I nod, thanking them both as I pass through the gate. The streets of Aldoria bustle with activity even at this late hour. Merchants pack up their stalls, children play in the fading light, and townsfolk finish their daily chores. The town feels alive, especially when compared to the grim scene I just left behind myself in the forest.
I walk through the streets curiously, taking in the sights and sounds. It's my first time in a fantasy town but it reminds me of a medieval settlement, since it lacks anything supernatural to it, at least to my inexperienced eyes. Maybe I just don't know where I should be looking.
Locating a lodging establishment appears to be the optimal plan. I require a location to relax, contemplate, and possibly learn about local rumors. Shortly thereafter, I come across a small inn named "The Silver Stag." The strong light from lanterns spills out onto the street, beckoning tired travelers to come in.
I enter the common room by pushing the door open. It is packed with individuals from various backgrounds - vendors, tourists, and a handful of residents enjoying a beverage together. The host, a large man with a welcoming expression, peeks over the bar counter.
"Welcome to The Silver Stag! Are you here for a bed or a warm meal?"
"Both. A room for the night, and some food." I reply with a nod.
The innkeeper accepts my words. "We've got a few rooms left. That'll be 14 bronze coins for the night and an extra 9 for a hot meal."
The price is close to what the guard told me, and I'm too exhausted to search for a better deal. I reach into my bag, pulling out the pouch I scavenged from the merchant's carriage. I thank the innkeeper and follow him upstairs to a small but cozy room. It may not be a lot, but it's a long way from sleeping outdoors in the forest.
After making sure my items are safe and concealing my valuable possessions, I go back downstairs. I sit down at a table surrounded by the scent of stew and freshly baked bread filling the air. A busty waitress presents me with a hot bowl of stew and a chunky piece of bread, and I eagerly start eating.
I was pleasantly delighted with the outcome of the meal. To be honest, I wouldn't have been shocked if they lacked salt and pepper for seasoning in this world, yet they not only had the essential flavor enhancers but also additional ones. I'm sampling some spicy chili with possibly onion, garlic, and also a bay leaf included. I can't guarantee that my guess is completely accurate, but what matters most is that I am extremely pleased.
As I eat, I listen to the conversations around me, hoping to pick up useful information. Most talk is mundane - discussions about the weather, trades, and local gossip. But one conversation catches my attention.
"Did you hear about the green midget raids near the eastern road? Little rape dwarfs are back in full swing…" a grizzled man at the bar spits. "They've been getting bolder, attacking travelers and merchants in broad daylight. The guards are stretched thin trying to deal with them while also maintaining order inside the city."
Another man slurps his ale and burps loudly, almost making me lose my previously ravenous appetite in the process. "Yeah! The recent border aggressions from the furries also don't help. I bet the city lord is busy writing a few commissions to the adventurer's guild right about now."
My ears perk up at the mention of goblins and adventurers. This could be useful. I make a mental note to avoid the eastern road and focus on strengthening myself before attempting anything risky. I wonder if they've been notified about the merchant carriage yet.
As the night progresses, I complete my dinner and head back to my room. After reclining on the little bed I gaze up at the ceiling with many thoughts spinning in my head. This world is dangerous but full of opportunities. I need to be smart, cautious, and always on the lookout for ways to increase my power and wealth.
Before going to sleep I inspect my status screen as a sort of lullaby. I still have a bit of a hard time acknowledging that all this is really happening. I have a very strong fear that I'm merely dreaming and may wake up at any moment. After experiencing so much excitement and hope in a single day I would probably become suicidal if I got dragged back to that boring hellhole.
I check my attributes and their descriptions.
Strength (STR): Increases physical power and damage with melee weapons.
Agility (AGI): Boosts speed, reflexes, and evasion.
Intelligence (INT): Enhances magical power, Mana Points (MP), and the effectiveness of spells.
Vitality (VIT): Raises Health Points (HP) and resilience.
Wisdom (WIS): Improves mana regeneration, spell casting speed, and resistance to magical effects.
Pretty straightforward. If I want to become a mage-type, then I would need to invest heavily into all besides Strength. If there are mages in the first place that is, and I can unlock such a class…
There's no chance I will not invest in Agility or Vitality, no matter what build I go for. Speed is perhaps the most important stat in my opinion.
And, well, Vitality increases my HP so that is an obvious must. I highly doubt I can just respawn after death so I can't become some glass-cannon type. One trap or sneak attack and I'm a goner.
I drift off merrily into dreamland, with such a happy expression plastered all over my face I probably haven't worn since I grew up. My childlike wonder and excitement are back in full force.