Chapter 10: Combat (2)

the two looks toward each other's eye while the tension between the two of them kept increasing

''How did you know ?'' Mark asked Jill

''you know that wind mages are sensitive two wind vibrations. sneak attacks like that are pointless in front of me.'' Jill replied.

ask he spoke the wind around the two of them moved as if being controlled.

they gathered around jill's hand and condensed into a 2 meter light green scythe


''nice weapon you have there''. Mark replied.

light particles also condensed on Mark's hand. they transformed into a Light sword.


the two of them charge at each other . they're weapons colided against each other causing waves of mana to ripplein every direction.

this marks the start of the batle. wind tornados and light whips, beams, appeared at different part of the battlefield. reminding them that the battle betwee they're teammates already started.

'as i thought our strength are the same .' the both of them thought after sizing each other.

'only one factor would decide the outcome of this match ' jill said to himself.


''HAAAA~" the both of them shouted.

they're grimoire flipped to their chosen spells and activated

Jill's scythe glowed brighter. he slash towards mark's direction and wind blade as thick as human and 4 meters in height came out of his scythe.


it was a rank 1 wind magic spell from the wind palace. it was a basic attack every wind mage can do however because of the mana heart it was supplied with a lot of mana.

even though it was not completely touching the ground it still left behind a clean cut on its path.

thanks to Jill's attribute added to the spell.


'I can alter the sharpness of every magic I know.

even a defense magic can be used to attack if I add sharpness on the wind.' .

Jill slashed wave his scythe into different angles sending dozens of wind blades toward mark.

Mark naturally saw this.


he activated a spell of his own. it was a spell that fires a focused stream of light that can pierce enemy.

unlike Rank 1 LIGHT LASER. LUMINOUS BEAM is a Rank 2 Light magic and is very strong. it has a diameter of 16 meters.

this was Mark's attribute called "AMPLIFICATION"

mark can double the size of his attacks and if he poured al of his mana on top of that no one knows how big it will get.

the two attacks is about to collided with each other.

the sharp windblades chipped away at the the large beam of light coming towards it and cut through it like butter. the beam didn't top and shattered some of the wind blades.

thanks to being cut by the wind blades the beam was divided into many parts that shot into different directions.

the two clashed like this for a while attacking and dogging their attacks.Using different kinds of magic at once. it became a battle of attrition, the one who let down his guard will lose.


at the observers room many professors and students watched the battle betwen the two with excitement.

those from the same palace cheered for their team and watched with awe.

Quinn and the other Hexagram watched the battle between Mark and Jillfor a long time.

'The scale of this batle is many stronger than the one I watched on meTV' Quinn thought.

'can my Properties deal with Jill's Sharpness and Mark's Amplification?, He began form strategies in order to counter them in future.


"it's about time we ended this Mark!" Jill shouted.

Mark heard this and looked towards his Teamates battling the other team. The original One on one had become a Group Fight.

''You're right!'' Mark shouted back.

although the light team may seem okay and have no major wounds on their body this is because of the ability of light mages to cast healing magic.

healing magic consumes more mana than normal spell. and since the start of the fight up to no. healing magic must have been used many time over.

mark can feel that this teammates are about to run out of gas.

'the outcome will be decided by this las attack!'both of them thought.

they're grimoire floated and flipped through its pages.



A big spear made out of violent wind formed on top of Jills head. it looks like a compresed tornado . jill added his attributes into the spear. it now exudes a very dangerous aura.

meanwhile mark's spell causes the surrounding to be more darker than appears to be that a portion of the sky was completely dark.

as for where did the light from this went to. with being condense into one spot and it just looks like a spall ball of light.

"GOO!" the two shouted at the same time.

the HURRICANE SPEAR darted towards mark at an incredible speed while the light ball convulsed a few times and let shot out a blinding light at one direction . this light was a concentrated beam of light that melted anyone in its path.

the two attacks met at the middle of the two Hexagrams.

the spear pierced through the 25 meter diameter beam and went straight to mark and Jill catched the beam perfectly.

the colliton betwwen the two attacks caused ahuge explosion.

er some time the rubbles stopped and the view was cleared. the observers gasped a what they saw..

they can see Jill's body charred black and one of Mark's Arm along with his left shoulder was nowhere to be seen. he was covered with blood.

they're teammates saw their leaders situation and help them.

jill is still alive thanks to his body protections however he is now on no shape no continue. on another hand Mark still has enough mana to cast a healing spell.


A phantom of a temple covered him and his teammates all their injuries healed. his arm generated slowly visible to the naked eye.

his teammates look athim with respect. the girls on the observation room went kyaa~ kyaa~immediately.

'' the tower, we stil need to destroy it." mark said.

"leave it to me Mark!'' one of the light mages answered his name is Kobe.

''without their Hexagram they wont be able to protect their tower, we just want you to intimidate their attack team andprevent them from moving."kobe said.

"that's right mark'' his other teamate said.

the others also comforted mark.

he smiled at his teammates and reassured them.

the other team noticed the light teams attack team getting straight to their tower.

"Don't move! and no one has to get hurt!"Mark stood up and confronted the enemy mages.

they still remember the scene earlier Marks attacks were unbelievably big. a single spell from him can hit them all at once.

they're afraid that he can still cast spells. but mark was only bluffing.

in the end they didn't dare to move and soon the und of victory was announced.