Chapter 5: Embarrassed

"My name Is Quinn Mejia, From Earth Palace"

The entire scene was silent.

The earth element symbolizes strength. So how can this hexagram from the earth palace be so ordinary looking. He doesn't look sturdy at all.

Quinn nodded to professor kayla and the other classmates.

"Now. One by one Introduced your self. Starting from the Earth Palace"

Soon everyone started introducing themselves One by one. By the time it was over. The class dismissal was near.

"Okay now that everyone knows each other next meeting we would immediately start an activity so I leave an Assignment for everyone. "

"You must Create atleast 1 Spell from your Grimoire" Professor Kayla smiled and dropped the bomb.

"If you can't there's the library on the Palaces you can copy some from them. Though i prefer Self Created one"


Everyone stood up and clamored towards the Hexagram mages.

Naturally Quinn was no. Exception.

'This is why I hate standing out.'

Quinn stood up and prompt Clyde to leave. After saying a few goodbye's Quinn managed to escape outside the room.

"Quinn, How come You didn't mention that you're such a Bigshot." Clyde was still surprised.

"What Bigshot? Didn't you see me Asking you all those questions before. I have no idea that a Hexagram is such a big deal." Quinn said.

"So anyway , What's your attributes?" asked clyde with stars shining in his eyes.

Quinn Look towards this weirdo with contempt.

"I don't know, I have not Used any magic since I got my Grimoire this day" Quinn replied.

"What? such a waste! How did you become a hexagram if you just learned magic today?" Clyde was perplexed.

No even Quinn is Perplexed. He asked himself the same question. Is it because of the Mana heart,?

"Do you know of mana heart?" Quinn asked Clyde.

"Yeah, Doesn't aren't Hexagram born with one?" Clyde replied titlting his head.

Does he not also know what a mana heart is? That can't be. You can only be a Hexagram since you were born with one.

This new information surprised Quinn. Afterall he Created his. It is not something he was born with.

Whats this A discovery? Quinn thought to himself.

That can't be. Theres no way that there's no others out there who tried puting mana into his heart.

"Anyway, Whats your next class?" Asked Clyde.

"I have Magic Rune l in class G" Quinn Replied.

"Too bad. I thought we have the same again. I have Magic Combat First before magic runes." Clyde said dejectedly. I guess coincidence like before rarely happens.

After saying goodbye to each other they went to their respective class.

And once again. All Hexagram was together in one class. Quinn was no longer surprised, He knew that this would happen before.

Siting on an empty spot Quinn just Played with his Magic watch. Surfing the social media.

[[ Hexagram mages all in one class ]]

[[Fiery Igrid]]

[[ One of the Hexagrams is a foreigner? ]]

Quinn Liked all of them.

Then suddenly...


One of the students went flying towards his way. It broke his desk.

When Quinn looked towards the source of the commotion. There He saw Igrid Fuming with anger. He was having an argument with Dali then it broke down. He actually sent someone flying.

When Quinn look towards the injured man below him burns can be seen allover his arm.

The temperature in the air started to rise.

"Do you feel Good Lowering gour self and beating Someone weaker than you?" Dali spoke and look towards him with disdain.

"Does it improve your self esteem? What makes you no different from a thug?"

"What did you say.?" Igrid gaze finally turn dark.

His Grimoire flew out and was intending to use magic.

"Used of magic is forbidden outside of official matches" A calm voice sounded from the direction where the Injured student flew by.

Everyone look towards the skurce of the sound.

Quinn was reading the comments from a post when he suddenly felt a change in mana from the surrounding.

"You near the door You're a Light Mage right? Heal him before it becomes a permanent damage" Quinn ordered the student,

He saw him when they were introducing themselves and from his perception beside that mark guy this guy use of mana was the most efficient. Meaning he was pretty capable.

"Ye-ye!" The Student rush towards him and the injured and started healing him.

The concept of healing was very useful. So Quinn investigated the students as he performed healing magic. The flow of mana. Quinn saw all this. A tried to copy it. On himself.

'it does not have any healing effects.' he thought to himself.

"Huh?" Quinn was surprised.

That Igrid actually attacked him.

It was not an offensive spell just an attack from his fire body.

Seeing the incoming attack. Quinn's Grimoire flew out of the holder and flipped through the Earth Body spell. no physical changes can be seen on Quinn.

He extended his hand and covered the healing student and the injured with layer of rock.

Quinn's expression didn't change. He knew his Earth body was specialized on defense so he has nothing to fear.

Once the fire touches Quinns Face it Enveloped isentire body in an instant and burned brightly.

The nearby student was startled and started to panic. The fire was so strong it melted the chair. Instantly. Making Quinn to fell on the floor.

Igrid saw this and Grinned maliciously.

"Hmph. Boastful fool, Just because you're a hexagram you think you can butt in on everything huh?" He was looking down on Quinn.

Naturally Quinn heard this as well. Although his whole body was covered with fire and his body can't be seen he was not hurt at all.

This is the first time That Quinn had use a spell.

He calmly stood up.

He separated one of his finger and threw it towards Igrid. Since He can't see Quinn's expression He only thought he was struggling.

"Futile." He pointed towards the flying finger toward him and Intense flame shoot out from it.

He was probably planning to incinerate it.

The finger still didn't budge and just continue d to fly towards Igrid. When it came out of the fire Igrid was shocked.


He tried to dodge but it followed him and hit his head.

"Bind" A voice sounded.

The rock finger expanded and encased Igrid whole body it covered anything, any gaps no air can enter and exit. He tried to. Burn it with mana inside but failed.

The rock around igrid tightened and he gasped for air.

The inextinguishable Fire covering Quinn stopped and died down. Revealing a calm expression looking towards the ground where igrid was gasping for air. Before he choked to death Quinn removed the bindings and Igrip can finally breath.

The finger flew back to Quinn and Attached itself back to his hand.

"Do you really want to embarrass your self? Well you got what you wanted." Quinn snorted

He created an earth Chair and sat back down browsing the Magic watch.

The other two students are safe. Not hurt at all. They are still surprised by what happened.

Igrid Glared at Quinn.

"Y-you, YOU BASTARD!!" His Grimoire Flip through the pages and summoned an offensive spell.

"Enough!" The offensive spell disintegrated right before they're eyes.

Quinn also saw this. Looking around the classroom. Various Magic runes started to glow on all four walls and even the ceiling.

'Is this an Enchantment? It can actually disable magic!' Quinn Hiss d and looked towards the source of the shout. It was a middle age man in a professors Uniforms.