Chapter 9: Combat (1)

Quinn Stretched out his Body. It's Been A while since he felt tired after he formed his Mana heart.

Although not all of his mana was used. Using attributes seems to drain his stamina.

"I guess it was an equal exchange" Quinn thought. Adding attributes into magic attacks increases their overall power and some even add effects.

If this didn't have any price needed to pay for activation. Wouldn't Hexagrams already took over the entire world?.

"I guess It's time to call it a day. " Quinn look towards the clock. It was 11 O'clock in the night. I must be In my optimal state for tomorrow's Magic Combat Class.


A Palace that was Being surrounded by Flames. The palace itself seems like it was being melted with its color red.

One man was Sitting on the floor in one of the traing rooms. The Rooms was filled with raging flames.

It was Igrid Crisostomo. He was still angry at what happened this morning. "To think that country bumpkin actually blocked an attack from me."

"Even if that was just a casual attack. Having my face slapped like this doesn't feel good." Igrid Grumbles.

He didn't go all out on the confrontation between him and Quinn that time. No matter how bad his personality was he was still a fellow students from the same academy.

He had been like this since birth. He is perfect and everything else but lacking in his Anger management issues. This sometimes clouded his Decision making skills.

Remembering what happened again. The Flames inside the Rooms Flared up again. If anyone was here they would think they're in hell.


"Good Day class im professor steven son, I will be your Professor when it comes to Magic Combat" Professor Steven introduced himself.

"Without further ado Group your self into your respective elements" .

The students began to move and group themselves. They gathered around the 6 Hexagram mages.

"During our class starting now will be combat training. I will make sure you get experience as much as possible for the rest of this year."

The students readied themselves and Listen attentively to steven.

"Now that your done, Let's move to the Field "

By group, Quinn and the other students began to move.

Arriving at the field.

Steven Brought out a ballot box. He put some kind of chips inside it and began to shake it scrambling the contents.

"What I have is A box containing the chips representing every elements.Hexagram step forward, Take one chip inside and whoever you manage to draw will be your groups Opponent."

Quinn and the others stepped forward and draw a chip on the box.

Professor Steven Smiled and announced. " This will be the matchup for todays Combat Training!"

He took out a Magic equipment that displays a Hologram projection.

[Light Element vs Wind Element]

[Fire Element vs Earth Element]

[Dark Element vs Water Element]

"First Match! Light vs Wind!" Steven announced.

"Get to you position!".

The Field was as wide as a football court. Each teams was stationed from each opposite edge.

It look like a ruined Ancient city.

"The goal of this Competition is to Destroy the Other sides Tower.!"

"Whoever's Tower fell first and those flag touch the ground. Will lose!"

"Get ready!"


Each team composed of 10 students.

[[Mark's Pov]]

"Let's be practical. And divide our group in half. The other half will Guard the tower and the others will attack."

After a few discussion those who would remain and attack have been decided.

"Jayce, You will be in charge of the defense team. Don't let the other team destroy our tower. Beware of the sky. Wind magic is extremely tricky" Mark reminded his friend.

"Leave it to me" Jayce answered.

They met each other even before coming here and the two of them have develop some sort of friendship.

Mark lead the attack team towards the enemy tower. The terrain is an abandoned ruins.theres many tall ruined towers In the vicinity.

"Report! Enemy Mages Detected theres also five of them!" One of the scout in mark's team reported.

"Hexagram Jill Mamogs is also among the 5." The other said.

"I'll deal with Jill, all of you focus on the other four."

"Let's do a surprise attack scatter and surround them. Once they're surrounded we will perform BLINDING LIGHT together." Mark said.

"Yes!" The team scattered into different direction.

[[Jill's POV]]

"What are they doing?" Asked Jill.

"It seems like they scattered. I can feel the movement of wind from different direction" He added.

"Be careful of sneak attacks!" He warned the team.

The team naturally followed his instructions. He was the strongest of them. Although some didn't like being ordered around by a foreigner they have no choice.

The Wind Team continued their advance. Not letting their guard down.

Among the 6 palace. The wind palace are the most sensitive and can feel the different vibration of wind.

Especially for Jill. He can accurately tell the position of the enemy with his super sensitivity.

'what are they planning to do? they're trying to surround us' Jill Pondered.

He closed his eyes and tried to feel eveb the smallest vibration of air'

'Bl-ind-ng~' not good!

"Cover your eyes!" He suddenly shouted.

His team Did as he said And covered their eyes.

Jill's Grimoire Flew and floated in the air. It flipped through the pages before it stopped and activated a spell.

"DUST DEVIL!" Jill Roared.

The surrounding wind violently circled around his team into a huge tornado. It carried dense amount of Dust that covers the whole battlefield. It block most of the light coming from the BLINDING LIGHT spell of the other team.

'if we got caught by that our eye's will be fried!' jill said with anger in his heart.

"They're Vision is now limited. Let's hunt them one by one. I'll deal with Mark. While you four to his teammates." Jill ordered his team and gave them some advises before scattering vanishing deep into the dust fog created.

As wind mages have Sensitive Sense when ut comes to wind movement. They have an advantage in dealing with hidden opponents.

[[Mark's POV]]

"They Blocked it Huh? And what's more created an advantage on us at the same time, good work jill!" Mark said and smiled.

He can feel something with a lot of mona coming into his direction.

There's no need to guess it was Jill Mamogs. The Hexagram of the Wind Palace.