Chapter 6: Enchantments

"Take your seats!" The middle aged man shouted.

The middle aged man entered followed by the other Hexagrams.

"Tch." Igrid Clicked his tounge and sat down. He didn't even hide his Hatred in his face.

"Mister Igrid Use of offensive spell outside an official match is prohibited. Come to the office immediately after class!" The professor said.

Igrid didn't answer and look towards Quinn with Hatred.

Quinn Ignored him and focused on the teacher.

"Where's your answer?" The professors aura finally becomes gloomy.

"Yes" Igrid answered back.

"Pfft. Not so fiery now are you" Dali laughed on his seat.

"Quiet!" Dali's laughter stopped and he immediately become serious.

"My name is Professor Alex Hart, I will be your Professor in teaching Magic Runes l"

"Let's Start immediately."

"Sir. Igrid Stand up!" The professor Called out to Igrid.

Igrid stood up begrudgingly.

"Tell me, What do you think is Magic runes Are?" He asked a Question.

"Magic runes are the Commonly known as the Language of mana. Using magic runes. We can devise Various formulas and create spells as wells as enchantments."

Hearing his answer Professor Alex nodded his head.

"Stay standing up" he followed.

"What about you Sir Quinn, Stand up and share what you know about Magic runes to us"

Quinn stood up and everyone looked towards him. He was strong enough to resist a magic body attack from igrids fire body unscathed.

Everyone has an expectations that he was a supreme genius.

"I don't know sir." Quinn said without a change of face.

They we're dumbfounded.

This hexagram genius actually know nothing about magic runes.

"Nothing?" Professor looks towards Quinn with anger in his eye.

This student actually took his class without any prior knowledge. Isn't he afraid that i will kick him out.

"Yes sir, I don't know any Magic runes and this is the first time I've seen one." Quinn replied.

"Remain standing up."Alex said. Shaking his head.

He must be a pampered son who have not saw the outside world.

"Pft, A Thug and a country's Bumpkin, HAHAHAH" Dali Laugh Shamelessly bursting his stomach out.

Everyone also can't help but snort but one look from Igrid shut them up.

"Quiet!" Alex shouted.

"Stand up Mister Cano,"

Dali stood up immediately confident on himself.

"What would be the outcome if I activated this enchantments?" Alex showed Him a Very Complex Enchantments combination.

"Thi-This.. This isn't fair! Why is my Question a dozen time more difficult than them?" He widen his eye with disbelief and asked for explanations.

"Hmph. How dare you laugh shamelessly acting like you know it all when your just a new student like them. Stay standing up!" Alex shouted.

Dali feel wronged all of a sudden.

"Just as mister Igrid said. Magic runes are a type of language. In order to create enchantments and your own spells you must first knew the basic of Rune Weaving."

"Rune Weaving is the process of using runes inorder to create an enchantment or a spell"

"Rune weaving is divided in to 3 steps. First is Finding Suitable Materials, Second Inscribing the Runes in to the materials and third Checking the stability of the Enchantments/ spell,"

"This may semm easy but it is very hard. Actions speaks the loudest" alex snapped his fingers. The paper on the teachers desk flew one by one and landed towards the students desk. 1 for each.

"This paper is called an enchantment paper most enchantments sre tested on this paper"

"What I have here Is an Enchantment that Creates a Ball of mana" Alex Took out a Paper and injected his mana into it.

The enchantments on the paper shimmered and glows. A small ball of mana was formed inside the circle.and gradually expanded the size of a palm.

"Try Copying this enchantments " After that he gave each student a copy of the Mana ball enchantment.

"You only have one try. If you fail you get zero and if you managed to create a ball of mana no matter the size you pass and may go home."

Alex looked towards the clock and once it reaches the very top.

"You have 3 hours!"


Everyone studied the Mana ball Enchantments.

It was a small magic circle.

After 20 minutes Mark Activated His and Summoned A Mana ball the ssme size as Professor alex.

"Pass" Professor alex declared.

Mark thank him and bowed before he left the room.

"As expected of a Hexagram"

murmurs appeared out of nowhere.


Soon one after another the Hexagrams stood and passed their activities.

Time passed by.

Only Quinn and Professor alex was the only one left.

Alex looked towards Quinn .

'Will he make it? Or a fail?'

Quinn was still looking and studying the Mana ball Enchantment.

Many students failed the activity will those who passed are smalled in number.

'it doesn't work if you just copy it' whats the difference between those who passed and those who did not?.

Quinn Closed his eyes and think about what the professor said.

'3 steps. Gathering the suitable material, Inscription, stability' 'this is a paper called. enchantment paper '

Is there something special in this enchantment paper? Quinn examined the paper.

Theres no difference between a normal and and enchantment paper when it come to appearance.

'!?' An idea came to mind.

Quinn poured his Mana into the Enchantment paper.and tried to sense it.

'what are these lines? ' everytime his mana passed through this line they glows in different colors and seems to be stimulated. It looks like some sort of a vein. Lets call it Mana Veins

He tried the same on the other paper. When his mana channeled to the enchantments the enchantments activated and a mana ball appearsd on top. He tried to sense the difference between the blank one and this one using Mana sense.

The Mana Veins that Lights up in this Paper are all of the same color.

'finally! A progress!' so thats why!

Quinn channeled his mana onto the blank Paper and sense the Mana veins. This time. He will only channel manna on the veins who shined with the same a puzzle red to red, blue to blue, white to white, black to black, brown to brown, green to green. Soon om top of the enchantment paper mana was being formed however it has no shape.

'i see! I finally Knew the purpose of runes in an enchantments'

He copied the runes from the Mana Ball Enchantments to the blank paper. Using a special ink that can channel his mana.

Once it was copied he activated the enchantment paper again the same as earlier. This time the mana that was formed was not shapeless it was a sphere. The same size as his palm.

The principle behind this enchantments is the Mana Veins. The mana veins Gathers the Mana For you and the Runes tells this mana what to do. This time the Rune Formula told the mana to Become A ball. Hence the Mana ball Enchantment.

It was a simple task for gifted students like the Hexagram but for him who was an ordinary person this was harder than a physics Problem.

And just like any kinds of problem. Either math or science , etc.

Successfully solving them feels really satisfying.