Chapter 8: Spells

"in order to create a mana heart, One must Integrate large amount of mana into the heart during awakening."

"No one has survive this integration before. All pf them exploded."

Quinn was secretly thankful.

"That's why I'm surprised when I checked your body. You're filled to the brim with mana. From your heart, flesh your organs and even your bones" its liek your made out of mana itself."

Quinn also noticed this when he checked himself.

"A normal Hexagram's Mana heart Pump only enough mana that their body can handle. Yours was different. The amount of mana you produce is 3 times of normal."

"Is this a bad thing?" Quinn asked.

"Not Really. it is a benefit to you, more mana means stronger spells" The Principal said with a smile.

"So sir, What should I do next?" Quinn asked for instructions.

"You're Uniform indicates that you're an Earth Student ," The principal scratch his chin.

"Wait here" He disappeared form his spot and appeared again.

"You just got you're Grimoire so you still don't have any types lf spells . This is a list of Rank 3 Earth Element Magic. You can choose 3 of them to learn." The Principal Handed him a Scroll.

Quinn took it saw a list of spell.

"Why are the spell so few in numbers? Are they rare?" He asked.

"Every spells are Divided into 6 ranks."

"Rank 1 Spells - or Basic Spells"

"Rank 2 Spells - intermediate spells"

"Rank 3 spells - High level spells"

"Rank 4 spells - Grandmaster Level spel/"

"Rank 5 spells - Archmage Level spells"

"Rank 6 spells - Deity Level spells"

"Each ranks are more powerful than than the latter and they require more mana"

"However. A strong spell does not mean that the mage is strong. If a smart mage knew how to use his arsenal of spells efficiently its possible to defeat higher rank mages."

"Rank 1 spells although the weakest. Some of them are incredibly useful base on the situation so dont focus on Higher rank spells alone."

The principal Taught Quinn a few more times.

The necessary knowledge needed for 1 to become a proper mage. Right now, Quinn is finally starting to become a true mage. He took the principals Advice and save it in his mind. Not missing a single piece of advice.

After all Not everyone can have the chance to receive a Coaching from the best mage in the academy.

Time pass by and Quinn stayed at the library. Browsing through various books and absorbing knowledge like drinking water.

With dense mana circulating inside his body he dont feel tired at all. And with his brain reinforced my mana as well make it easier to memorize things.

'Magic sure is Wonderful!' Quinn Smiled while reading through the history of magic.

"Right now im still considered a rank 1 mage. I can learn rank 3 spells because of the Mana heart"

"The principal said that In order for a Mage to Increase his rank. The number of magic circle in his mana core should be increased."

"Inscribing Magic runes into your heart will be extremely dangerous. More so for a newbie like me. I have to postpone this for a while."

Quinn Closed the book of Magic History and Took the spells he chose from the list of Rank 3 Earth Element magic.

[[ Earth Element Magic: Earth Golem ]]

[- Creates a Golem that Listen to Your Command. The size of the golem depemds on the amount of mana used]

[[Earth Element Magic: Labyrinth of Earth ]]

[- Create spike of earth from the ground that branches is random direction. Creating some sort of Earth Maze inside.]

[[ Earth Element Magic: Earth Mud Swamp]]

[- Turns The Floor around the user into a deep mud swamp. The radius increase in accordance to mana used]

He also choose some of the Rank 1 Earth Element Magic As well.

[[ Earth Magic : Earth Wall ]]

[[ Earth Magic : Earth Spike ]]

[[ Earth Magic : Rock Bullets ]]

This will be his basic attack and defense spells.

The process of inputting them to the Grimoire is simple. Just like doing an Enchantments copying the formula and activating the veins of stability check.

However the Magic Circle of Spells was more complicated than an enchantment so it took a long time to finish Inputting all of them.

After Few Hours of Copying ang checking its finally complete.

Quinn Now has 7 Spells Registered in his Grimoire.

3 more and it would be full. If he wants to increase the Capacity. Upgrading it was very expensive.

'Let's see' He flipped through the pages and stopped on a spell.

Quinn channeled his mana into his Grimoire and the magic circle Activated.

"Earth Golem" This time Enough mana was only channeled. Enough mana for the spell to be activated.

A lump on the floor appeared. And soon began to change shape. It changed into A Humanoid Shape with same height as him. It has no particular appearance and just look very simple.

"Walk around" Quinn Ordered.

The golem took a step and walk around the Library.


The golem stop on its track.

"Come back here" the golem went back in front of him."

'I see It would obey whatever I ordered it.'

Quinn experimented with the golem a bit more. Issuing different orders. Testing its capabilities. How strong it is.

After a bunch of test. Quinn discovered something.

He seems to be able to change the Properties of earth!

"This!" He exclaimed.

"The spell only said that it creates a golem made of earth. It didn't say I can change it's Properties!"

Quinn Touch the arm of the Golem and shaped it to look like a sword.

"Properties change"

The original Rock Sword Changed into a sword made of metal. And if he added te details a sword have.

It was now a Sharp Sword that can cut The floor.

"Is this my attributes?" He asked himself. To test this. He used other spells suxh as Eath walls. Earth spike, Rock bullet.

He can indeed change the properties of it.

He can turn a rock into a Metal, Gold, Diamond, and any other mineral.

"Does it scope anything as long as its related to earth?"

After trying out a few more. It seems to be correct.

He cant turn them into other elements like water and fire.

"No wonder Everyone Envies Hexagram Mages!" Quinn smiled.

After improving his strength. He no longer feel Power less.