Are you insane, brother?!

And just like that, it was time to face off with the Wraithclaws who used the time we so generously gifted them to organize themselves much better.

"Wait! Let's talk this out like gentlemen! I don't want to have to rebuild my home, you know how much I spent on this place?!" A sudden voice interrupted me just before I could truly get into the mood of murdering dozens of my enemies.

"ten gold?" I threw my random guess at him. I didn't want to start conversing with the enemies since they could use the momentary loll in the battle to come up with better countermeasures.

"T-t-ten?! Are you insane, brother?! I live in bumfuck nowhere, just getting the materials here nearly cost me half of that amount! You have no clue how much hard work's fruit this mansion is!" The speaker of these strange sentences finally became visible as he came to the front of his soldiers. He was standing behind two tankers who had their human-sized shields raised to protect him.