Chapter 12: Combat (4)

Igrid looked around him. Every where he turned his head. There was a rock pillars in different angles and some of them are made of Vulcanite. This made it difficult for Igrid to breakthrough.

'However is thst really the case? ' Quinn thought as he observed Igrid not doing anything and just looking around.

Although it is said that Vulcanite is the most heat resistant rock in the world. It didn't say that it was very durable. It can still be broken with explosions. It can be defeated by any physical force as long as it is strong enough.

Igrid's Grimoire continued to flip through its pages.


Dozens of Flame Orbs Appeared out of nowhere on Igrid's side. The sheer amount was thanks to his amount of mana. The FIRE BULLETs Glowed Intensely. Sign that Attributes where being added to each.

Quinn who saw this didn't wait without doing anything.


Pointy Rock bullets rose and floated in air pointing towards Igrid's. The Bullets Changed their texture into a Black rock with a tinged of Dark Red and Lava cracks on the surface. Vulcanite Properties.

The bullets from each side. Spin Fiercely adding momentum to their attacks.

"GO!"At their signal. The bullets shot out one after another.

At each collision. Small explosions happens prevention the Rock bullets from piercing through the bullets.

The sound of explosions sounded in the battle field as Flames Spread in the ground. As long as Igrid didn't Cancel it the inextinguishable Fire will not burn out an continue to Burn the battlefield.

"EARTH SPIKES!" Quinn Shouted.

From the Pillars of Rocks.Dozens of Spikes portruded and rush towards Igrid's attempting to stab him. If he got hit by this he will no doubt become a behive.

Igrid's body turned into Fire. When the spikes stabbed him it merely passed through. No damage was done. Igrid jump upwards freeing himself.

'Seems Like I have to imprison him If I want to defeat him. I thought I would Have an advantage with the vulcanite but. I forgot about his Firebody that is immune to physical attacks.' Quinn Said to himself. He began to devise a plan.

Igrid is about to land when suddenly. The floor become goey. It was mud.


By using a lot of mana. He only have half of his maximum remaining. The floor of the entire battlefield turned into a muddy swamp.

The enemy fire mages whow as caught off guard began to sink. They struggled but it only makes the descent faster. The earth Mages didn't let go pf this chance. Rock bullets and Earth Spikes shot out.

With the enemy in panic. It hit them perfectly knocking them out. While some manage to escape by jumping without any foothold they will be an easy target.

Igrid saw his teammates getting knockouted one by one. He grotted his teeth and looked st Quinn.

"Hmph, You're team just got lucky. Don't let this go to your head!" He shouted.


It was a spell that channels the power of the sun, releasing a blindingly bright and intensely hot beam of solar energy that incinerates enemies in a straight line.

Pouring most of his mana and stamina. The beam glowed fiercely red. It was an attack that burned earth itself. Even the Vulcanite is no match for the heat of the sun.

"Tch!" Quinn noticed the crisis. His body turned into Rock Showcasing his Earth body by absorbing the earth around him he gigantify himself almost hitting the ceiling of the labyrinth.

This is last ditch move. Being hit by this attack while on human form will obliterate him. He can only enlarge himself to minimize the damage.

The beam hit Quinn's Torso digging a hole into it. The burning pain hurt quite a lot. Quinn's face didn't manage to hide it. It was contorted.

"I'm not done yet Quinn!!!!" Igrid charge at him.


The Flaming Pheonic Came out again. This time it was dozens of time more bigger than before. It flew towards Quinn's Gigantic body the wad lying in the ground. Everywhere the pheonix passed by. Large Explosions Happened.

"Aaarrgh---" Quinn couldn't help but shout in pain.

"HAAHHAHAHA '' seeing Quinn's face Igrid laugh madly.

"That's right scream more! let the world hear it" he added.

"you bastard!!!how can you still use RAnk 3 magic when you have little mana left!??'' Quinn shouted.

"Naturally it's because of this "Igrid pointed at the necklace dangling in his neck it look to be some sort of artifact that can store mana head of time and use it whenever the wearer wanted.

Quinn look at Igrid with disbelief.

"Bastard are you not embarassed to actualy bring out gun in a fist fight??!' Quin shouted .

"So what ? being able to possess an artifact is also a show of my strength. What more there are no rule that states that you're not allowed to use one."Igrid smiled maliciously.

''Quinn, If your being a sore loser then you should just giveup!"he shouted.

Quinn glared at Igrid. He can't find the words to get back at what he is true,Quinn also knew this.

"If you think i've been defeated then you're seriously mistaken!"Quinn shouted.


A huge golem bulge out of the ground. when testing at the library he learned that vhanging the appearance was posible. instead of a humanoid golem this golem look like a beast.

in this world there are some undefeated beast roaming around. one such beast is called a BALLOTH. it was a fierce beast with blue fur and muscular body. horns portruded from its head and some on its shoulder. at the end of its tail a morning star was attached to it and its claws are made of strong materials.

according to the books a BALLOTH is a beast of destruction. it has a violent personality who only have Destruction on it's mind.