Chapter 4: All in One

"Mark Serafica" Everyone look towards the source of the voice.

It was a Bald man with well built body. His eyebrow was red and was slightly pointed upward it's end was wavy like a fire. Along with it's color its like its burning.

The bald man stood up and confronted Mark his gaze was arrogant. He held out his hand.

"My name is Igrid Crisostomo" he introduced himself while asking for a handshake.

Mark stared at him and introduced himself as well

Igrid grinned and squeezed down on mark's hand.

This force was enough to shatter rocks.

Noticing this Mark has a calm expression. He just smiled and let Igrid do his thing.

After some while the tension between the two calmdown. No to be precise Igrid lost interest and let go of Mark's hand. Probably disappointed that mark didn't even fight back.

"Tsk" he went back and sat down on his spot.

Mark .He just stood there smiling. Which captivated the girls in class even more.

Quinn and Clyde watched this happen.

"Did he just say Igrid?" The others started to murmur again.

"Another Hexagram from Fire Palace!"

"Whats with this class. Why is this monsters Gathered here.." the others was in disbelief.

"Are Hexagrams Such a big deal?" Quinn whispered to Clyde beside him.

Clyde looked towards him like looking at an idiot.

"Of course! Hexagrams are Mages that has attributes they can add towards they're spells."

"Attributes?" Quinn asked.

"Yes! For example That Igrid, I heard his Flame magic had the inextinguishable attribute. Which means an attack by him wont be stopped unless you turn into ashes."

"Attributes added special effects to the casters magic!" Clyde exclaimed silently.

Quinn's eyes opened wide open at Clydes Explanation. What is Inextinguishable. Isn't that to OP.

'Im Also A Hexagram Mage but I still Don't know my Attribute. I never really casted a spell before so i never know ' Quinn thought.

'and with this development don't tell me...." Quinn closed his eyes on thought.

Soon as time passes many more arrived at the classroom.

The Hexagram from different Palaces are actually gathered in a Single Classroom.

'I knew it!' Quinn thought.

'this is probably done to pit us against each other in order to promote our growth. After all. A Hexagram is stronger than normal mages. There's no point in goings against weaker ones fhere would be no challenge '

'and here I thought my journey here would be smooth sailing' Quinn was disappointed.'

Soon the Professor arrived. It was girl with glasses. She looks to be around 26 year's old and was very graceful.

Most of the boys can't help but gulp at his arrival.

"Good day class I am Professor Kayla from Light Palace. I will be in charge of the Lesson about Magic Theory " Professor Kayla introduced herself.

"I'm sure most of you have read the introduction in the magic watch but let me repeat it for you"

"Magic Theory scope many types of Subjects thats realated to magic."

"History of magic, magic elements, magic applications etc."

"Im sure you all noticed that this subjects are the same of that of other courses available but mine is not focus on any of this subjects. Just the general knowledge about this subjects is enough"


Professor kayla clapped his hands which gathered the attention of every students.

"For now how about we introduced ourself?", Professor Kayla smiled.

"Please Group yourself into your respective elements "

The students scurry around the classroom and went to their own group.

"Every test and exams done in the academy is a competition between the palaces." Professor kayla said.

"Which means, an element will battle against other elements as a group"

"I will appoint the 6 Hexagrams as the Representative of each groups. Please step forward and introduced your self."

"Mark Serafica"

A handsome man from the Light Palace Group step forward which prompt the girl from all groups to scream.

"My name is Mark Serafica a Hexagram Mage from the Light Palace" he bowed respectfully.

"Not only is he handsome but also Good Mannered!" The girl screams once again.

"Next, Igrid Crisostomo!"

A bald man step forwards with gaze that looks down on everyone,

"Igrid Crisostomo from Fire Palace, Nice to meet you!" An condescending grin appeared on his face

"Nice to meet you too Igrid" professor Kayla replied.

"Meh" Igrid replied back lost interest.

"Next , Kaley Saldana"

A man with an aura of death step forward from the Dark Palace Group. He has this Dark Eyebags Below his eyes. Did he stay up all night?

"Kaley.....Saldana..." He talks really slow.

He sat down not finishing his introduction.

many were dissatisfied with his attitude but no one speak up. Afterall This Lazy Human being stand at the top of the food chain in this classroom. Everyone knows that dark magic has an innate advantage agains the other 4 elements and at disadvantage againsy the light.

"Next, Cano Dali"

A man with Smooth and silky hair step forward.

Every step he takes the flooring becomes wet.

Everyone looked at this Man curiously. If one focused enough you can actually see through behind him.

Noticing the gaze of his fellow classmates.

"Hm? Oh!!" He scratched the back of his head.

"Im sorry professor, My water Body activated on it's own again" he bowed his head and apologized.

"Its ok Cano. I know your situation."

"Thankyou very much!, My name is Cano Dali from Water Palace. Please Call me Dali" He said with energy.

His body turned more watery and started dripping on the floor.

"Pfft", a laugh sounded from behind him. Dali look towards the source of the sound and saw Igrid Looking down on him.

"Whats this Ember laughing about?" He said looking towards Igrid with a snort on his face.

Igrid heard this and immediately flared up. His body exploded in fire. Which almost burned the surrounding chairs.

"What did you say you ? Do you want me to evaporate you?" He went near Dali who satrted bubbling.

The two where face to face.

"Try it." Replied by Dali looking extremely confident.

"Ok thats enough! Get back" Professor Kayla said.

"Next.Jill Mamogs "

Mamogs? Is he ralated to sir Dale?

A Brown man stepped forward. He has a foreigner blood.

"Huh? And How di-" Igrid stopped his words before he even finished.

On the corner of his eye he can see Kayla with contorted face.

"Any form of racism is Banned on the Academy. If I catch you~" Her mana Filled the room to the brim. One spell from her would Light up the whole classroom.

"Whew~ any way remeber what I said!" Kayla went back to his previous self amd smiled.

"My name is Jill Mamogs From Wind Palace "

He flared up his mana After introducing himself.

The student who was looking down on him before because of his foreign blood immediately changed their attitude.

'hiss' every one hissed when they felt his mana.

It was extremely sharp. Was Quinn's Comment.

"Next, Quinn Mejia"

'Its finally here huh!' Quinn sighed helplessly.

Clyde was surprised as well as the other students from different groups. They thought the Hexagram from The Earthgroup is the Hulk like man from behind but they didn't expect it to be this ordinary looking Man.

Clyde didn't expect that this friend of his was a Hexagram mage.

"Quinn Mejia From Earth Palace" Quinn Greeted everybody with a smile.