Brother, I got no clue.

Nooo…! Not my most fervent subordinate! This is a horrible backstab that was a hundred times more painful than Selene's spell which burnt me alive. I'll have to remind Blossom of the pecking order tonight once I pin her beneath me in the sheets.

"Oh, the Whale Humper? I haven't met him yet, but he is most certainly right." Blackjack decreed while accepting the health potion that I summoned from my storage ring.

"Alright, that's enough. Instead, tell us about your connection to the Vesper Consortium." I said, turning the topic more serious.

The high-tier healing potion had some effects on him, but it could never replace a talented healer's handiwork like my Sera's, and this burned, poisoned, and severely beaten man definitely needed her attention. However, the potion had enough effect to stabilize his condition, thus he was no longer in danger of dying, but he was still a charred human who looked like a prop for a horror movie.