Chapter 11: Combat (3)

Quinn observed the cademy staffs cleaning up the battlefield.

the two hexagrams fight was mind blowing to him such level was very surprising. they're use of magic was very good and efficient.

"Next teams prepare yourselves!!"professor steven said.

[Fire team Vs. Earth team] was displayed on the projector.

"both teams o to your place and we wil start immediately !"

arriving at the bottom of the tower Quinn was surprised bye how big it is. he didn't get comparison he watching the last teams fight.

"Quinn, should we also divide our team into attack and the other team?"one of the student behind said.

'if i remember her name is Rie,Quinn tried t remember.

"No Rie , we would focus on defense. the advantage of earth mages shines when there's alot of them'''Quinn replied.

''so what's the plan??" the other student look towards him

"fortify this place and make a fortress!' Quinn said.

"Yes!" everyone soon got to their positons.

after a while professsor steven gave the start signal


"RANK 1 EARTH MAGIC:EARTH WALL!!" Different voices echoed on the Eath teams base

soon a 30 meter wall that looks like a castle wall appearead from e edge of the field to the other.

"Get on top of the wall and bombared them with projectiles." Quinn ordered.

Rie and the others Nodded and Jump towards the walls looking like a castle Guards.

Quinn look towards the massive wall that stretch from left to right of the battle field. this is the advantageof earth mages. they can minimize the consumption of mana and still strengthen Earth magic.

Quinn smiled and was satisfied. just as he was about to laugh he immediately felt something. from the other side of the wall.

he jump towad the top and observed what was wrong. a GIant ball of flames as headed their direction. Its actually bigger than the wall.

'Judging from the power it exudes it was definitely Rank 3'Quinn thought.

the other team members saw this scene wand their mouth fell to the floor while Some was dumbfounded and others we're scared.

"sigh~ " Quinn only sighed when he saw their reaction and jumped down from the wall to the other side.

"You never Waste Time do you!?" Quinn shouted towards the raging ball of flames.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" a mad laughter sounded from within the giant ball of flames .

"Quin! You're Dead!!" Igrid Emerged from the ballof flames shouted. he was stepping on a Flame Pheonix.

the giant ball of fire rushed towards the ball the moment Igrid go outside.

"Quinn!" shouted by Rie.

"Don't Worry!,Focus on his teammates I will deal with this!" Quinn Said.

Quinn look towards the giant ball and his grimoire flew out of his holder and flipped through its pages.


towering wall made of earth rised from the ground. it soon catch up with the Flames sphere's height .

while on top of the newly made earth wall the grimoire flipped its pages again.


spikes portruded from the side of the wall that is facing Igrid's Attack. Quinn Controlledthe giant walland omved it forward intending to collide it with the sun like attack.

seeing the wall of spikes charging towards him. he let out a laugh ,

"do you think a mere rank 1 magic can defeat a rank 3 ? Quinn you really are a country Bumpkin!" he ridiculed Quinn with all his heart.

Quinn Ignored himand watch the collision between his attack and igrid's. and just as it was about to collide.

the spiked wall suddenly changed it was no longer made of rock bu of different material.

after reading some books on the library he also came across many types o rocks that exist in this world. and as long as he knew what it looks like he can copy its properties .

one of this rock is called Vulcanite. A Heat resistant Rock that can be found in volcanoes it was very rare as they were buried deep inside the lava.

there isn't that many fire mage who is brarve enough to swim into one.

the spiked wall becomes color black with some tinge of dark red. theres also some kind of bright red cracks that looklike a lava.

it blocked Igrid's Attack wihout letting any of the fire scatter however although the collision still did crumbled the wall

"heh, seems like you're just all talk!" shouted Quinn.

''You bastarad!!"Igrid replied back.

'what did he do? and how did he block it with a mere rank 1 magic? i saw the wall changed color is that his attbute? it looks similar to the material our traning room was made of'.

many questions flooded his mind.

"loos like I really am underestimating you!"Igrid said while glaring at Quinn.

the other team members also saw what happened . they saw Quinn use RAnk 1 magic to stop a Rank 3 magic.normally this would be impossible but They guess Hexagrams are just built DIfferent.

"Are You done attacking? I guess its my turn right?"


Earth spikes rose from the ground and branched out from random direction creating a strange rock formation shaped like spikes but with other spikes gowing on it lke branches that keeps multiplying.

it didn't stop and soon covered the whole part of the battlefield where ll of them are.

he team members looks around them and saw nothing but Rock spikes covering the whole place.

this is like Jill's DUST DEVIL Creating an advantageous Environment for WInd mages.

and with Rock formations covering the sky and the ground. the earth mages now have the ability to attack from diferent directions.

such huge spell depleted half of Quinn's Mana but it was worth it. because this environment was necessary to show his ultimate attacks.

" dont let them have the chance to breath!" Quinn shouted.

"ORAAAAAA!!!!" his teammates sounded one by one.

Rock Bullets, Earth spikes, Earth arrows flew from different directions towards their targets