" Quinn smiled.

"Come Let's go before we're late." Quin added and they both rushed to the portal station together.

Along the way the two of them talk about various things and got to know each other.

Clyde was from a wealthy noble family. They own a lot of magistone mines.

When Quinn asked what a MagiStone is Clyde was Dumbfounded and laugh. Magistone is used to craft various magical equipments. Sword, armor, artifacts, it even used in Potion Brewing.

'so inshort it was the oil of magical world' no wonder they're rich.

The marcos family also has a lot of shops scattered on cities.

Arriving at the station. They talk towards the guard and showed their identification.

The school it self was bigger than the Palaces. Probably because it holds so many classrooms to accommodate thousands of students.

Room B.

Both of them sat side by side near the middle.

There's already student here when they arrived luckily theres still available spots.

Both of them we're startled when a buzzing of students suddenly happened. A group of students entered the classroom together in the front was a handsome man at the back 2 boys and 2 girls.

"Is that him? " One of the students sitting asked his to his side

"What is?" The other asked confused.

"You know the one who got a 6 pointed star Grimoire on the light Palace" the other whispered.

"A 6 pointed star? Who is he!?" The other guy accidentally raised his voice.

The other students heard him and looked towards the handsome man.