Chapter 7:To the Library

"2 Hours and 45 Minutes."

"Are you Really a Genius? Why did you take so long to Create a Mere Mana ball Enchantment"

Professor Alex was full of doubt. Originally this level of task should be simple for Hexagram Mages.

'Im not a genius! Just a lucky guy who somehow created a mana heart' .Quinn didn't answer and remained quiet.

"Well whatever, A pass is a pass Give me the Papers and you can Leave"

After recording Quinn's score Professor Alex took The papers and began to Pack up his things. Preparing for his next class.

Quinn didn't wait around any longer and left the classroom.

"A Hexagram actually Struggled in Creating An Enchantments Hah! Are you not embarrassed of yourself?"

'this kid actually waited for me to finish just so he can trash talk me?' Quinn look at Igrid like he was looking at an Idiot.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Where's that Courage you have earlier huh?" Igrid mocked him.

He was humiliated by this Bastard in front of everybody. He naturally won't let this chance to for payback to pass.

"Yes yes yes, Master Igrid is right Im just a nobody and he was something great. So can I go now?" Quinn don't want to be bothered by him and he excuse himself.

Igrid heard his Reply and started flaring up again.


Quinn just cobered his hears and didn't listen. He still have to digest what he found out about this lesson.

'since this is a magic world.I guess I have to stop looking at things in a normal persons Point of view.'

'theres too much things in this world that is hidde in the naked eye'

'And I guess I really shouldn't have bothered interfering In this mess.'

'Igrid's Offensive Spell actually Gave me a dangerous feeling. If the Professor didn't stop it I wonder what would've happened?'

Judging by the confrontation between him and Igrid. He xan say tha his magic body was stronger that Igrids. He didn't suffer any damage at all and since earth was a physical material. I have an advantage against non physical ones.

This is reminding him with that certain magical fruit from that certain series.

'I need to create atleast 1 spell before class tomorrow.'

Next class is about Magic Combat . Just as the name says. We would be fighting against each other.

'I should Visit the Earth Palace's Library Later'

"Quinn~!!" Someone called out to him drom behind.

" Are you done with your class? You're covered in wounds" Quinn Observed Clyde's Status. Apart from the wound in his body. His mana was in disarray.

"Yes it's done. Earth Palace Placed 4th in the activity. " Clyde said while catching his breath.

"Who's the first?"

"It's those bastard from Light Palace, second is from the dark palace, Third is those arrogant Fire Palace" Clyde recited the ranking one by one.

"Those from the Light Palace is unfair. They can use Healing Magic of they didn't have this the Dark Palace can Defeat them easily." He added.

"I see. I Should also Prepare for tomorrows fight. Do you want to go to the Library? There's some things I need to get" Quinn proposed.

"Library? Sure I was free for the rest of the day."

The two went back to the Earth Palace Talking on the way.

Arriving in front of the Library.

"You fought!?" Clyde Exclaimed.

The Library Has many Students so Other Earth Students heard this as well. They eavesdropped attentively on their conversation.

It Had already Became known that Quinn was Hexagram of The Earth Palace.

"Did you win?" Asked Clyde.

"It's because Igrid was Arrogant Thats why he let down his Guard". Quinn replied.

The Murmur from the surrounding students suddenly Started.


"If you're going to chatter loudly Go outside. The library isn't the place for this!"

This old man was the One inchsrge giving out their Grimoire. He has a pointy hat.

"This is your First Time In this right?" The old man looked towards Quinn.

Quinn Just nodded.

"Come with me, You stay behind!" He told Clyde to stay behind while Quinn immediately Followed.

After arriving it what seems to be an office. The oldman took of the pointy hat and sat down on the chair.

"Tell me, You're not a natural born Hexagram mage are you?" The old man suddenly started seriously.

Quinn was surprised by this. He hadn't told any one about his situation and about how he created his Mana heart.

'Should I amswer him? Will I get in trouble?' Quinn was troubled.

Seeing Quinn not answering and his troubled Expression. The old man smiled.

"Don't Worry Kid. I won't do anything to you."

"I Already knew that your Mana heart was Artificially Made the first time I saw you"

Quinn was surprised again not Planning to answer back.

"Let me Introduce my self. My name Leo Angus. I am the Principal of the Eden's Magic Academy."

Like a Bomb that was suddenly dropped in the middle of the city.

"I greet the principal , Please forgive me for my lack of manners." Quinn Immediately Bowed to the ground.

"Stand up, So Can you tell me now?"

"Yes sir. You are Indeed Correct My mana heart was Indeed Artificially Created by me." Quinn confessed.

The Principal wasnt surprised by this. He was already certain.

" To tell you the truth, You are not the only one who attempted to create a mana heart throughout the history."

"My disciple was one of them."

Hearing this Quinn was secretly happy. Turns out there are others like him.

"So sir, Where is this disciple of yours?" Quinn Asked politely.

"He was dead" The principal said Nonchalantly. With no emotion what so ever.

However for Quinn this is different. His mind was extremely Messy and suddenly didn't know what to do.

"I don't know how you survived but Creating An artificial mana heart was a total nutjob. Aren't you afraid that you'll suddenly explode in the process?"

Quinn Recalled this process and there was indeed a time when he felt so bloated.